Maryland Democrats Impose $260 Million Tax Hike

I wanted to make it clear with the title that it was Maryland DEMOCRATS who raised taxes. Maryland is a one party rule, liberal state and Republicans have no control over the legislative process. Republicans did NOT vote for the tax hike, only the DEMOCRATS did.

Maryland Democrats voted to lower deductions and raise the tax rate for higher income earners in order to fund out of control spending and cover malfeasance that has become the standard in the state.

Taxes were raised in a special session that was called by Governor Martin O’Malley because his Democrats failed to screw taxpayers during the regular session. O’Malley called a special session a few years ago in order to raise a plethora of taxes that he claimed were needed to fix the budget.

Those tax increases did not pan out as fewer wage earners paid more in taxes and shoppers found ways to avoid the sales tax. In essence, raising taxes failed to solve the problem.

So, in a true demonstration of insanity, the Democrats held another O’Malley special session and raised income taxes on single earners making more than 100k a year and couples earning over 150k a year. Martin is using the Democrat playbook of taxing the “wealthy” in order to redistribute that wealth to the poor. The money will be used to pay for more social programs and for illegal aliens who find Maryland to be an illegal alien friendly state.

I call the governor Martin O’Moron because he is an absolute moron. His Democrats failed to raise taxes and the result was that cuts would automatically take place to the tune of millions of dollars.

Ever the liberal moron, O’Malley could not let this happen because he would not have the money needed to pay off his friends in the unions and the poor who suckle at the teat of government enslaved to an ideology that holds little regard for people except for the value of their vote. Keep voting Democrat and they throw out some scraps.

The problem is that those who work and pay taxes will have to keep paying for the scraps.

O’Malley is working on his national creds because he wants to be the president some day. He is not content bending taxpayers over and taking advantage of them at the state level so he needs to move to the national level where he can stroke his enormous ego at the expense of the nation.

There is no reason to increase taxes in Maryland. It has plenty of wealth because of its proximity to DC and it has a tax base that pays quite a bit. The problem is that the Legislature (read the DEMOCRATS) uses the money for things other than the intended purpose. They raped the transportation fund of millions of dollars for other pet projects or to cover budget shortfalls and now they are looking at increasing other taxes to make up the money they misappropriated.

Many higher wage earners who are fortunate have been able to leave the state and many more will follow because it is unfriendly to those who work and pay taxes.

I know a number of people in the state will ignore this and rationalize that it does not affect them because they don’t make “that kind of money” but it will affect them. Teacher’s pensions were pushed to the local level and that will require tax increases locally (or better yet, budget cuts) to pay for that move. People who own businesses and hire will do less because of their tax burden.

I recommend people shop online, shop in Delaware and Virginia and restructure their income so more of it is not taxable.

The only way to beat the beast is to starve the beast.

O’Malley has his jackbooted foot on our throats and he will continue to crush the life out of us until we fight back and remove the morons from office. It is time for all of us to remove these people from office and put in place those who will work for us as representatives of us. It is time we in Maryland had the Republican form of government guaranteed to us by the US Constitution.

It starts by removing those who are serving themselves and special interests and replacing them with true representatives of the people.

We fought a Revolution over less than this and our Founders would have been shooting by now. We need a peaceful revolution at the ballot box and it is time those enslaved to government realize that very soon the money spigot will be turned off as wage earners move out.

It is also time for the politicians to realize that they are now enemies of the state and are harming the people they are supposed to be working for.

The only special session I want to see from now on is the one that brings those who have done this to us together so they can face charges for their malfeasance.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama’s Huge Tax Increase

Barack Obama is the first leader of this country to allow our credit rating to be downgraded. The US was downgraded by S&P to AA+ from AAA. The other credit ratings agencies have not followed suit but have indicated that they could. This downgrade comes because politicians refused to cut our debt by at least 4 TRILLION dollars, as the agencies indicated was necessary to avoid a downgrade.

The downgrade will likely mean higher interest rates for all of us on our credit cards, at the bank, and for any item we buy on time. This downgrade is a tax increase on us all. Barack Obama told us it would be:

This is not some abstract issue. These are obligations that the United States has taken on in the past. The Congress has run up the credit card and we now have an obligation to pay our bills. If we do not it could have a whole set of adverse consequences. We could end up with a situation, for example, where interest rates rise for everybody all throughout the country, effectively a tax increase on everybody. Guardian UK [emphasis mine]

When the debt ceiling fight was in full swing Obama warned us that failure to resolve it could jeopardize our credit rating and if it was downgraded the result would effectively be a tax increase on us all. Looks like we have that tax increase even though we raised the debt limit because we did not cut enough. The ratings agencies warned us and the bull headed politicians who went for the debt limit deal ignored them.

