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The Hypocrisy of Teddy

Now, in all fairness, he probably doesn’t know that he is as hypocritical as he is- number one, it is his innate sense of entitlement that makes him oblivious to hypocrisy- after all, he is a Kennedy, therefore he is better than us mere mortals.

Number two, even though the brain cancer that has taken half of his brain has probably made him smarter in some respects, being a Kennedy is a different life- form- indeed, he might actually begin to make sense after the rest of his brain is eaten by the cancer. He certainly isn’t making sense now.

Back in 2004, when Herman Munster– uh, John Kerry (sorry, I get those mixed up ALL the time) was running for President, Teddy boy had the law changed in Massachusetts that would replace Herman Munster-(damn, not again) John Kerry in the Senate- the thinking being that the Dems did not want Republican Mitt Romney replacing Kerry with a Republican pick, so Teddy had the law changed from a Governmental appointment to a special election.

Now that the seat that may be vacated is his, Teddie wants a do- over.

 For nearly half a century, Sen. Edward Kennedy has guarded his family’s political legacy. Stricken with cancer and as Congress takes up his signature issue, he is tending to his own.

Kennedy asked Massachusetts lawmakers to change state law to give Gov. Deval Patrick, a fellow Democrat and supporter of President Barack Obama, the ability to appoint an interim replacement to Kennedy’s seat should Kennedy be unable to continue serving.

Under state law, an election is required within 145-160 days after a Senate seat becomes vacant. That would temporarily leaveMassachusetts without a voice in the Senate — and Senate Democrats potentially one vote short on any health care overhaul legislation.

Kennedy said he supports the special election process, but wants to ensure the seat is filled during the course of the election.


Oh yeah, I am sure that Teddye boy really cares about the process- that is why he is always changing it to suit his idea of the day here. The man never cared about fair- that has been evident since Mary Jo- he is just trying to ensure that “healthscare” doesn’t die with him. Personally, I would like to be the one that whispers in his ear, as he takes his last breath, “The bill failed, Ted- now go have a talk with God and Mary Jo- they have been waiting.”

Still, even the Dems in the state are somewhat reluctant to be changing laws every four years like a Banana Republic- that doesn’t bother Teddy, but then he has HALF a brain- (you see, even the village idiot can serve).

“We have great respect for the senator and what he continues to do for our commonwealth and our nation. It is our hope that he will continue to be a voice for the people of Massachusetts as long as he is able,” they said in a joint statement.

The state last changed its succession law in 2004 to require the special election. Before that the governor was allowed to name a successor. At the time, Democrats were worried that then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney would be able to fill any vacancy created if Democratic Sen. John Kerry was elected president.

Republican House Leader Brad Jones said he proposed virtually the same idea in 2004 as Kennedy is proposing now — which would have allowed Romney to name someone to fill the seat on an interim basis — but it was overwhelmingly rejected by Democrats.

“If this is going to move forward, people are going to have to explain what’s changed between then and now,” said Jones, of North Reading.


Now, I am aware that some people actually believe that Teddie is an OK guy- I am not one of them- just as people are outraged at the Lockerbie bomber being freed, despite never admitting guilt, I see no difference between Teddye and this other waste of space- the ONLY difference being the number of people killed. There has never been an admission of guilt, an apology, or ANY type of penance. 

In my world, he would have never been eligible to run for the Senate, much less serve as long as he has. Now he wants to change the rules so the seat can stay a Democratic seat- probably for some Kennnedy-to-be-named-later. What arrogance.

This healthscare bill needs to be defeated while he is still alive, so we can all “feel his pain” before he dies.

And then a Republican needs to sit in his seat.

After the seat is exorcised.

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