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So, what is terrorism? How about we check old Webster’s:

the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Hmm. Okay, how about “terror”:

: 1 a state of intense fear
2 a : one that inspires fear : scourge b : a frightening aspect c : a cause of anxiety : worry d : an appalling person or thing; especially : brat
3: reign of terror
4: violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands

So, logically, a terrorist is one who uses terror to coerce people into doing things they don’t want to do, right?

So then, what is a person (or a group of people) who threaten me with physical violence if I sit at home and do nothing? Is there any way they cannot be considered terrorist? If I, personally, were to threaten you, good reader, with physical violence against you if you sit at home, am I a terrorist?

Well, according to the US government, in such a case, YOU are the terrorist. Yes, you, the one sitting at home doing nothing, are a terrorist when you do nothing, even when threatened by another. Yes, the logic is insane, but I will explain.

The US government is now threatening me with physical violence, imprisonment, fines, and anything else they can dream up if I go into an airport and do not obey their every order. They give me no option to retreat or leave, instead, once I have purchased an airline ticket and entered the airport, I must voluntarily give up all my rights, or violence will be used against me. If you do not accept that, you’re living in a fantasy land, because that is, without any exaggeration, where we are today.

But now that is not even enough!

Yes, seriously. Now, according to Obama and the DHS, I am a terrorist and need to be put on a terrorist watch list! Yes, really. Why? Because I’m opposed to having my privates fondled by TSA agents. No, not because I took any action at all. No, not because I’ve gone to an airport and refused the free sexual assault. Just because I sat at home and refused to fly.

According to recent reports from the Department of Homeland Stupidity, anyone who objects to the screening process should now be placed on terror watch lists. The directive, apparently approved by President Obama says that

any person, … that actively objects to the enhanced security procedures, the [applicable DHS administrative branch] is instructed to identify and collect information about the persons or entities, and submit such information in the manner outlined [within this directive].

If you oppose the new “security” procedures, you’re to be put on a watch list by the US government. It just never ends with these bastards, does it? And people still claim this is a free country. As I continue to say — this government is illegitimate. I’ll just live free and the government can do what it wants. After all, they have more guns and blindly obedient servants than I.


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