Ted Kennedy Dumps Fuel in Nantucket Sound

Ted Kennedy talks the liberal talk but when it comes down to it he is a typical do as I say hypocrite. First Kennedy opposed wind farms in Nantucket Sound because that is where he sails and because they might obstruct his view. Now Kennedy, champion of the environment, dumped diesel fuel in the coastal waters of his favorite sailing place.

A local photographer spotted an oil slick coming from Kennedy’s yacht Mya as Kennedy and his guests left the vessel in a launch following a race that ended in Hyannis, the Cape Cod Today newspaper reported.

The lensman was so shocked that he rowed his dinghy out to question the crew member left aboard the yacht.

He asked the crewman, “What the hell are you doing?”

The crewman said that diesel fuel had gotten into the bilge and he was told to dump it.

When the photographer pointed out that the yacht was moored in coastal waters near shellfish beds and people swimming, the crewman replied, “Whatever.” Newsmax

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Big Dog

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2 Responses to “Ted Kennedy Dumps Fuel in Nantucket Sound”

  1. Lynda says:

    Evidently the oil slick wouldn’t obstruct his view!

  2. joe says:

    kennedy? worthless pcs of crap. his friggin car has killed more people than any gun I could have owned.