New DNC Boss Has It All Wrong

Sarah Palin was attacked all throughout the last presidential election and continues to be the object of scorn from the left. Chrissie “thrill up my leg” Matthews takes every opportunity to attack Palin and David Letterman was down right vulgar toward her and her daughter. Alan Colmes, the medical doctor that he is, questioned Palin’s decision to return home after her water broke and countless morons on the left claimed Palin’s daughter was the mother of Palin’s youngest child.

The left defended Roman Polanski who has been out of this country since he was accused of raping a child and anally sodomizing her. Whoopi Goldberg told America that there is a difference between rape and rape-rape. As if sexually abusing a 13 year old girl can ever be rationalized.

The same gaggle from The View discussed Ed Schulz calling Laura Ingraham a slut claiming that they call each other a slut all the time.

The left also attacked Hillary Clinton when she was running against Barack O’Bama for the Democrat nomination. The left put out the claims of racism and attacked Clinton from all sides.

So with this background and scores of other abuses against women, the new Democrat Party Chairman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, is making the claim that the GOP agenda is “anti-women” and a “war on women.”

Wasserman Schulz is a yenta who toes the party line. She is a moron who looks past the misogynistic ways of the Democrat Party to spew accusations against the GOP. There is no doubt that there are members of the GOP who have been guilty of such abuses but to make the claim that the GOP is anti women and waging a war on women flies in the face of reality.

This is another in a long line of false claims levied against the GOP that are designed to scare blocks of voters and ignore the real issues facing the country. The Medicare scare, the claims of racism and now the claims of a war on women are all strawmen the left erects in order to knock them down and present a face of virtue.

It will not work. The left has nothing but false claims and name calling. They have no plans and they have no path forward.

They have shot their wad and now must go to the gutter. The mud slinging has begun and will continue as the Democrats, now led by Wasserman Schulz, try to come up with something that will stick.

The problem with throwing mud is that you begin to run out of ground.

And the left is already in a hole that it has been digging for the past several years.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Ann Coulter Meets The View

Ann Coulter was on The View and the sparks were flying. Ms Underestimated captured the video.

Be sure to visit her site for the full scoop and while you are at it go vote for her in the weblog awards.

Big Dog

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