GM To Taxpayers; Thanks, Now Bend Over

General Motors received a lot of money from the US taxpayer under both George Bush and Barack Obama. Despite Obama’s claims (and his fuzzy math) about car companies paying back the money, they still owe the taxpayer billions of dollars that we will likely never see. GM CEO Dan Akerson said he was grateful that the government rescued GM but wants the government out of the company in the next 6 to 12 months. Newsflash for Mr. Akerson, the government did not rescue your company, the taxpayer did through coercive tax policies that allow the government, under threat of force, to extract money from people who earn it and spend it on companies like yours. Companies that are poorly managed and spend unwisely. The taxpayer was forced to rescue your company because it was mismanaged and we had no say in the matter.

How does Mr. Akerson want to repay the taxpayer who rescued his company? He is in favor of raising the federal gas tax by as much as a dollar a gallon in order to compel people to buy more fuel efficient cars. GM just happens to make a few models of fuel efficient cars so his company will benefit from the tax increase (at least that is what he wants). What we have here is a company that was bailed out by people who are having trouble making ends meet wanting to screw those very people.

No good deed (if anyone would call bailing out a company a good deed) goes unpunished.

How are people who are having trouble making ends meet supposed to buy a new car? How will forcing them to pay more for fuel make their lives any easier when they can’t afford a new, fuel efficient car but will be forced to pay the higher fuel tax for the fuel consumed by their older cars? This takes into consideration that people still have cars in the first place. Most who still have them are probably still paying for them so they will be severely underwater if they trade in for a fuel efficient car. Those cars can run about 40,000 dollars. Those who have paid off their cars will likely pay the fuel tax rather than go into debt to save at the pump.

And what about people who have no use for the little boxes of fuel efficiency? What about those who must have SUVs and pick-up trucks? Some of us must report to work no matter what so my Jeep is a better option than a car that will not make it in the snow. When that little car can get me to work in the snow and haul 800 pounds of stuff then I will consider it. The people who must have the larger vehicles will end up paying more at the pump.

This is a fine thank you to the American taxpayer for rescuing GM. Mr. Akerson.

How about the next time you need money we just say no?

Better yet, how about we decide not to buy GM vehicles?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Michael Moore Is Still At It

Michael Moore flew to Wisconsin to stir up trouble, I mean support the PUBLIC sector union employees. Moore, who thinks we have plenty of money and that the money people have is a natural resource that belongs to everyone, said that this episode has awakened a sleeping giant. Moore put it this way:

Right now the Earth is shaking and the ground is shifting under the feet of those who are in charge…

…America is not broke … Wisconsin is not broke,” Moore said. “The only thing that’s broke is the moral compass of the rulers. Wisconsin State Journal

Given the stature of the rotund movie producer the shaking ground was probably a result of his walking on it.

Moore is among the group of people who see absolutely nothing wrong with public sector union employees bargaining with politicians for the money of the taxpayer while the taxpayer has no say in the matter. To make a bad thing worse, those unions then get paid dues (which ultimately come from the taxpayer) and spend them on Democrats.

All people who pay taxes have their money taken by force and then laundered through unions so it ends up in the pockets of Democrats. It is an incestuous relationship where the taxpayer foots the bill and has no say.

Why should public sector union employees be allowed to bargain for deals that are better than the ones the people who pay them have? Why is it that the federal employees do not have these same bargaining powers and seem to get along just fine? All the things that private sector union employees have fought for regarding safety and a fair pay work environment are already in place in the public sector. How many public sector employees are in a bad way because of terrible working conditions and long hours with no pay? How many work in unsafe environments (not including inherently unsafe jobs like say, being a soldier) and are at risk every day?


The taxpayers foot the bill so there is no way that they get a fair shake in the situation.

Public sector employees do not need unions and they do not need the protection that unions are supposed to provide (I think all of them have outlived their usefulness but certainly the public sector has).

Moore also states there is plenty of money. He and people like him claim we are not broke. We borrow about 40% of the money we spend and we have a deficit that exceeds 14 TRILLION dollars. That ladies and gentlemen, is BROKE.

This is unsustainable and it would only take one of our creditors to demand payment of our debt for us to be in a dire situation.

Our debt situation is the same as Social Security. Government collected money for SS from employees and then took the money and issued a Treasury Note for it. Then government spent the money so there is no money to pay back on the notes. If SS needs money the government has to borrow it to pay our obligations. If government had left the money alone there would be plenty to pay the recipients without borrowing. But since government could not keep its greedy little hands off that money we now have to borrow and we have to force people to pay more into SS or raise the retirement age to keep the scheme solvent. There is likely no way that those who make a fair amount of money and had the sense to save will ever draw that to which they are entitled.

SS and Medicare are a huge part of the budget and we cannot meet those obligations. We continue to borrow money to meet out obligations and the deficit continues to rise.

That is absolutely the definition of BROKE.

Despite what Moore and the uneducated among us claim, we do not have enough money to pay the bills. We take in less than we spend and unless we correct that we will continue to spiral out of control.

As for the money that is in the hands of the people, it belongs to them. It does not matter how wealthy they are or what they are doing with their money because it belongs to THEM.

