Nurses Are Supposed To Pay Attention To Detail

The National Nurses Organizing Committee/California Nurses Association has begun running an ad in the swing states in an attempt to influence the election and help Barack Obama win the presidency. The ad is entitled One Heartbeat Away and it is aimed at discrediting Sarah Palin as unqualified to be the president in the event that something happens to John McCain. The ad is full of lies and half truths and perpetuates myths about Palin that have been debunked, myths like she tried to ban certain books.

These nurses who run this association have injected themselves into national politics and they have done so in a manner that makes them look careless and uninformed. It also shows their naivete with regard to the issue because no rational thinking being could have a problem with Palin being a heartbeat away but be comfortable with Obama being the heartbeat. Obama has no experience and has spent nearly all of his political life campaigning (or voting present). Additionally, these so called health care providers are telling the world that they have no problem with a candidate who would allow babies born alive after a botched abortion to be left to die. This is not what nurses do and it is not what true health care professionals should be supporting. I wonder if any of these so called care givers pull the plugs on the elderly.

Nurses are supposed to check things thoroughly before they act. Drugs are not administered until the drug is verified, doses are checked several times, the correct amount is drawn up, the order is checked and the patient to whom it is given is verified. These nurses are obviously not very skilled at checking things before they act because they are dispensing lies without a care. These are the kind of people who make medication errors that overdose children with blood thinners or kill the elderly with improper dosages of drugs. Unfortunately, they are careless and don’t worry about their actions so long as they get what they want.

I had to deal with nurses who pulled this dishonest stuff in the past. A circular came out in Maryland some years ago stating that Maryland nurses were endorsing some candidate. When I read the literature, there were three nurses who were in the political arena who endorsed the candidate. It might be true that these Maryland nurses were supporting the candidate but it is a misrepresentation of the truth for them to say Maryland nurses supported the person thus giving the impression that all do. Since I am a Maryland nurse, I knew it not to be true. I wrote them a letter and told them all what a disgrace they were to themselves and to the profession. They, like the nurses who put out this video, deliberately mislead people and none of them have any business being in a profession where trust is an important asset.

There is a shortage of nurses in the country. Many of those in the profession work hard and expect decent pay for their efforts. They expect organizations like these to be involved in issues that affect them and the work they do. I get mail all the time asking me to join one nurses group or another because “our voices are heard when they speak as one.” The problem is, I don’t want them using my voice for a message with which I do not agree. I am not a member of the Maryland Nurse’s Association because of its political activities and its support of liberal policies with which I do not agree (though I would not join if they were involved in politics with which I do agree). I have better things to do with the hundreds of dollars they want in dues.

I certainly hope that these morons pay better attention to patient care than they do to the rumors of the day.

Nurses like this make Sarah Gamp appear competent.

Big Dog

Obama Shows His Ignorance of the Constitution

B. Hussein Obama is running for the presidency against a well oiled political machine that will do and say anything to destroy opponents. Hillary Clinton has hammered Obama on his experience and he has fought back with the promise of change. Unfortunately for Obama, he has looked inexperienced in foreign policy and now he has made a statement, while pandering to immigrants, that shows he has little knowledge of the Constitution. Here is what he said:

He outlined his position on immigration, essentially the same as the bill that passed the Senate and died in the House last year that would beef up border security while providing avenues for existing illegal immigrants to get legal.

But, he said, “I’m not going to change the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution says if you’re born here, you’re a citizen.” LV Review Journal

The Constitution says no such thing and I would think someone who is a lawmaker in this country would know that. The 14th Amendment was written to exclude those who were not subjects of this country (either citizens or emancipated slaves). The authors of the Amendment specifically stated that people born to illegals would not be citizens. A footnote to a Supreme Court Ruling has been used to pervert the Amendment so that people are rewarded for ILLEGAL behavior.

It does not matter how the Amendment has been applied the fact is our Constitution does not say if you were born here you are a citizen. Any time B. Hussein Obama would like to debate that issue all he has to do is let me know. He should do it after he has won or been eliminated from the primary process.

If Hussein Obama lacks knowledge of our Constitution in this regard it is a good bet that he thinks it says other things that it does not. Liberals already misinterpret the 2nd Amendment and they have bastardized the First especially with regard to religion. We cannot afford to have a President who bestows Constitutional protections upon those who are not so entitled.

It is a good thing for Obama that Hillary Clinton is also pandering to ILLEGALS or she would eat him alive with his ignorance. It also does not hurt that much attention has been focused on the Clinton’s racism.

It is amazing how many lawyers and lawmakers do not know the Constitution. Is it any wonder they continually violate it? How can they swear to uphold something they are obviously unfamiliar with?