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The Entitled

I have discussions with all manner of people, both in this post site, and in the physical world, and sometimes I just have to shake my head at the sheer stupidity of some of these people.

These are the people who wanted “Change” without thinking through just what “Change” meant. Be very, very careful what you wish for in this world. You might get something you never wanted in your life- a muslim president comes to mind. Oh, the religion of the president wouldn’t be the deal- killer, but putting muslims ahead of the rest of the citizens of this country would.

What led to this? What was the thing that was so bad that we needed to be punished in this fashion? There was a poll that indicated that 67% of this country felt we were moving in the wrong direction. Really? Could this have been the direction where 95.4% of our population had a job? Could all the myriad selection in grocery stores be a bad thing? Or perhaps the thousands of different restaurants with many, many types of cuisine just isn’t good enough for you.

Perhaps the fact that we have running water and power consistently was something we were unhappy with. Or maybe our road system, you know, the one that would allow us to travel from one end of this country to the other needed “Change”.

There are so many spoiled brats in this country, and all of them need to strangle their “inner child”- we have  neighborhoods where there are no militias or constant IEDs to be aware of. Almost all of our teenagers have their own cell phones and blackberries, and computers. Many of these same teens have their own cars.  What is it about any of those things needed “Change”?

We have complete religious, social, and political freedom in this country- the rest of the world is envious of this- could you protest in many of the other countries in this world without persecution? I think not. You would be jailed for an indeterminate time, as we can see in Iran and N. Korea.  This is what you want “Changed”? 

We have become, unfortunately, a nation of ungrateful, spoiled brats- probably because schools no longer teach History as they should. Many in America no longer know what we, as a Nation, have sacrificed in the past, so we could get to this point. It is no wonder the rest of the world looks at us with distain-We are quite probably the most blessed people in this world, and yet we bitch about the things we do not have, and how bad our conditions are. Really?

At least three billion people in this world will never know what a hot, clean shower feels like. That seems like such a simple thing- something we take completely for granted, never thinking twice about turning the spigot on and having hot water come out. Many do not know where their next meal will come from, or have a secure place to sleep.

We have a military- a volunteer military– there is no draft- and there are many who curse the military, or say there is no need for them. In many cases they have died so you could complain on your high horse. They have done the difficult and dangerous work so you can sleep safely, so you can eat supper with your families, and take vacations. Would you really want this to “Change”? Every man (and woman) for themselves? That’s not a good scenario.

Yes, we have Hurricanes, we have floods and tornados- come on, grow a spine- there is always something, and despite all its flaws, we do have FEMA- there is not its equivalent anywhere else. Everywhere else, people dig themselves out. We have insurance, as bad as it may sometimes be. Many other nations have no recourse at all if their house disappears. Is this something that we should “Change”? I think not, although it needs tweaking, we should never throw the baby out with the bathwater. 

We have, contrary to all the detractors, the best health care in the world- yes, there are always parts that need fixing- name me anything that you believe is perfect, and I can probably find something it could do better. We are free to criticize, and boy oh boy do we do it- there are blogs of every type and stripe, from extreme left to extreme right, and even some I am not sure how to classify. The freedom we have is truly unbelievable. And yet there are those who want to “Change” these things.

Really? Because if you did not get a memo on just what specifically would change, you are quite likely to lose things you really, really liked, and in some cases can’t do without, like rights and freedoms.

Are we truly sure now is a real good time to consider taking God out of our Pledge of Allegiance, or our lives? 

Or would that be “Change” you could not believe?
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