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The Health Care Savings Two-fer

Barack Obama and his Democrats keep saying that the health care they want to impose will reduce costs. This is a blatant lie because they will spend trillions of dollars to implement this restrictive mandate that will affect the lives of everyone. It was recently reported that a Democrat was overheard stating that they would save money through the hospice program. In other words, they will push the elderly to die off rather than receive treatment and save money that way.

There is a provision in the bill for the elderly to begin receiving counseling on end of life decisions beginning at age 65 and occurring every 5 years thereafter. The counseling will take place more frequently if the person is sickly.

This is a practice that has the potential for widespread abuse. The elderly (as a group) are more easily manipulated and might be directed toward end of life rather than treatment. It will be presented as a more humane and dignified way to exit the Earth but the goal will be to save money by allowing the elderly to die. I also see these counselors deceiving the elderly (particularly those with dementia) or making decisions for them in order to push them toward hospice and to save the government money. The entire scheme is frightening and should not take place in this country. End of life decisions should be made by the patient, family members, medical staff, and clergy (if people desire that intervention). Government should have no role in the process.

But this whole plan might be a way for government to make Social Security more solvent as well. We are entering the time when most people must wait until 67 years of age before they can draw Social Security (full benefits). If they can be convinced at 65 to enter hospice or if they can be pushed that way every 5 years (sooner if they are sickly) then the government can save millions of dollars in Social Security benefits because the money people pay in is lost upon their death. If Social Security were an individual plan then the money could be passed on but since the government extorts the money and redistributes it, it is not reserved for the person who paid it in. If one dies before collecting then an entire life worth of Social Security is paid to someone else.

The government can kill two birds (and many seniors) with one stone. By forcing seniors to be counseled on end of life decisions and hospice, the government can hasten the end of those who are the biggest drain on health care and the recipients of Social Security and save money for both programs.

When Social Security was set up the life expectancy was lower and many people died before collecting. Those who did collect did not live very long so they collected very little. Since people are living longer there are more people being paid Social Security. The government has tried to curb this by raising the retirement age but people are still living longer. Forcing them into hospice (or directing them that way) would reduce the amount of health care treatment they receive and would hasten their demise and save Social Security a ton of money.

This is a win-win for the government but not so much for the elderly who Dr. Obama thinks should just take a pill.

The Democrats have a plan but they will not be a part of it. Under Obamacare, Ted Kennedy would not have received medical care for his terminal condition but since members of Congress will be exempt, old politicians will receive all the care they want and their lives will be prolonged. They will not be subject to end of life counseling like the peons over whom they rule.

There are many provisions of the bill that are unacceptable. Dinocrat has a list of them and they are not good. Be sure to follow the link and read them. The page numbers are included so that you can refer to the bill, if you dare.

One item on the list is that each person will receive a national insurance ID card.

Where is the ACLU on this? Where are the libtards who protest national ID cards as an invasion of privacy?

They would appear to be AWOL on this issue. Then again, they never were about rights to begin with.

We must defeat this bill and we absolutely must vote out any member of Congress who votes for it. Let them know this over the August recess. We need to show them who the boss is.

Maybe if we are lucky states will follow the lead of Texas. What a great state…

Big Dog

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