Just ask Michael Moore. I am sure he can tell you that he is holding on to his money.

As for the moral compass being broke. The only moral compass that is broke is the one that leads people to believe that they are entitled to the fruits of another’s labor.

The compass that points to Moore’s kitchen however, seems to be working just fine…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Rights-Free Zones

I find it interesting, but also quite consistent, to note that another government agency has decided to set up an area where people do not have rights. This time it’s the Washington Metro. After all, claim the police, you don’t HAVE to use the Metro, so they’re not taking away your rights — instead you’re volunteering to give them away — to use a government service.

We have already created numerous places where you have no First Amendment rights — courthouses, public gatherings, places where government officials gather, and “free speech zones” during times of meetings.

We’ve created other zones where you have no Second Amendment rights — near government employees, post offices, banks, anywhere near schools or children, etc.

We now also have places where you have no Fourth Amendment — airports, courthouses, and now the Washington Metro. Why not?

Do you notice one of the similarities between all these places where you have to surrender your rights (voluntarily, of course)? Nearly all of them are places that are built with taxpayer dollars, and/or include people who are paid with taxpayer dollars. And that, of course, is the absolutely opposite of what was intended by the Constitution. But hey, the US Constitution hasn’t been used in decades, so why start now?

Side note: 5th amendment doesn’t apply any more — you can be literally deprived of liberty without cause (arrested without being charged with a crime); 6th amendment doesn’t apply: impartial juries are outlawed in many places today (see FIJA); 7th amendment varies, you can be “administratively” fined without jury; I could easily go on.

I do wonder why they skipped the third amendment. After all, we could save a lot of money if we’d just force people to quarter military members in their homes. I mean, have people “volunteer” to house soldiers.


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Someone At The Pentagon Needs Jail Time

On the heels of the release of tens of thousands of pages of classified documents dealing with the Afghan campaign in the war on terror, we find that the Defense Department cannot account for $8.7 billion of the $9.1 billion appropriated for reconstruction in Iraq. The special inspector general for the project said this occurred because the agencies did not set up the proper accounts with Treasury.

“This situation occurred because most DoD organizations receiving DFI (Development Fund for Iraq) funds did not establish the required Department of the Treasury accounts and no DoD organization was designated as the executive agent for managing the use of DFI funds,” the report states.

The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) finds that only one Defense organization actually set up the accounts required by the Treasury. Federal News Radio

The money that cannot be accounted for represents nearly all the money allocated for the project. This is blatant disregard for the taxpayer and the people who did not follow the rules for establishing the accounts should all go to jail. They should spend time in jail even if the money is found. The abuse of the taxpayer is ongoing and it has to stop.

The federal government has waste, fraud, and abuse of the money taxpayers have extorted from them. Agencies misplace money and cannot account for it. We are not talking about rounding errors or chump change, we are talking billions of dollars that people work hard to earn before it is taken from them by the government.

ALL government agencies must be fiscally responsible with our money and must be able to account for it. If they cannot account for it then they need to spend time in jail.

It is also important to keep in mind that the kind of bureaucracy that exists in Defense and all the other agencies that have wasted or lost our money (including the billions in waste from stimulus and TARP) are the same kinds of bureaucracies that will run our health care.

If the government cannot keep classified documents from being compromised and released by the tens of thousands and it cannot keep track of billions of dollars what makes anyone think that the government will be able to safeguard our medical records and keep fiscal discipline in the health care system?

It is time to hold people accountable and this means putting them in jail if they screw up.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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An Election Changes Everything

The Democrats have been spending like there is no tomorrow and they, along with Barack Obama, are getting us close to the point where our debt will surpass our GDP. This did not bother them as they were forcing things down our throats because they mistakenly believed they had a mandate to do the things they wanted. When they saw the resistance from the American people they still went balls to the walls and forced their agenda on us anyway.

But now that November is approaching and the polls show they could lose a lot of seats (some say they will lose both chambers of Congress), they are curtailing their prolific spending. The Democrats, with tacit approval from Obama, have shelved agenda items that will add huge amounts to the debt. They are even neglecting their duty to have a budget because they are worried about how voting on a big budget will harm them in November.

They did not listen to us before but they are listening now because their jobs are on the line. If they get voted back into office they will go right back to their out of control spending. In fact, if they win they will spend even more because they will believe that they were given a mandate for their past spending.

We need to vote this scum out of office and replace them with people, Republican or Democrat, who will show some fiscal sanity. We need people who will put the brakes on the radical Obama agenda.

Progressives are also on the attack but they are upset because they want even more spending. They are mad that Obama and his Democrats have not spent even more money to give the base, the non producers in society, more of what the hard workers earn. Progressives want more seats in Congress so they can push for more and more redistribution of wealth.

These cretins are jealous of those who have achieved something in life and want to take it away. They want Obama and his jack boots to redistribute OUR money.

It is time to end this insanity and put an end to liberals, the progressive movement, and the radical Obama agenda.

We can do that by throwing all these bums out in November.

About 146 days left and I can see November from my home.

The ghetto Obama.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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