Little Taxes; Death By A Thousand Cuts

Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to be president and his rhetoric of promising everyone everything (to the tune of 18 TRILLION dollars) is hitting home with the “me” generation and the Gimmiedats.

They all like Bernie’s idea of taxing the rich more to pay for the millennial’s needs. Why yes, tax those greedy rich suckers and give us more stuff.

There is no way to tax the rich and pay for what Bernie wants to give away (notice he is very generous with OTHER people’s money). If Bernie could confiscate 100% of the money the wealthy have (even up to about the top 40% of those considered wealthy, not just the 1%) it would not be enough money to run the government for more than a few months. After that the well would be dry and there would need to be new sources of cash to feed the left’s insatiable appetite.

But Bernie wants to give stuff away. He wants a paid family leave program where people could have time off and get paid. His example is for a woman who gives birth. Bernie thinks she should get paid time off and of course everyone else pays for that.

You see, he wants to add just a little to the payroll tax to finance his paid time off plan. It is just a little bit he says but he also says it will affect all workers. To the socialist all must pay in to help the others.

So now the young “me” generation will have to foot the bill for people to have time off.

Many of them might think that is Ok but what happens when the little bit taken is not enough to pay for the program? Then the little bit more in taxes becomes a whole lot more in taxes. We already know that no government program ever dies so getting rid of it will be out of the question. No, we just need a little bit more on top of the little bit we take already.

Pretty soon all the little bits add up to a whole lot. It ends up being death by a thousand cuts.

And more people end up barely making ends meet while their hard earned cash goes to care for people who took life decisions that did not involve them.

Most millennials are not very bright and they will complain about the taxes and then vote for the next liberal/progressive/socialist who promises more free stuff.

These youngsters just can figure out that nothing is free. Someone, somewhere has to pay for it.

And it will end up being them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Federal Coercion Is Done With YOUR Money

The federal government collects trillions of dollars in taxes from various entities including corporations and some people who earn income. About 48% of the population earning wages pay no taxes and often get back much more than they paid in.

The government uses this money to run the country, or it is supposed to. It usually spends the money in a reckless fashion and increases the debt to the nation.

One thing the federal government does with the tax money, money that comes from the states, is use it to force states to do what the federal government wants.

We are familiar with speed limits and how federal highway money is withheld if speed limits do not meet some federal standard. This is true with a number of things. The federal government takes money from the states and then says that it will give some back for one thing or another so long as the states abide by rules the feds want to impose.

This is also the case with the school lunch program. The program is designed to provide reduced or no cost lunches to children from low income families. The feds take money in taxes from the states and then send it back to the states to pay for the program.

But there is a catch. If a school system participates in the program then it is bound by the rules set forth by the federal government or it risks losing the money.

By participating in the National School Lunch Program, the school district must adhere to edicts handed down from Washington, D.C. [Linked article]

So if the feds say that schools can’t provide cake with lunch then they can’t. This idiocy extends to the classroom where the feds could say they can’t serve cake for birthday celebrations as well. As far as I know these are not the rules. I post them examples of what the feds CAN do.

A teacher in West Virginia is in trouble for giving wrapped candy to students as a reward for hard work and good behavior. That is a big no-no under the federal program. The teacher faces a fine or reeducation and the school risks losing money for the lunch program.

This is what happens when you get in bed with the devil.

Perhaps states should opt out of the program and stop sending money to the federal government for it. The states could set up their own programs and then reduce that cost from what the feds collect. I know it is much more complicated than that and that is by design.

If the feds can make every state and every person dependent on the federal government then it will have total control over every aspect of life.

This is what liberal/progressive/socialists on the left want. Unfortunately, it is also what many on the right want as well.

The government is not much different than the mafia in that it uses the same tactics to get what it wants. The only real difference is that the government has made what it does legal.

It is a shame the federal government uses coercion to force us to do things it wants.

It is a crying shame it does it with our own money…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Despite Record Intake Government Still In Red

The federal government took in a record amount of money from taxpayers through the end of tax day (the number is not final until the next day but any additional money will add to the record). The government took in $1,416,555,440,000, more money than it has ever taken in during that time frame (in inflation adjusted dollars).

