Oh To Work For Obama

Barack Obama and his government own General Motors (or as GM now means, Government Motors). It must be nice to work for Obama:

After resigning as president and CEO of General Motors in December, Fritz Henderson might have gone into hiding or decided to sit out the harsh Michigan winter on a Florida beach.

Instead, here he is popping up again, this time as a consultant to GM on international operations at the very fancy fee of $59,090 a month for 20 hours of work a month. That works out to almost $3,000 an hour for a CEO who was ousted after just eight months on the job. Money.CNN

3000 dollars an hour is good work if you can get it. And where can I get a job where I get that kind of money and only have to work for 20 hours a month.

Yep, the government took over GM. Does anyone actually think it will make money? Not when it does stuff like this.

But the government is doing a good job bashing Toyota in order to help out GM. Talk about a conflict of interest…

Big Dog


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