The Obama regime knew this was coming and has been arguing to keep it from happening. This is why Obama and his cronies were all out shouting that the TEA Party got what it wanted. They want the public to believe that the plan put forward is the one the TEA Party wanted so that they can blame the TEA Party for the downgrade. The fact is, the only part of the deal that matches with TEA Party desire is the part that involves no tax increase. I have already pointed out that there are going to be tax increases (the credit rating drop and the elimination of the Bush cuts) but no tax increase was directly written into the bill.

The TEA Party wanted greater cuts. The Ryan Plan, which was really cut, cap and balance, cut more than 4 TRILLION dollars which is what the agencies said we needed to avoid a downgrade. The TEA Party favored that plan and that is not the plan that was passed. The one that passed favored big spending politicians who will continue to spend but will ignore the required cuts. We will be 7 TRILLION more in debt in ten years because of what they did.

Seven TRILLION more is not a cut, period.

So don’t pin this on the TEA Party with phony slogans about being held hostage and guns to heads. If they had listened to the TEA Party members our credit rating would not have been lowered and we would have over 4 TRILLION dollars in cuts though one wonders if a future Congress would honor them.

Seems they only live up to the tax increase part of debt “deals.”

To top it off, Democrats are saying the credit downgrade means we need to raise taxes. They just got raised by the downgrade (ask Barack Obama) and they will rise again when the Bush cuts expire. That is not stopping the Democrats from trying to raise them even more. This is all they know how to do and now their buzz word is “balanced” as in a balanced approach.

To them balance means to add more taxes so they can spend more money we do not have.

Tell your members of Congress that we just got an Obama tax increase because he allowed the credit rating to drop and that we do not need more taxes. We need to make meaningful cuts that Congress will honor.

Absent that we will see the other agencies downgrade our credit rating and we will have even more Obama tax increases.

As an aside, Obama said we needed a deal to avoid the downgrade and Turbo-Tax Timmy Geithner said that there was no risk of us losing our rating. Both were wrong. Is it obvious yet to the Obama followers that he and his regime are incompetent?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Eight Republicans Screwed You On Cap And Tax

The House voted on the cap and trade bill today bringing it closer to reality. It will have a tougher time in the Senate but it will probably eventually pass. This was a big Democratic bill and the agenda for this is strictly on the Democrats even though a number of them voted no today. They are people who are worried about the next election. It was a given that Democrats would largely support this bill but it would not have passed if eight Republicans had not defected. The bill passed 219-212 and would have failed 220-211 has the eight Republicans not voted for it. This bill will raise the cost of energy. People will not be able to afford their energy and all increases on companies will be passed on to the consumer. If it passes you have eight Republicans to thank.

Obama himself clearly said that his cap and trade program would necessarily cause energy prices to skyrocket. Everyone will pay for that. This is not a tax on the “rich” or some offset that the middle class and poor will not have to pay. This will be a massive increase in energy prices so folks better start paying attention and forcing their elected officials to listen. The Senate needs to halt this or it will be a catastrophe.

You know it has to be bad because they are ramming it through before anyone can read it. Does anyone see a pattern here? The stimulus was rammed through and no one read it. Now there are things popping up that no one was aware of. This is not even counting the fact that the stimulus is not working.

The Democrats have a bill that is over 1000 pages. No one had time to read it. At the last minute a 300 page amendment was added and no one could read that. This is irresponsible government and those Republicans who voted for this need to be removed from office. I expect irresponsibility from the Democrats and their messiah but I expect better from Republicans and if they do not do what is right I expect them to be removed from office. Here are the people YOU need to vote out of office in the next election:

  • Reichert-Washington–8th District
  • Bono-California–45th District
  • Castle-Delaware–
  • Kirk-Illinois–10th District
  • Lance-New Jersey–7th District
  • LoBiondo-New Jersey–2nd District
  • McHugh-New York–23rd District
  • Smith-New Jersey–4th District

Target these people and make sure they lose the next election. They do not deserve your vote and they do not deserve to be in office. They are a disgrace and they sold you out. They sold you a bill of goods.

It is now up to the Senate to kill this bill before it causes the skyrocketing prices Barack Obama wants.

Are you elderly folks paying attention? Are you poor and middle class folks paying attention? Obama’s cap and tax plan will seriously hurt you. If you have to choose between using energy and eating cat food there will be no one to bail you out. You will be further enslaved to the Democratic Party.

We need to start cleaning house and we need to do it in 2010. They all need to go. Get rid of them and replace them with people who will do a good job and do what is right for the country. The people there now stand to make millions off the cap and tax scheme. They will get wealthy while you pay more.

Throw them out and you can start with the eight Republicans listed above.

Big Dog

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Maryland Millionaires Missing

The People’s Republic of Maryland is about as left as they come. The state has so many Democrats in the largest, most heavily populated subdivisions that all the others combined cannot overcome the deficit. This means a lot of Democrats win elections and the same ones win over and over and…

The previous governor of the state was a Republican, the first one in about 40 years. He assumed office with a deficit and left with an excess. He did some things I did not like but was moderately conservative which in this state is way right.

