I Hope Obama’s Heart Fails…

Can you imagine the reaction if someone said something like that?

Wanda Skyes was the comedian at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner and she took some funny shots at Resident Obama and his wife as well as a few in his administration. She also took aim at talk show giant Rush Limbaugh and his comment that he hoped Obama failed. Skyes equated that to treason and said they should investigate because Limbaugh was probably the 20th hijacker but was too hopped up on Oxycontin and missed his flight.

Nice of her to bring up drug use. As many know, Limbaugh was addicted to pain medication. Since he had an addiction and he is not a liberal his plight is open for ridicule. The Kennedy’s along with countless other liberals have had addiction problems and their fellow liberals asked that we pray for them in their time of turmoil. Liberals do not ridicule other liberals with addiction problems. Liberals usually use addiction as an excuse to get out of trouble and that is why they enter rehab. Obama was a regular user of ILLEGAL drugs when he was a young man. Of course this was dismissed but Limbaugh will never get the same treatment from liberals.

Skyes went on and on about Limbaugh and then said Limbaugh hopes that Obama fails. “I hope his [Limbaugh’s] kidneys fail.”

I don’t usually see people at these dinners wishing that some liberal would be stricken with a terrible illness but I often hear liberals wish such a thing for conservatives. Liberals are mean spirited and death is what they wish on the opposition. Their obsession with Dick Cheney’s heart and their death watch every time he went to the hospital and their glee over Tony Snow’s death clearly demonstrates the fate they desire for their opponents.

I have never cared for Skyes. She has a whiny voice and it gets irritating very fast and she always seems to have an anger or attitude problem. Perhaps it is because she is conflicted in her life. She was married to a man but then decided that she liked the company of a woman better and came out of the closet. She married her partner in California only to have her dreams of lesbian bliss shattered when the people of that state voted down proposition 8.

I can understand her excitement with respect to having the first black occupant of the White House but her remarks were laced with racist remarks and her comments about Limbaugh were over the top. She could have easily said that she hoped his career failed or that she hoped his relationships continued to fail but she chose to hope he would be stricken with an illness.

Skyes demonstrated her ignorance by addressing the failure issue especially when one considers that liberals, by and large, wanted George Bush to fail. They said so often and it was reflected in polls. That was seen as dissent, something liberals believed to be patriotic when a Republican was in the White House. Now that they have a Resident there, dissenters are considered traitors and unpatriotic.

She also demonstrated her ignorance and the mean spirit of liberals when she wished illness on Limbaugh.

She equated him to a terrorist and she wished he would get sick for daring to have a negative opinion about Obama. This is how the left addresses critics. If you oppose them they want you to get sick or die.

Maybe the next terrorist attack (and we will have one) will directly affect her in a negative way. Maybe she will get stricken with some terrible disease and die.

I wish for neither but if it happens I will have no sympathy.

For what it is worth, I hope Obama’s policies fail as well.

But I don’t wish him illness or harm.

Washington Post

Big Dog

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