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The Blog Squad

The propaganda machine in the Obama administration is in full swing. We have propaganda art courtesy of the NEA in collaboration with the Obama White House and now there are reports that there is a team of bloggers at the Department of Justice and their job is to troll around the web and anonymously comment on stories that are unfavorable to the DOJ and/or Obama.

The Department of Justice has hired a team of partisan Democrat campaign bloggers to work at the Department. The Muffled Oar has learned this decision was treated with a great deal of skepticism both inside the career ranks at the Department but also among some Obama loyalists who expressed concern that such a decision would lend itself to the growing appearance that the Holder Justice Department is more political than the Bush Justice Department was ever accused of being. Tracy Russo is one such blogger from the campaign of John Edwards. The unit is housed in the Office of Public Affairs. Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. The Muffled Oar

So the most transparent administration in the history of the modern world has anonymous bloggers trolling around to comment on articles critical of Obama and his friends at the DOJ? It seems to me that if this were a transparent process the bloggers would have to use their real names and indicate that they work for the DOJ. Instead, they hide behind fake names and make comments that give the appearance of being from some regular Joe who supports Obama and his DOJ cronies.

This is a criminal act, but just as importantly, it reeks of the old Soviet or Nazi propaganda machines (though in a modern venue). They are out pumping information about the administration in a truly phony fashion and passing it off as genuine. It is dishonest and when combined with the NEA propaganda art truly illustrates how Communistic this administration really is.

Propaganda for Dear Leader by his secret propaganda wing of government.

And Pelosi called the tea parties astro turf…


Big Dog

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