Hillary Takes A Trip

Hillary Clinton took a trip to India on her never ending quest to try and convince people that her loss was a fluke and to fix blame on something, anything. She also took a trip down a set of steps not once but twice and if not for the help of a few men she would have bounced all over the place. Maybe what happened (the name of her book and the tour to explain her loss) is she got drunk. Or perhaps she has a brain disease and loses her balance. No matter what, her trip down the steps is a good reminder of how lucky we are that what happened is she lost. The fall video is at the linked site.

Hillary went out of her way with this explanation to tell us she won the coasts and Trump won the middle and if you look she won the parts that generate two thirds of the GDP. She, according to her own words, won the progressive forward thinking producers while Trump won the racists who are upset blacks and women have advanced in society.

Hillary Clinton suggested that people who supported President Trump in 2016 did so because they “didn’t like black people getting rights,” or women getting jobs, during a discussion at the India Today Conclave on Sunday.

“If you look at the map of the United States, there’s all that red in the middle where Trump won. I win the coasts, I win Illinois, I win Minnesota, places like that,” Clinton said.

“What the map doesn’t show you is that I won the places that represent two-thirds of America’s gross domestic product,” Clinton explained. “So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, ‘Make America Great Again,’ was looking backwards.” ~The American Mirror

Hillary won some places on the coasts and Trump won some places in the middle. Trump won a huge area in the middle while Clinton had a few little pockets of blue. Hillary won some densely packed areas of blue on the coasts and Trump picked up outlying areas.

What Hillary won was areas where Democrats are packed in. There are huge numbers of Democrats that pack into these cities so she gets a little blue area while the rest of the entire area is red. Democrats pack into cities run by other Democrats so they can all live in liberal misery. There is a map to demonstrate this dispersion of votes. It is important to note that a lot of the area that is in the middle is sparsely populated. Trump had to win a lot of areas to match her and to get the electoral votes needed to win.

This map shows the genius of the Founders. LA County has 10 million people in it. That is more than the population of ten states added together (the linked map lists them). That is why we do not have a single election or an election decided by popular vote. If we did LA County could cancel out 10 entire states. Hillary did not win the popular vote because we do not have a popular vote. She had more votes when you add up all 51 elections but in each individual election she did not win. To be clear, we have 51 individual elections, one in each state, and one in DC. Those are all counted as INDIVIDUAL elections and the results are INDIVIDUAL results and are reported INDIVIDUALLY. Trump won more of the individual elections than Hillary did and won more electoral votes.

The Electoral College system is genius and it keeps us from having densely populated areas deciding the elections for the rest of us. We all have a better playing field because of it.

As for Hillary, she can scream racism and all the other BS about why she lost and Trump supporters living in the past but the reality is those supporters are hardworking people who produce the GDP she lays claim to. They are people who do not care about color or sex or sexual orientation. It was, after all, Democrats who held the slaves and refused to free them.

Yes, Hillary is on her whine a lot tour. This is the never ending saga where she keeps saying things and giving excuses as to why she lost. It is, in some small part, for the benefit of the mind numbed who voted for her but in a major way it is nothing more than Hillary trying to convince herself that she was not the problem and there must have been some other reason that she lost.

What happened? You lost because no one likes you. You are a thief, a liar and you broke the laws of our nation while mishandling classified information. You should be rotting in a jail cell right now.

No matter what Trump does I wake up every day knowing that Hillary is NOT the president.

And that is OK with me.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Plans for New Orleans

I have a post up comparing the response of citizens in Iowa to those of New Orleans and in it I make a comparison of the cultural differences that left those in New Orleans in dire straights, pointing their fingers at the federal government and crying racism to the Iowans, who are having problems such as looting, and how they reacted to the crisis there.

I was flamed by a bunch of people who live in New Orleans and who blame the entire issue on the federal government and the Corps of Engineers who built the levees poorly and caused the whole issue. Not one of the commenters defending New Orleans could find one issue that lays some of the blame on the corrupt government pervasive in Louisiana and particularly present in New Orleans. New Orleans was not that bad. It could not have been if William Jefferson had time to take military vehicles and soldiers away from rescue mission in order to go check on his house and remove the bribe money he had in his freezer. He had time to do all that and then leave without checking on the people affected by the flood. Ray Nagin stayed in a hotel in the fetal position and Governor Blanco cried on TV. Neither of them was on the ground in NO directing things.

