Harry Reid Is Working On His 2010 Race

Harry Reid is perhaps the smarmiest politician in the Senate and that is saying something. He is a partisan hack who has been in charge of the Senate since the Democrats gained control in 2006. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Harry Reid is beginning his 2010 reelection bid right now and describes him as the most vulnerable Democrat.

I don’t find this hard to believe. Perhaps the people of Nevada have had enough of his nepotism and shady deals which have allowed him to profit from his position in the Senate. Perhaps it is because he represents special interests rather than his own state’s inhabitants.

More likely, people will remember Reid for his comment that the visitors to the Capitol smell bad and that the people “working” there can smell those sweaty bodies who not only made the trek to visit the Capitol but also pay his salary.

The unwashed masses might actually have a long memory this time and hold him accountable for his comments about them. Certainly not everyone visiting was from Nevada but Reid’s comments about the visitors demonstrated the contempt he holds for each of us.

It would be poetic justice to see the people throw Reid’s stinking corpse out of office.

We just got done with a two year campaign that exhausted the nation. Reid is starting the next campaign now so he can work for another two years on his own reelection.

Let the games begin…

Big Dog

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