Congress and TV Volume

So, the “big” news out of Washington is that Congress passed a law to regulate the volume on TV commercials. I know, many of you good readers are screaming, “Yeah,” and jumping around. I know the volume has really annoyed me when it suddenly blasts out of the TV when a commercial starts. However, can anyone tell me how the heck Congress is authorized to regulate annoyances?

What a damn load of you-know-what. This is yet another of the numerous, continuing examples of how horrible and useless government truly has become. And yes, yet again, a Congressional action results in the crushing of capitalism, innovation, and the American Dream.

This new “law” has put lots of people out of work. No, I’m serious. Did you know that people have invented and created devices that will allow you to regulate your TV volume? Did you know various manufacturers have been working on solving this problem? Did you know that there were people working on solving this problem through the use of external boxes, speakers, decibel detection devices, auto-volume controls, and Blue-Ray boxes? But hey, all you people coming up with inventive solutions that would have allowed people to work and earn a living, just stop it because government says so. This is what I mean when I say that today’s government is actively destroying freedom at every turn. And they honestly don’t care because the people who voted for this honestly think it will get them votes. Sadly, it probably will.

Oh, how I yearn for freedom.


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