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That’s a Jailin’

Did you know that wearing a hat can get you thrown in jail for life? Did you know that if you call a court “a joke,” that you can be jailed for 60 days? Oh, no, not in a communist country, right here in the so-called “Land of the Free.”

And yes, I’m completely serious. Both of these things have happened in the past two days.

In the first case, one Pete Eyre was wearing a hat. He wasn’t bothering anyone else. He wasn’t harming anyone. He wasn’t putting anyone in danger. Heck, his hat wasn’t even blocking anyone’s view of anything. A man told Pete to remove his hat. He refused. So he was beaten and thrown in jail. That was yesterday. Today, the judge decided that Pete would stay in jail for the rest of his life. Yes, that would be in America. New Hampshire, to be exact.

In the second case, another person, Ademo, was watching the decision that the judge was making in the above case (to keep Pete in jail for the rest of his life for the crime of wearing a hat). Ademo, seeing that the judge was a total fool, and seeing that the judge was going to jail his friend for life, got up, and walked out of the court. Well, he tried to walk out of the court. On his way out, he said something about the court being a joke. The same fool judge then threw Ademo in jail for 60 days. Yes, you read that correctly — 60 days in jail for calling a courtroom “a joke.”

And no, there will be no “winning in court,” or “lawsuits” or “settlements.” You see, these people are all 100% immune from the very system they support. While this judge probably deserves to be tarred and feathered, there is no chance he will face any discipline in any way — because other judges, who like having unlimited power, would have to rule that he did something wrong. If I were to see this judge on the street, I would certainly let him know what an absolute fool he was. Of course, that would likely get me thrown in jail for a few months as well.

So, next time you’re walking around, believing you’re in a free country, think of Ademo and Pete. They’re spending lengthy time in jail for the serious crimes of wearing a hat, and saying that the court is a joke. And you keep telling yourself that you live in a free country, because you’re not going to convince me.


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