Which Buffet Rule?

Barack Obama is on the warpath about the rich and taxing them. He trots out the so called Buffet Rule, named for the tax cheat who claims the rich need to pay more because he pays less in taxes than his secretary does. This sleight of hand is an issue involving the kind of income on which taxes are levied. His secretary has earned income and Buffet has investment (passive) income. These items are taxed at different rates and are not comparable.

Buffet could change his income to earned income and pay more. More importantly, he could pay the taxes he owes. Yes, Mr. the rich need to pay more owes a lot of money to the government. Ellen Sauerbrey put it nicely:

Obama is campaigning for “the Buffett rule” Which one does he mean? That the rich should pay more taxes? – or – that the rich should fight the IRS to pay less as Buffett is doing and has been doing for the last decade? His Berkshire Hathaway company owes the IRS one billion dollars IN BACK TAXES. He doesn’t seem TOO gung-ho to pay what HE OWES!. Is that spelled HYPOCRITE ? [From her Facebook Wall]

This is a very timely question and brings into the sunlight the dirty little secret. The people who are always screaming for higher taxes find many ways to avoid paying their own taxes. John Kerry and his yacht come to mind.

The neglected item in all this is the fact that the so called Buffet rule will do little to help the current fiscal mess our government is in. It will amount to a few billion dollars a year. The amount of money collected is rapidly spent by the government.

What is this all about then? It is nothing more than an effort to make things “fair”. It is about leveling the playing field and redistributing wealth. Barack Obama is on the campaign trail screaming that he is not a Socialist and that he is not out to redistribute wealth but his words do not square with his actions (or his past words).

Obama told Joe the Plumber that things were better when you spread the wealth around. He has stated that the Buffet rule was about making things fair.

As if it is fair to steal one person’s money and give it to another.

This is all about Obama’s Socialist policies of redistributing wealth. He claims that it is not but he is lying. Yes, to quote Congressman Joe Wilson, YOU LIE!

I have no problem calling Obama a liar because he is one and Wilson had it right. You can tell Obama is lying because his lips will be moving.

This is all about redistributive policies where government robs those who have been successful and give to those who have not. The wealthy already pay most of the taxes in this country (when they pay them Mr. Buffet and all you Democrat tax evaders) and they do more than their fair share.

Nearly half of wage earners pay no federal taxes. They do not pay their fair share or as Joe Biden would say, they are not being patriotic.

No, Barack Obama is not interested in getting deficits under control. He is not interested in policies that will actually get the economy moving.

Barack Obama is ONLY interested in pushing Socialist policies that will redistribute wealth.

Because yes, he is a Socialist.


And we need to make the Won, a One term wonder.

It is November or never…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The More Things Change

There is really no change in DC except for which party is in power. That and how Democrats act about certain things. For instance, when Republicans were the majority the Democrats complained that they felt left out of the process even though the right wrote rules that included them. Now that the left is in charge they completely exclude the right and make no bones about it. Nancy Pelosi basically said, yeah we wrote the stimulus package because we won the election and the rules she wrote excludes Republicans. Remember that Nancy. You have full responsibility like you did for the financial meltdown but on this you will not be able to say you are blameless.

When Republicans do something wrong the Democrats make sure it is on the front pages. When Democrats do bad things they are put into positions of responsibility. Timothy Geithner did not pay his taxes. It was not a mistake, an oversite, a tax software glitch, an invasion by Martians, or an interruption by Bigfoot. The fact is he knew he was supposed to pay them and he did not. He signed papers saying he would take the money given to pay them and do so but he did not. Now he is the nominee to be the Treasury Secretary. I have heard it said on several occasions that he is the smartest man out there and the only one who can fix the mess. So, if this guy is so smart, how did he make this “mistake” and fail to pay taxes? Do you really want a person who can’t figure out his taxes running Treasury?

