Excuse The Rappers; Blame Beck Instead

I wrote yesterday about the liberal left and its assertions that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity incite people to murder. The feeling of those on the left is that the “hate” speech of these talk show hosts incites people to go out and commit crimes, particularly murder. This is not a new thing as Bill Clinton tried to blame the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh instead of on Timothy McVeigh. The left looks everywhere to find someone to blame except the person who actually committed the crime.

The issue now is the death of three police officers in Pittsburgh who were murdered by some guy who was reportedly worried that Obama would take guns away. I have no doubt that Obama would like to do away with guns but this guy went about expressing his concern the wrong way. But he, and only he, is to blame for this terrible crime.

The rap world is full of gang bangers who sing about killing, shooting and all kinds of violence toward women and the public in general. In 1992 a song came out entitled Cop Killer. It was by a group called Body Count (with Ice T) and it was about a person who was fed up with police brutality so he took matters into his own hands. This is the first part of the song:

I got my black shirt on.
I got my black gloves on.
I got my ski mask on.
This sh*ts been too long.
I got my twelve gauge sawed off.
I got my headlights turned off.
Im bout to bust some shots off.
Im bout to dust some cops off.

Im a cop killer, better you than me.
Cop killer, f**k police brutality!
Cop killer, I know your familys grieving,
(f**k em!)
Cop killer, but tonight we get even, ha ha.
Lyrics Freak

There was an uproar about this song. Police survivor groups were not happy with it but there were those who defended it particularly against the tighty whitey George H W Bush administration and their political correctness.

For what its worth I don’t care about the song. The radio has a lot of stations and I know how to work the dial and no one was ever forced to buy it. However, the question is, does not this kind of music actually, directly, incite violence against cops?

People can claim that the conservative talkers play on the emotions and fears of people and put suggestions in their heads about becoming violent. I do not see it that way. These people are not causing anyone to commit crimes. If people are doing this they are doing so on their own. I don’t believe that there are veiled messages of hate and violence from conservative talkers any more than I think Obama is sending veiled messages of violence to people he tells to get in their faces, channel their anger, or if they bring a knife he [Obama] brings a gun because they like to brawl in Philly (which is actually what they did to intimidate voters in that city).

Should we claim that Obama caused Black Panthers to stand in front of polling places with night sticks to intimidate people? If Beck and the others are responsible for the recent violence then Obama is responsible for the actions of those who threaten violence in order to help him.

Should we now start blaming Hollywood and its assorted liberal actors who perfrom in violent movies that feature a lot of people, including cops, being killed. If conservative talkers are responsible for violence then the Hollywood crowd certainly shoulders the burden of blame for violence because a lot of their movies have overt acts of aggression. Where was the liberal uproar when the film about George W Bush being assassinated was released? That certainly gave a message of violence and could have triggered all kinds of violent behavior.

People are responsible for their own actions. I know this is a difficult concept for the left because they always have to have someone to blame. There always has to be a victim class and there always has to be some evil person (usually Republican) who is to blame for it. Personal responsibility is not a strong suit of the left as finger pointing is their favorite past time.

Regardless, if conservative talkers have any blame for these acts of violence then rappers share that blame as does Barack Obama. We cannot have two sets of rules. If veiled messages from conservative talkers cause violence then the same kind of messages from Obama cause violence. If these are true then the blatant call for violence from rappers is definitely to blame for violence as is the overt violence in Hollywood productions. When a guy like 50 Cent is worshiped by young kids because he was shot 9 times then there is a problem that reaches far beyond anything conservative talkers say.

It is a tragedy that the people in Oakland, Pittsburgh and New York were murdered but the only people responsible for the deaths are the people who did the murdering.

Let’s stop the finger pointing and let’s stop trying to affix blame to people who are not responsible.

Big Dog

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Intolerant Homos Resort To Violence

The homosexual community is in a snit because Proposition 8 passed in California. Prop 8 changed the California Constitution to define marriage as one man and one woman. The proposition might have failed if it were not for the huge turn out in black voters who showed up to vote for Obama.

For years gays have told the rest of us that we had to accept their agenda and that we needed to be tolerant. They scoff at any attempt to define marriage as anything that excludes the union of same sex couples and they continually force their agenda on school systems so that our children are taught that Johnny can have two dads or two moms.

