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TEA Party Descends On Searchlight

About 7000 TEA Party activists arrived in the small town of Searchlight, the place from which Harry Reid hails, to let the state and the Senator know that they are not happy with him and that he is going to be bounced in November. Sarah Palin addressed the phony charges that her “reload” remark was designed to stir up violence. Palin said she was trying to inspire people to get involved and told DC that we will not sit down and shut up.

It would seem that the TEA Party group is not as violent as the DC crowd would have us believe. Extra police were on hand and responded to a report of a fisfight but found nothing when they arrived:

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department sent dozens of uniformed and plainclothes officers to patrol the crowd. Officer Jay Rivera said there was a report of a fistfight in the morning, but when police responded, they found nothing. He said there had been no arrests.

“So far it’s nice and peaceful,” Rivera said. AP via My Way News

Harry Reid dismissed the gathering by saying he thought it was great that out of towners came in and spent money there during this economic downturn but that the people of Nevada will decide his fate, not a bunch of people who “parachute in.”

Harry is happy that people are spending money there but thinks they have no right to actually say anything about his reelection. While it is true that only Nevadans will vote, they will be influenced by the people who showed up. Reid is the Senate Majority Leader and as such is accountable to all of America, just not at the ballot box. Non Nevadans can’t vote for him (unless they are ACORN sign ups) but we can influence that vote. Funny, Reid does not mind campaign donations from people who cannot vote for him…

Some people in the area supported Reid and had good things to say about him. I am sure we can find people who like any politician. The trick for Reid will be to find enough to give him a win.

I just do not think that is going to happen.

We will see but it is nice to see peaceful activists exercising their Constitutional rights.

I wonder how many times the MSM called them racists (but Harry is white), tea baggers, fringe or violent?

On another note, here are two good things to look at:

Apathetic USA

Does this look presidential to you?

Big Dog


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