Even though the government fleeced taxpayers for a record amount of money the government still managed to spend $439.47 billion more than it took in.

Are we at a point where even liberals can see that the problem is not that we don’t pay enough in taxes? Are we at a point where they can see that the issue is GOVERNMENT SPENDS TOO MUCH?

The government has a yearly deficit and it takes in record amounts of money. Government continues to add to the debt (actual total of our debt in the right sidebar) even though it takes more of our money.

Perhaps the government should be pared down. Perhaps we should end many welfare programs that are being abused. Perhaps we should stop allowing illegals to receive these welfare hand outs.

One thing is certain. Government spends too much (often on items that are not Constitutional) money.

The amount coming in is not the problem.

The amount going out is.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Bleeding Of Jobs Continues In Maryland

A government contractor in Maryland is moving its operation to Virginia and taking over 1000 jobs out of the state as the bleeding of jobs continues.

Bechtel Corp announced the moves which will take place next year. This is just another in a long line of companies that have left Maryland for more business friendly states. Governor Martin O’Malley and his Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, who is running for governor, increased or enacted more than 40 taxes that are hurting the working people of the state and driving business away.

Brown wants to take over where O’Malley leaves off, with more taxes and a bad business environment. Brown is happy to carry the torch of progressive destruction in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2:1.

Larry Hogan is the Republican running to beat Brown and turn the state around. Hogan is a businessman who actually knows what it means to meet a payroll.

Put simply, Hogan knows what it is like to sign the front of the check. Brown only knows how to sign the back.

Hogan had this to say about the latest loss:

We are saddened to learn that another 1,100 well-paying jobs will be leaving Maryland for Virginia,” Republican nominee Larry Hogan said in a statement. The loss of jobs “will ripple though Frederick as dozens of small businesses — restaurants, repair shops, suppliers, cleaners and delivery firms — will suffer. Baltimore Sun

Liberal policies put in place by O’Malley and Brown are killing the state. It has been dying a slow death for decades under Democrat rule but the last eight years have seen an acceleration of that demise.

Get rid of Brown in November and we can begin to repair the damage done by him and O’Malley.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No To O’Malley for President…

Martin O’Malley, the Governor of Maryland, is thinking about running for the presidency in 2016. He has lived nearly his entire adult life in a political office and he does not want to get a real job so he is looking to move on up to another taxpayer funded position.

He wants to do for the nation what he has done for the People’s Republik of Maryland. The nation does not need that.

O’Malley has fudged crime statistics by changing how they are reported, he has infringed on our Second Amendment rights by imposing gun control laws that violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms (though he has armed guards around him all the time) and he has raised a number of taxes. In fact, O’Malley has never met a tax he didn’t hike.

The guy is worthless. When he talks he is lying and he should NEVER be considered for the presidency.

O’Malley likes to talk the same smack all the progressive morons talk. You know, about working together and pushing things for the poor. O’Malley does not work with the Republican minority in Maryland. He gets his Democrat sock puppets to push things he wants through and he uses his political appointments to help push his agenda.

He flip flops on any issue depending on political value.

He is an evil man who only does harm to the people. He is a typical progressive who thinks he must be involved in regulating every aspect of the people’s lives and that we are too stupid to live without his intervention.

He is a big supporter of open borders and giving illegals the hard earned tax dollars paid in by working AMERICANS. He is so hooked on helping illegals that he calls them New Americans. He supports their law breaking. The story that he opposed the illegals coming to Maryland is untrue. He did not want them going to a conservative part of the state because he was worried about their safety (Conservatives would not have treated them badly but would have worked to send them back).

Martin O’Malley is not a leader, he is not a problem solver and he is not a patriot. He is a statist who thinks big government funded through lots of taxes is the appropriate way to run a state and by extension a country. He does not follow the Constitution of the state or the nation. He is a progressive puke who thinks he knows better how you should live your life.

He is bad for America. Disregard him, ignore him and for all that is sacred…


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
