Liberals and Dependence

Liberals are raised to depend on government. This is how they think and feel about everything. Labor unions, government workers, college students, and any number of other groups have liberals in them who think that everything should be provided by the government. While temporary measures to help people are a worthy goal, the liberals among us start to become dependent and demand that things be made permanent.

They want the nanny state to take care of them.

This is often hidden in demands for their “rights” that are not actually rights. They will tell you they have a right to a job, a living wage, no cost health care, endless unemployment, public housing, big pensions, and any other item they can get the government to take from the producers in society and give to them. It is almost always couched as a right.

The government is willing to oblige and creates programs for all people because the government wants people to depend on it. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and welfare are government programs that were established to enslave people. The government requires people to participate (in some of them) and then uses the programs to threaten and scare people. Vote for me or the other guy will take your [fill in the blank]. You old people will be eating cat food if you vote for so and so because he will take your Social Security.

These programs have created groups of people who have become dependent on the government and now cannot live on their own. They will live and die at the whim of government.

The problem is that these programs have become so ingrained and have been touted as rights for so long that people fight hard to keep them and oppose any change. They do this even when faced with the reality that these programs cannot be sustained. They do it because they have become dependent.

This mentality is evident in the Occupy crowd currently infesting cities around the country.

In Southern California several street cart vendors found this out the hard way. A coffee cart vendor and a hot dog vendor are both located at the same place as the San Diego Occupiers, Civic Center Plaza.

They started out by giving coffee and hot dogs to the Occupiers at no cost. Then they stopped that practice and the Occupiers turned on them. The Occupiers threw body fluids (blood and urine) on the vendor’s carts.

Those carts will need to be cleaned or replaced because of the attack by the Occupiers. The vendors have also received death threats.

This is what happens when someone does something out of the goodness of their hearts. The liberals believe that the gesture is an entitlement and attacks when that “right” is taken away. These parasites have no more claim to the coffee and hot dogs that belong to the vendors than they do to the money that belongs to the taxpayers.

No one in the TEA Party has done anything like this and yet, Democrats and liberals around the country stand with the Occupiers and support what they are doing.

Why not? Hell, liberals think that they are entitled to your stuff and those in elected office are no different.

It is time to evict the Occupiers.

As for you vendor types who think you are doing a good thing by giving your stuff to them, I have a piece of advice that comes from the zoo.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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