When Democrat Martin O’Malley defeated Republican Robert Ehrlich in 2006 the surplus disappeared not long after O’Malley took office. He had to pay his special interest buddies off and make good on the promises to people who got him elected. It was not long before a special session of the legislature was called in order to discuss the budget problems. We all knew that meant a tax increase.

In that session the Democrats raised the state sales tax 20% (from 5 to 6%) and they raised the income tax on the “rich.” Up until that time the rate in Maryland was the same for everyone but the Democrats decided that the rich needed to pay more to redistribute the wealth to others. Many of us warned that the wealthy would pick up and move or would find ways to reduce their taxable income. No, they would grin and bear it, or so said the Baltimore Sun.

The Wall Street Journal has an article that discusses the tax increases and how Maryland has one third fewer millionaires than it had last year. That’s right, one third of the millionaires are no longer around. Some of this is because of the economy but many of them just packed up and moved on.

One year later, nobody’s grinning. One-third of the millionaires have disappeared from Maryland tax rolls. In 2008 roughly 3,000 million-dollar income tax returns were filed by the end of April. This year there were 2,000, which the state comptroller’s office concedes is a “substantial decline.” On those missing returns, the government collects 6.25% of nothing. Instead of the state coffers gaining the extra $106 million the politicians predicted, millionaires paid $100 million less in taxes than they did last year — even at higher rates.

O’Malley and his Democratic buddies could not get spending under control. Well, the reality is, they did not want to. They continue to pass unfunded mandates and though the law requires a balanced budget they can’t seem to manage that. The solution was simple for them. Being the good Democrats they are, they raised taxes on the rich. Some of the rich voted with their feet and now the state is taking in less money than it anticipated so the not so rich are going to end up footing the bill.

One other issue along these lines is the slot machine fiasco. Ehrlich tried to get slots through legislative action and the Democrats shot him down because “that is no way to balance a budget.” O’Malley, who was vehemently opposed to slots, was elected and all of the sudden slots are a good idea to raise money. They put it on the ballot as a referendum which means it becomes part of the state Constitution. It is never a good idea to put something like this in the Constitution. It passed and now they are stuck with the rules which can only be changed with another referendum. If they had legislated it they could have changed it with the legislative process.

Now we have slots that can’t be put into place because the rules are all screwed up. We have gone 7 years since Ehrlich introduced them which means if they had enacted the slots then they would be in place and generating revenue.

Maryland can’t get its act together because it is run by liberal Democrats and, like nearly every state run by Democrats, it is run poorly and in the red.

The people of Maryland need to wake up and start voting out all the people who keep making the messes. Einstein once said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result was the definition of insanity.

The people of Maryland are insane.

Cross posted at Grizzly Groundswell

Big Dog

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Obama Breaks Tax Pledge

Barack Obama promised, and Joe Biden echoed, that no family making under $250,000 would see any kind of tax increase. He was not just talking income taxes, he said ALL taxes. That pledge was broken on the 1st of April when the tax on a pack of cigarettes was increased. The poor are the greatest users of tobacco and thus this tax will disproportionately affect them. A person who smokes one pack a day will pay around $30 a month in taxes or $360 a year.

“I can make a firm pledge,” he said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12. “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” [emphasis mine] Breitbart

I have no problem if people want to smoke. It is legal to smoke and if people want to use tobacco then that is their business. However, government claims that people should not smoke and it tries to discourage it. This is one of the stated reasons for the tax increase. In reality, only about 10% of people who try to quit actually succeed so the tax will not likely spur many people to give up the habit though I am hoping more people find the strength to quit.

I want them to quit, not because it is bad for their health, though that is a good reason, but to keep the government from collecting on their vices. The major reason is because the government will use the money to fund children’s health care. Only in America would we tax an addictive, unhealthy product and use the money for health care. While Obama claimed he would pay for his programs, including health care, by taxing the rich, he is actually doing it on the backs of the poor. Additionally, there will need to be about 20 million new smokers to pay for the expansion of children’s health care. Where will the additional money come from, especially if more people are actually successful and quit? The government used this backdoor method to expand children’s health care and will now go after any method to pay for it including raising taxes in general.

I know that the liberals will complain that this is another “right wing lie” by the conservatives who are not happy with Obama. The hero worship in them prevents them from seeing the truth. The reality is that Obama said “NOT ANY OF YOUR TAXES” when discussing those making under $250,000 but the increase on tobacco is an increase on those making much less than that.

I encourage smokers to make a serious attempt to quit. There are products on the market to aid in smoking cessation (one of which is advertised at the top of my sidebar) and smokers should avail themselves of these in order to quit.

Quitting will be good for your health and it will deprive the vultures in DC of your money. It will hurt their plan to pay for health care on your backs and it will take one of the chains that bind you to government away. You see, this is just one tax increase. If they need more money they can always raise the tax on tobacco some more. Why wait until you have paid them a fortune?

Quit now, for your health and to screw those in DC who lied to you about raising your taxes.

Big Dog

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