Things could not have been that bad since all the cops stopped what they were doing and helped the looters and then left town. Certainly things could not be too bad if the cops could leave. Let’s fault everyone else for not getting there immediately and helping out when those sworn to stay and help, left.

Of course, what happened there was a tragedy. It was caused by many things and there is plenty of blame to go around. I know it sucks but I did not do it, I did not cause it, I did not abandon anyone and I did not commit crimes after it. Even though I had nothing to do with it happening my tax dollars have been sent there to fix it (not only mine but a lot of people’s). I said at the time they needed to watch every penny like a hawk because it would be spent on non flood related items. Mary Landreau submitted a 400+ page request that had us paying for alligator farms in areas NOT affected by the storm. I guess she figured she could use the tragedy and our generosity to gussy up the place. When your major concern after such an incident is having Mardi Gras, you have priority issues.

I felt sorry for the people when this happened but to tell the truth I am tired of hearing all the whining about it from those living there. They have enough time to type on their computers perhaps they should spend it working. I know 90% of the people got out and did what is right and it might seem unfair for me to paint with a broad brush based on the 10% who did not. However, a lot of people certainly painted the government with a broad brush based on the failure of about 10% of the people. No other state affected by Katrina is getting rebuilt any faster and I don’t hear them crying. I did not hear them then.

Here is my plan for New Orleans. Bulldoze the place in. Fill it wil concrete or dirt. It would be best if they dug a ditch across the southern border and pushed all the dirt into New Orleans and let the water back fill the ditch. Fill the ditch with alligators and that will keep the ILLEGAL immigrants down. Filling in New Orleans will keep it from getting flooded again. Then, they can build a city inland where it is above sea level.

Other than that, I don’t want to hear about all their problems. I did not cause them and about now I don’t care about them.

The victim mentality…

Big Dog

Debt to Clinton was Paid Long Ago

A number of people who were huge supporters of the Clintons have recently signed on to the Obama train and are casting their long time friends, Bill and Hillary, aside. This is particularly distressing to the Clintons because they both believe that they are owd by just about every Democrat. Admittedly, there are quite a number of Obama supporters who received appointments to very high paying and high profile government jobs and there are quite a few Democrats who owe Hillary for campaigning for them and helping them win.

Bill Clinton is particularly upset about those who worked in his administration and now support Obama. He was furious with Bill Richardson and as a result their friendship is strained. Surrogates of the Clintons have called people names and have questioned the loyalty of people that received a lot from Bill Clinton when he was president. Bill believes that people owe him but someone should explain to Bill Clinton that he received all that he was owed by any Democrat when they committed malfeasance in office and failed to vote for impeachment. Bill Clinton was paid in full by every Democrats who supported him during the impeachment process. Bill Clinton should have been removed from office. He lied under oath and charges were brought against him. Democrats paid him big time by opposing impeachment. Some Democrats said the charges did not warrant impeachment. Some of these people were in favor of impeaching Nixon and his charges nearly matched Clinton’s word for word.

As for Hillary, sure she has campaigned for people but she has made some of those folks mad along the way. She has piled on Democrats who have made mistakes if piling on made her look good. She piled on John Kerry when he insulted the troops. Hillary was right to pile on because Kerry actually insulted the troops despite what he said about it. However, he was upset she did not back him. She could have just kept silent on the matter but the Clintons are unable to keep quiet. They have to jump in and take the focus group position in order to look “good.”

It is interesting though to see how people have turned on the Clintons. They were once the darlings of the Democratic party. Democrats overlooked all kinds of criminal activity and defended the Clintons every time they were accused. The media ignored major stories in order to help them out (Drudge broke the Monica story that the MSM was sitting on) and they were usually treated as if they were pure as the driven snow. Now they are being beaten up by people who once loved them unconditionally. Amazingly, there are many former Clinton supporters who are now upset with them because they have been dishonest, negative, harsh, demanding, and unrelenting. These are the same people who ignored this kind of behavior from the Clintons for years and who would still be ignoring it if it were not for a charismatic empty suit named Obama.

