Water Boarding Tortures AG Confirmation

Many Senate Democrats have indicated they will not vote to send the nomination of Michael Mukasey to the full Senate for a confirmation vote because he refused to answer whether water boarding is a form of torture. The most recent uninformed malcontent to have a say in the matter is none other than Teddy “the Boozer” Kennedy who had this to say:

Kennedy said Mukasey’s unwillingness to give a definitive answer on the torture question [whether water boarding is torture] increased the chances that the technique could be used against U.S. troops.

“I therefore intend to oppose this nomination,” Kennedy said in the full Senate. “Judge Mukasey appears to be a careful, conscientious and intelligent lawyer and he has served our country honorably for many years. But those qualities are not enough for this critical position at this critical time.” Yahoo News

What Kennedy fails to realize is that water boarding is used against US troops and it is used against them by our own people under a program that the Congress provides money for each and every year. Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive wrote a piece about water boarding and how our troops are subjected to it as part of Survival Escape Resistance and Evasions (SERE) training. He poses a very good question when he asks why it is unacceptable to water board our enemy when Congress sanctions water boarding our own people. Additionally, only in Kennedy’s bloodshot view could the qualities of being careful, conscientious, and intelligent with honorable service not be good enough for the position of Attorney General.

I agree with Uncle Jimbo that that water boarding is not torture as it leaves no permanent injuries and the people are none the worse for wear but the issue is not whether water boarding is torture. The question is, if the Democrats believe that water boarding is torture and they will oppose Mukasey because he will not agree with them, then why do they allow it to be done to our troops? They provide the money and they know about the program so the are complicit in the torture of our troops, if they truly believe this to be torture.

Then again, they are Democrats so they probably hold the enemy in a higher regard than our troops. This would explain why they will pay for our troops to get water boarded but cry like Hillary after a bad debate when a terrorist gets the same treatment.

Against all enemies foreign and domestic.

I think we should water board Ted Kennedy until he admits he was driving drunk when he murdered Mary Jo. Hell, we should just water board all the Democrats in Congress for the fun of it.

In the same article, President Bush indicated that if Micheal Mukasey is not confirmed there will be no Attorney General.

Big Dog