Well, it looks like those who expect tolerance are not willing to give tolerance as the gay community has resorted to violence because they did not like the outcome of the vote on Prop 8. The gays have blamed the black community and started calling them “niggers” and they blamed the Mormons who received white powder in the mail and had the Book of Mormon burned on the steps of one of their churches. All these acts were done by gay activists. Additionally, an 80 year old woman was assaulted by a bunch of tolerant gays because she held a Cross up at a rally.

Why is it that when a vote goes the way they want these people say that the will of the people has been shown and that we should respect the decision. There were no riots from non gays and there were no assaults on gays after a judge overturned the last vote which demonstrated the will of the people. The opponents went to work crafting a proposition that would change the California Constitution and keep activist judges from legislating from the bench.

Early on it looked as if Prop 8 would be defeated but a lot of supporters pumped money in to defeat it. The gay community, aided by California Governor Schwarzenegger, is trying to challenge the results in court. The Governor and the gay community are hoping that a judge will once again overrule the will of the people. Why do we have votes if judges can interfere in the process? The people of California have spoken and that is the end of the issue. The law says that a proposition that changes the California Constitution takes effect the day after the election (or in this case after the absentee ballots were counted and the results confirmed) so one man and one woman is now the definition of marriage in that state.

Suppose the millions of Americans who did not like the Obama victory decided to start sending suspicious substances in the mail or assaulted people who voted for Obama and then worked to have a judge overturn the election. Of course, there are lawsuits challenging Obama’s qualification but that is a Constitutional issue. In any event, it is unlikely that any judge has the testicular fortitude to require Obama show a vault copy of his birth certificate. Judges don’t seem to be too keen on the Constitution these days.

As for gay community, they are not playing this very intelligently. They are attacking people to try to get their way which seems a bit queer to me. Do they really think more people will become sympathetic to their cause after watching them act like animals? Interestingly, gays across the country staged rallies in opposition to the results of Prop 8 and one held a sign that read “Don’t spread H8.” Maybe they should start at home and work outward. No one beat that guy up but I bet there would have been violence if there was a sign that read “Don’t spread AIDS” held up by an opponent…

Be wary of the gay community. They have come out of the closet and now instead of preaching tolerance they are committing crimes and trying to browbeat people into giving them their way.

If attacked, shoot first and ask questions later.

Yahoo News
American and Proud

Big Dog

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American Jews Betrayed Israel

I have always been a friend of Israel and a strong supporter of the Jewish religion. I have also expressed how I am mystified by the support Jews give the Democratic party here in America. Democrats are not friendly to Jews and only court them around election time. I can’t understand how such a fairly well educated group of successful people can be so willing to back people who care little about them or their country of origin.

Barack Obama is no friend of Israel. The video the LA Times refuses to release would show Obama blaming Israel for genocide and saying that it has no right to some claimed land. Obama has aligned himself with people who are anti Semitic like Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright as well as Hymietown Jackson. And yet, American Jews overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president.

Looks like Jews in Israel did not support the idea of a president Obama and now they are quite worried about his victory. Given recent statements by Iran about an Obama victory meaning the end of the Zionists one can readily understand the apprehension of those Jews who live in Israel:

Then Israel warned last night that the new U.S. Commander-in-Chief’s campaign claim that he was ready to open talks with Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness.


In a step that will further increase Israel’s anxiety about Obama, Tehran announced last night that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had broken a 29-year tradition and sent his congratulations to the President-elect – the first time an Iranian leader has offered such wishes since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad congratulated the Democrat on ‘attracting the majority of voters in the election’.

He said he hoped Obama will ‘use the opportunity to serve the (American) people and leave a good name for history’ during his term in office. Daily Mail UK

The tell tale signs were present all along and yet the Jews in America refused to heed them. In Hitler’s Germany there were tell tale signs and non Jews around the world ignored them until millions of Jews had been murdered by Hitler and his henchmen.

In our time the people ignoring the dangers to Israel’s Jews are the Jews who have made a good life for themselves in America. They voted overwhelmingly to put a man who poses a threat to millions of Jews in Israel in charge of America. The overwhelming support for Obama by American Jews has placed Israel in grave danger and guaranteed that it will have no peace for quite some time. The acts of American Jews have further emboldened murderous tyrants like Ahmadinejad.

Jews selling out other Jews. That was the scenario that sent Jesus to the cross and it might be the scenario that sends Israel a lot of death and destruction.

I wonder if these American Jews got their 30 pieces of silver?

Big Dog

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