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The Fourth Of Never

Well, tomorrow is the fourth of July, a date that rightly should be celebrated by all here in this country, for without the Declaration of Independence, and later, the Constitution, we would not be where we are as a country, free to do pretty much what we wish.

This is one of the few nations where you do not have to feel confined or defined by what your father or mother has done in their lives. By this I mean that if your father was, say, a piano tuner, you are not obligated by necessity to follow in his footsteps. If you have a talent for piano tuning, and this is what you wish to do, you can make a living doing that- if you want to skateboard, well, find a way to make that pay- this is a country where you are only limited by the scope of your dreams and the tenacity of your determination to make this happen.

Or so it used to be. Now, it seems as if there are all kinds of roadblocks to progress being erected by the government, and our future has a few clouds on the horizon that we must heed, or we will find ourselves in stormy weather.

This country is under siege- the very foundations of this country are being stolen from us in much the same way that a pickpocket steals our money, by quiet thievery and subtlety. Capitalism isn’t just about the money, although that is what one thinks- it is also about the freedom to try and fail. Or succeed, which is the one thing that has made the United States the richest, most powerful nation on Earth. This is what has enabled us to become a nation where dreams can come true.

Socialism, which seems to be the next step in this progression Hussein is pushing, will of necessity, deprive us of some of our freedoms- oh, not all at once; as I said, this is a sneaky process, and these political pickpockets are relying on you to stay in front of your TV and just tune out anything unpleasant. I have spoken to many people who have told me that they don’t like to discuss politics, or that “History bores” them.

These are the people Hussein wants for his subjects, and believe me, “subjects” is the correct terminology here- with Socialism, Hussein will lead and feed the “masses”- all you have to do is give up those pesky dreams of becoming rich, and getting ahead, and providing security for your families. It’s nothing really, just ask Hitler, Stalin, or any of the other dictators- I am sure they would tell you that they were doing this “for the greater good”.

It is a dictum that government seeks to grow, and thereby limit freedoms, and so our founders put into place a system of checks and balances, whereby no single part of this government could have too much power. This is in imminent danger now, because of several things- one is the super- majority of Democrats; coupled with the Democrat president, laws can be passed and enacted with little to no control of a counter force, such as the other party.

But even this is not enough for the Resident, who has appointed “Czars”, people to oversee various aspects of our government and all of our lives. These “Czars” do not answer to Congress, as members of a President’s Cabinet must do- instead, they answer directly to the President and to no one else.

This alone is unconstitutional, and should have been nipped in the bud by the Congress, a political body that is generally jealous of any attempts to infringe on its turf, but they seem to be hypnotized by this pretender to the throne.

Another Constitutional problem has to do with the Tenth Amendment, that is, State’s Rights. By forcing states to take the stimulus, the Federal government believes that they gain some control over the states themselves, and this is not a good thing. States will ALWAYS know better than the Federal government what their citizens need.

Where are the politicians who know the Constitution and its limitations on power? Where are the people who actually want this country to remain a force for good in this world? We won’t be doing much of anything with the Resident in charge here, instead, our government will get larger, our freedoms a little less free, and our dreams will remain something less than possible realities.

This Fourth of July we should do one thing as we have our fun, and we eat our barbeque, and (hopefully) remember the original reason we celebrate this day.

We should take the time to read to our children the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and become active in how our country works, and what should not be done, as well.

Because there is much here that should not be done.
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