Tancredo; Send the UN Packing

Congressman Tom Tancredo has introduced legislation that would remove the United Nations from US soil. The plan calls for the buildings that the UN uses be sold to the highest bidder and the money placed in the treasury to pay down debt:

“The U.N. has coddled brutal dictators, anti-Semites, state sponsors of terrorism, and nuclear proliferators – while excluding democratic countries from membership and turning a blind eye to humanitarian tragedies and gross violations of human rights around the globe,” Tancredo said. “The U.N.’s continued presence in the United States is an embarrassment to our nation, and the time has come for this ineffective organization to pack its bags and hit the road.” Tancredo website

It is about time someone actually took action to rid this nation of those parasites. The UN consists of criminals from many nations posing as diplomats. These people have been working against this nation for a very long time despite the fact that the US pays the biggest piece of the costs associated with this corrupt organization.

It is amazing to me that the thugs in the UN would allow so many anti American activities when all of the people assigned there love it here because we have a way of life they could never get in their home countries. Many of the support staff would be considered wealthy in their home nations.

I agree with Tancredo. I have wanted not only the UN out of the US but the US to remove itself from the UN and spend the money we waste there on something of value.

Put the UN in Tehran so they will be with the kind of people they are so eager to welcome.

Big Dog

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5 Responses to “Tancredo; Send the UN Packing”

  1. Bill says:

    I couldn’t agree with Tom Tancredo more. If fact I’ve been saying the same thing for years. Enough is enough. And since the congress wants to spend 700 billion of our money, I have a solution that I’m sure the American people would support. Suspend all foreign aid for one year. We give billions to countries around the world. Let’s keep that money here at home. They hate us anyway so what’s the diffence? 

  2. Reason says:

    I completely agree with Bill, suspend all foreign aid for a year or two while we get our own issues worked out. The old saying goes, you don’t appreciate what you have until its gone, and maybe these countries that hate the US so much who we give billions to in aid will appreciate our generosity a bit more.

    I’ll also go so far as saying we need to pull out of NATO and reassess our military relations with the EU. Let them start shouldering their own defensive burden for a while and see if they can maintain their government social largess without the USA providing their defense. We can cut our military spending on leasing and maintaining bases in Europe. Personally I’m sick of carrying the load (yes each of us carries the load through our tax dollars) for Europe’s defense. If they end up with Russian as their common language that’s their own damn fault. Britain, Poland, Georgia and a few other nations are worthy allies, the rest aren’t worth a damn.

  3. goon says:

    I agree, lets kick out the UN and implode the building.
    I would love to see that going up in pieces.

  4. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – <a href=”http://thunderrun.blogspot.com/2008/09/web-reconnaissance-for-09242008.html“> Web Reconnaissance for 09/24/2008 </a> A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  5. Schatzee says:

    I love all the suggestions.  Let’s get out of the UN and sell the building so we have something good out of that mess.  Suspend foreign aid, humanitarian and otherwise, for a few years.  While we’re at it, there are a few other things we could do.  Let’s start by deporting the illegal prison population (reports are that about 1/3 of US prisoners are here illegally).  And reform the prison system – make prisoners work for a living inside rather than just costing us money.  Denying benefits and healthcare to non-citizens would save some money as well.  We could probably get ourselves out of this mess if we weren’t taking care of everyone but ourselves.