The Holy Trinity; In the Name of the Father…

Something is absolutely wrong at Trinity United Church, the church where Obama spent 20 years oblivious to the racial hatred spewed from the mouth of Pastor Wright. It might be something in the Holy Water or maybe they put crack in the wine but whatever it is it seems to affect those in the pulpit. The newest inflammatory (and non religious) remarks came from Father Michael Pfleger who used his time in front of the congregation to make a political statement about Hillary Clinton and her feeling of entitlement. Not entitled because she is Hillary but entitled because she is white. Hillary was the white person who looked up and saw that a black man was stealing her rightful position as the next Democratic presidential nominee. As Michelle Malkin said:

It’s one thing to ridicule Hillary’s sense of political and ideological entitlement as part of the Clinton dynasty. But the demagogic emphasis on her race from this hate preacher on the pulpit is quite another thing.

The You Tube video at Malkin’s site states it is no longer available but you can still see it (at least for now) at Political Kudzu.

Father Pfleger is introduced as a friend of the church who needs no introduction. Immediately he goes into a rant about the past and how if we white folks reap the benefits of what our ancestors did for us then we must also accept responsibility for what they did (presumably to black people). This is an illogical argument and compares to unlike things. People are able to enjoy the fruits of labor of their ancestors (as in inherited wealth) without being responsible for what people did to others a century and a half ago. If Pfleger wants to take this route it might have been nice if he would have stated that we whites also get the benefit of all those in our families who died in the Civil War.

The issue I have is his political statements from the pulpit. He is a supporter of Obama and has endorsed him. Until recently, he was listed as a spiritual endorser of Obama. It is amazing how many of these kinds of people keep popping out of the woodwork and it is amazing that Obama is just now realizing how racist and inflammatory they are. The more these kinds of people appear the more disingenuous Obama appears when he says he had no idea what they were about and says their views are not his own. Birds of a feather and all that.

Does the Trinity United Church enjoy tax exempt status? If so then the IRS needs to look at the tape of this sermon and determine if Father Pfleger violated the law. It certainly seems to me that he did especially when one considers he endorsed Obama, is in a church in Obama’s home town, is preaching to a congregation that supports Obama, and he made it appear that Obama was the best choice over white entitlement.

The IRS really needs to look into this church and see about taking away any exemptions it enjoys. How many more lunatic preachers have to appear before someone takes notice?

While the government is at it, the DEA might want to check to see if the preachers are using drugs before the sermons. The Pope might want to look at this guy as well. He has child molester written all over him.

Ann Coulter was on Hannity and Colmes last night and they asked her about Pfleger. She said he was the white pastor Wright, that he was Eminem. I thought that was hysterical.

Big Dog

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6 Responses to “The Holy Trinity; In the Name of the Father…”

  1. c.a. Marks says:

    I thought it was Vanilla Ice, not Eminim

  2. Mustang says:

    Even more disturbing to me is the behavior of this (and many more) congregations, the subject of my post today. Like minds, I suspect.

    Mustangs last blog post..Disturbing Behavior

  3. Adam says:

    I don’t think that political speak entitles a church to lose it’s tax exempt status. There were several cases in the last Presidential election where conservative preachers gave anti-Kerry sermons and nothing really needed to be done about that. Lots of people on the left complained of course just as you complain about this.

    It’s sad really in my eyes. When I go to church I want to hear about the things I can change in my life that line up with the teachings of Christ, and telling me how to vote on an issue is not on that list. Politics is an important part of my life as you know, but I like churches that preach the things that unite us, not divide us.

    Adams last blog post..A Hillary Clinton Stalwart?

  4. Big Dog says:

    Just to be clear Adam (so others will know) when I heard about anyone, conservative or liberal talking politics from the pulpit I advocated them losing their tax exempt status.

    I agree, when I am in church the LAST thing I want to hear is about politics and politicians.

    I do think though, if they are investigated by the IRS they can lose their status but they usually get a warning or something first.

    As you know, I am no Hillary supporter but what this guy did was wrong and I cannot sanction it. I agree with Malkin that if he wanted to attack a sense of entitlement based on other things (but not in church) he would be more accurate than throwing race in there.

  5. Obama sure does have some disgusting friends and mentors.

    Always On Watchs last blog post..CNN Notices Jihad Watch

  6. Kim Spinney says:

    Beware of Obama, who is going to be Jimmy Carter’s Second Term.