Loyalty in DC only goes as far as the next election and politicians will disregard friendship if they think backing someone else will help them in any way, shape, or form. As far as Bill Clinton goes, he was paid quite handsomely long, long ago.

It will be interesting to see how much support Democrats get from the Clintons after this election. In a perfect world the Clintons would just fade away but in reality they could still have some value for people who need help getting reelected.

New York Times (read about Chelsea whining)

Big Dog

Teacher, Barack Cheated

Yesterday the news was in bold letters across Drudge with follow up red letter links. Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused Barack Obama of plagiarism. There were side by side shots of Deval Patrick and Barack Obama and Obama’s words were nearly identical to those of the Massachusetts Governor. It was later revealed by Obama that he used Patrick’s words and that he should have attributed them and for his part, Patrick said that he encouraged Obama to use them. Obama is correct, he should have attributed them to the source but he did have permission to use them. There are newer allegations today by the Clinton campaign showing that Obama has used Patrick’s words at other times.

The use of the words of others without attribution is disturbing even though Obama had permission to use them because without attribution he is giving the appearance that he came up with them and they are his thoughts. Joe Biden was forced from the presidential race years ago for using someone’s words without attribution (he did not have permission either). Certainly some words and phrases are so famous they need no attribution because people know the source but for the most part, borrowed words and phrases should be attributed to the source.

While it is disturbing it also appears as an act of desperation on the part of the Clinton camp. These kinds of claims basically tell the world that you are not able to attack the substance of the candidate’s positions so you are going after these types of issues. The major problem is that someone will pour over Clinton’s words and find where she has used something without attribution. Of course, this is not uncommon in politics because many of the buzz words are used by everyone. Change is the theme of a lot of people but until Obama started parading it around the others did not make it central. Once it was working for him Hillary became the candidate of change. Then, they all became change agents of some sort. Catch phrases are just that and none of these candidates has a copyright on them even though Obama played tit for tat by saying Hillary had used his words.

This whole issue looks more like the squabbles of kids on the playground rather than the actions of people who want to have the the most important job in this country. Clinton might have been better off not addressing it (she will wish she had not if they find she did the same thing) and leaving it for the media (she certainly knows how to leak things to them) and Obama would have been better off to just say he should have attributed it and then moved on. As it stands now, they both look like children trying to play an adult’s game.

Each of their supporters will use this episode to spin things in favor of their candidate but in the end they both end up looking like immature school kids playing games where Hillary looks like a whiner (teacher, Barack said so and so) and he looks disingenuous (I am saying this from the bottom of Patrick’s heart).

I guess one cannot blame Hillary because she is dropping like a rock and she needs something to throw him off track. In the end, this will end up being more divisive for the Democrats and since the Clinton campaign is out with new allegations, it looks like this will not blow over any time soon. The only thing Obama has going for him is that words are the only thing put in his mouth unlike what happens with a certain Clinton in office…

I can only hope it puts a big enough dent in his armor to force a brokered convention. That is where the real fun will be.

Big Dog

Life is Tough for Whining Democrats

Back when the Republicans held the majority the Democrats used every tactic in th book to keep legislation from making it through the process. They threatened to filibuster so much that a phony gang of 14 worked out a compromise which the Democrats broke before the ink was dry on the paper. Now that they are in the majority they are crying because Republicans use the same tactics.

Harry Reid was whining today about how hard his fellow Dems are trying to get things done but that the Republicans are blocking everything and he had the audacity to say they are doing it for political gain. As if the Democrats were doing it for some other reason?

Republicans have been blocking Democratic efforts to raise taxes, something Democrats love to do. Harry Reid does not like this and thinks that it is wrong. I guess it all depends upon whose ox is being gored.

The Democrats will use this whining as a rally cry in the next election. They will say that they need even more Democrats so that their initiatives cannot be blocked. They will claim that if they only had more people they could do the work for the children and they could raise taxes on the rich bastards who are ruining this country.

I say that they are inept. They said that the republican led Congress was ineffective and that they could not get things done and promised they would. That got them elected and now they are unable to fulfill their promises. So, if Republicans needed to be replaced because they could not get things done then the Democrats, likewise, need to be replaced.

Like I posted before, we need to get rid of ALL of them and replace them with new people who will work for the people and not the special interests.

Someone get Reid a crying towel….

My Way News