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The Army Of Won

Barack Obama has been busy mobilizing his drones to get out and “encourage” people to sign pledges to support him and his budget. This is a nothing more than a huge waste of time. What does signing a pledge actually mean? A person who did not want to be bothered could sign it and then just do what he wanted. Look how many people filled out multiple voter registration cards just to keep from being bothered by ACORN.

It seems to me that Obama and his minions have a long term goal in mind. Like the Borg (from Star Trek, The Next Generation) the Obamabots move from area to area sucking more people into the Obama Army until they have overwhelming numbers. Then they can compel people to do what they want trough the use of force. As the Borg would say, resistance is fyootile.

Think this is far fetched? Think the Obama folks are peaceful people who only want to encourage those already enamored with the MEssiah to step up their support? Well, you would be half right. According to the Birmingham News the Obamabots have their marching orders:

Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to enlist others who share Obama’s vision and to stay away from trying to convert naysayers.

“We’re looking for supporters,” said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event’s organizers. “We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”

They intend to keep encouraging Obama supporters until they have strong enough support, or an army, to fight. It is quite clear they intend to fight as soon as they have an army. That is a good tactical move but they will be asking for trouble if they think the Obama storm troopers can get support by fighting.

I know that the libs will read this and tell me that the person meant fight as in a good debate but they could do that without the army. One forms an army when one is looking for more than a verbal fight.

The national security force and the Obamabots will be the brown shirted jackboots who try to compel compliance and support.

Join the resistance because resistance is NOT fyootile.


Big Dog

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