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The Crisis Isn’t That Bad After All

Barack Obama was Chicken Little with regard to the economic downturn. He said it was a crisis and that we needed to act now or we might not be able to recover. He told Congress that they had to act now to pass his bill because time was of the essence. They passed it quickly, without reading it, and then he waited four days to sign it. So much for time being of the essence.

It is well known that Rahm Emanuel said that they could not let a crisis go to waste. He said a crisis was the time to push through things that you would not usually be able to get. And that is exactly what the Democrats have done. Barack Obama has spent a trillion dollars on a pork laden “stimulus” bill that does little to create meaningful, long lasting jobs, and it does little to stimulate the economy. The slide downward of the stock market is evidence of the lack of confidence in his policies.

But there was a good crisis to use and after they spent a trillion dollars that has yet to be earned, they passed an omnibus bill to clear up what they neglected last year. The bill had 9000 earmarks in it which means they wasted even more money. The crisis was there and they needed to get their pet projects out there before things started to recover. Once the crisis is over they might have trouble getting all that they want because the public will be more attentive.

Looks like Obama must have gotten all he figures he will be able to because he told executives at a Business Round Table that the crisis is “not as bad as we thought.”

It is not as bad as HE and HIS Democrats said it was. Most others recognized that it was bad but that it was not as bad as past recessions and that we could recover without spending a future generation’s wealth. Obama sounded the crisis klaxon and spent a lot very quickly to get what he wanted. Interestingly, he had this to say:

“I don’t think things are ever as good as they say, or ever as bad as they say,” Obama added. “Things two years ago were not as good as we thought because there were a lot of underlying weaknesses in the economy. They’re not as bad as we think they are now.”

As bad as THEY say? You were the one saying it was bad Barack. A lot of us knew it was not as bad as you were saying and that the hype was designed to get what you wanted even if it was not in the best interests of this country. You, Mr. Obama, were the one screaming that the world was ending and using FEAR, a tactic you criticized Bush for, to get what you wanted. It certainly seems as if you thought it was as bad as they said because you sure acted like it.

I hope this little confession of yours hits home with the mindless drones who hang on your every word. In case they have trouble let me help them.

If Obama screams about crisis in the future and says we need to act now or that if we wait we might not be able to recover, IT IS NOT AS BAD AS HE IS MAKING IT SOUND.

By his own admission he does not think things are as bad as people say they are. Apply the same standard to him and when he says things are bad, it is a crisis and that we must act now just remember that it is not as bad as he says.

It wasn’t as bad as he made it out to be when he was pushing for trillion dollar spending and it will not be as bad as they say when they are looking for another stimulus.

Keep in mind, they need a crisis to get what they want without having to use pesky little things like procedure. They manufactured the crisis part of the economic downturn for political gain and they will do it again when they want to spend more of our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.

Crisis management is the hallmark of Obama and his administration.


Big Dog

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