When George Bush was president the Democrats loved to bust his chops for deficit spending. Of course the Democrats continue to tell this lie that we had a balanced budget and a surplus of cash when Clinton left office. This is a lie. We had a deficit per the government’s numbers. A surplus means we had extra money. We owed so there could be no surplus. Still I have heard how Bush spent the “surplus” and then spent more than we had and ran up a huge deficit. I am not disputing that he spent and ran up a deficit because it is true. I do not like the increased spending but my not liking it does not mean it did not happen. Now, of course, Obama and the Democrats are spending TRILLIONS of dollars and will run up the largest deficit in our history. None of them are railing about deficit spending like they did when Bush was in power. They say it is necessary to stimulate the economy.

[note]If deficit spending or spending more money were the answer we would not be having problems because they have done nothing but spend for a very long time.[/note]

Liberals are holding hands and singing Kumbaya while telling the rest of us that we are all Americans and we need to give Obama a chance to do his job. They tell us that we all need to work together and that if we would only put aside our differences and do just that we would solve our problems. Hollywood stars are making little public service announcements about how we should be working together. Suddenly being patriotic and waving a flag is cool. For years they disavowed that behavior and discussed dissent. They told us the country was founded on dissent and that it was patriotic to dissent and oppose government [Bush]. These are the low life maggots who NEVER gave Bush a chance. In 2000 George Bush won the election and every recount conducted by the partisan media showed that. Still, liberals said he stole it. They protested at his inauguration and pelted his limo with eggs. This is how day one started and it got worse over the next 8 years. To these idiots coming together only works if their guy is in office.

I will say that they will get what they gave. Some who comment here call it whining and crying by Republicans but they fail to recognize that they acted horribly for 8 years. It is a typical method for the left. They rewrite history. However, we know how they acted and we saw more of it when Bush left town. Even Nancy Pelosi said the best thing about inauguration was watching the helicopter take Bush away. She said it felt like a 10 pound anvil lifted off her head. I thought she looked more like she got hit by a bag of nickels. I actually think it would be good if an anvil landed on her head.

One last thing. When a person from the right makes an observation about an issue involving race then he is a racist. Criticize Obama and you are a racist. Question affirmative action, racist. Just about anything will get you labeled a racist regardless of your intention or how you live your life. If you do not plug into the collective then you are a racist and that is that. But let a black guy make an absolutely racist statement and the left keeps its mouth shut. Reverend Lowery did it on inauguration day and no one from the left called him a racist or demanded an apology. Don Imus lost his job over the uproar over some comments he made but Lowery is praised. I read a comment today (I think at the WaPo) where a guy said that Rick Warren was a disgrace and should not have been there but Lowery was wonderful. This is the kind of claptrap you get from liberals. They will not condemn their own until it becomes a political liability.

Yep, we are in for an interesting 4 years. Already some of the things I said would happen are. I said that when Obama was criticized for the same things Bush did we would be called haters or told to give him a chance or that the left would embrace the very thing they attacked Bush for. I said that every criticism would be considered racist. I even said that if he won we would all be expected to get along while ignoring the behavior of the left for the last 8 years.

These people have no shame.

And the more things supposedly change, the more they stay the same.

Big Dog

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Treasury Selection Fails To Pay Taxes

The man Barack Obama selected to head Treasury failed to pay about $34,000 in taxes. Timothy Geithner was selected to run the Treasury and he is unable to do what he will expect the rest of us to do. I guess he got his training from Charlie Rangel.

What is it about Democrats that makes them want to tax the hell out of us but not to want to pay their own taxes?

Barack Obama must be slightly embarrassed by this little event given his multi-page vetting form that should have picked this up right away. But incoming White House spokesman Robert Gibbs explained it all away:

“He’s dedicated his career to our country and served with honor, intelligence and distinction,” incoming White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said. “That service should not be tarnished by honest mistakes, which, upon learning of them, he quickly addressed.” My Way News

You see, this is a lie. He paid the taxes a few days before his nomination was announced but that was not “upon learning of them” as indicated. Geithner was informed by the IRS that he owed money in 2006 which was two years ago. Additionally, he failed to pay his taxes on more than one occasion. The truth is that he went for years owing taxes to the government.

If he has such blatant disregard for the law as a citizen how will he act when he is in charge of Treasury?

Geithner also employed an illegal, or as the spokesman calls her, a person without documents.

