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The Media Restarts Its Obama Support

The Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare and won a historic election with over 60 seats changing hands in the House a a few seat pick ups in the Senate. Now that the last Congress has done its damage the new one is ready to take over. It is unlikely that they can repeal the law because the Senate is controlled by Democrats and if it makes it to Obama he will veto it.

But that should not stop Republicans from introducing legislation to repeal the law and if that does not work then they should defund it. If all else fails they can tack repeal on to the bill that would raise the debt ceiling. That issue will certainly come up and though I favor holding the debt ceiling, we could tack repeal on to the bill raising the debt ceiling and force Obama and the Democrats to either hold the debt ceiling or repeal a bad law.

An ABC staffer is already taking the lead in the media fight to help Obama by saying that if Republicans spend time on repeal it will not go well with the electorate.

The electorate voted them in based on repeal so it is obvious that the media are striking the first blow to help Obama.

Since when was anyone in the MSM concerned about the fate of Republicans?


Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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