The Children Are Our Future And They’ll Be Paying For It

Another great video that shows what the out of control spending means to our children and grandchildren.

We were once against child labor but now that government has decided to spend money we do not have our children and grandchildren will be on the hook for the bill.

Think of this video and your children and grandchildren every time politicians talk about spending money and stimulus.

They are only condemning future generations to poverty. The next generation will be Generation Broke.

Big Dog Salute to GM Roper

Big Dog

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One Response to “The Children Are Our Future And They’ll Be Paying For It”

  1. Blake says:

    This is what inevitably happens when politicians let their ego write checks that the public can’t cash. Our Founders envisioned common (but educated) people who would serve in the Congress a term or two, then return to public life- this was considered a duty that one pays for the privilege of living here, but it was never considered a full time job. They would be horrified at how much we have devolved from a Republic, to a democracy. That’s a downhill turn if ever there was one.
    I am reminded of the speech John Wayne, as Davy Crockett, gives to William B. Travis (played by Lawrence Harvey) as to why he rode from Tennessee to fight for Texas’ Independence.
    He said,” Republic- I like the sound of that word. It means that people can live free, talk free. Go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling- same feeling you get when you hold your first baby, your first son shaves, or makes his first sound like a man. Republic is one of those words.”
    Granted, the speech was written by a hollywood writer, but the feelings and content ring true.
    If we allow this backslide into social engineering, no telling how long it might take to get out.
    All I know, is that my idea of leveling the playing field is not to lower it by making rich people poor, but to raise it to make poor people richer. Which makes the most sense to you?
    What we need is a Common Sense Party- instead of going for the windmills, this party promotes sustainable civic responsibility, and that starts with responsible spending- if you don’t have it you can’t spend it.