Geithner also didn’t realize a housekeeper he paid in 2004 and 2005 did not have current employment documentation as an immigrant for the final three months she worked for him, the transition official said.

Boy, the Obama team really missed two big issues with this guy. I hope they pay a bit more attention when they are running the country.

Wall Street Journal

Big Dog

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If Rangel Were A Republican He’d Be In Jail

Charlie Rangel is the moron Congressman from Harlem New York who acts more like a street hustler than a member of Congress. Rangel has been caught avoiding income taxes on property he owns and when it was exposed he claimed ignorance of the tax laws, the laws he writes since he heads that committee. He must be too busy pimping around in his expensive leased Caddy that the taxpayers foot the bill for to pay attention to his finances.

Rangel has four rent controlled apartments in New York when the laws says he can only have one and he uses one of them as an office even though that too is against the law. Now it looks as if Rangel used a DC Homestead exemption to avoid paying property taxes in the District.

This is a real problem because Rangel is not a resident of DC. He has property there because he works at the Capitol but his place of residence is New York. He must live in his district in order to represent it in Congress so that means he cannot take the Homestead credit in DC.

There are a number of other problems with what he has done and they all point to even more violations of the law (in addition to the violation that involves avoiding taxes) which could land Rangel in trouble, if someone would actually investigate the issue.

If He Were A Republican He’d Be Investigated

Democrats have no ethical principles so they will not investigate it. If a Republican breaks the law or some rule the Democrats are like bleating sheep making all kinds of noise and pointing out the infraction. Then they use the issue to tell America how ethical they are and how they deserve to be elected so that these kinds of things will not happen.

Of course, they happen quite frequently but Democrats refuse to investigate or put on some dog and pony show so it looks like they are investigating and then they leave it alone. Why is William Jefferson still in Congress?

I think that a new approach is in order and it is one that does not involve Congress. The people of New York (it might have to be limited to his district) need to file whatever papers are needed to have him removed from office because he is not a resident of Harlem. He has filed for, and received for a number of years, the DC Homestead credit which is only available to residents so Rangel has made himself a resident of DC.

He could probably argue that he was a resident of New York since he votes there. In that case they should offer him a new residence in a federal penitentiary. If he claims residency in one state and votes in another, illegal. If he filed the Homestead credit and he is not a resident, illegal. If he filed it to avoid taxes, very illegal. He has violated a number of laws and they should make him pay dearly for it. The linked article has all the pertinent information.

The Democrats should treat Rangel as they would were he a Republican.

That should get rid of him.

Big Dog

Charlie Rangel’s War

Known tax evader Charlie Rangel has partly satisfied his obligation to pay his taxes in that he wrote checks for the amount of money owed for the taxes he neglected to pay. However, Rangel has not paid any of the fines and penalties that should accompany his remittance to the IRS. The average citizen would be hounded to death with enormous fines and penalties. Rangel is the head of the committee that writes the tax laws. One would think he would know the rules so either he is incompetent and should be removed or he used his position to avoid taxes and he should be removed.

Rangel, true to liberal form, wasted no time in playing the victim in this mess. Rangel wrote a letter to his constituents, those who keep putting this crook in office, explaining that he has done nothing dishonorable and that he has no intention of stepping down from his chairman position, explaining to New Yorkers that he has never “violated the public trust.” I don’t know about anyone else but this seems like things that are dishonorable and violate the public’s trust:

…he didn’t pay taxes on rental income for a beach house in the Dominican Republic; he used three rent-stabilized apartments in Harlem, including one for a campaign office; he used his congressional stationery to drum up private donations to a college center named after him.

Now Rangel’s victim hood comes from his assertion that the Republicans had declared guerrilla war against Democrats and have made every attempt to smear ole Charlie and his fellow Democrats. This is how these deranged idiots think. If they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar then they are victims of an attack and smears but when a Republican gets caught nothing short of a public hanging will satisfy the left.

Charlie Rangel is doing damage control and trying to convince people that he is a victim and deserves to keep his position when in reality he should be booted out the door. We should apply the same standard that was applied to Tom Delay and the other Republicans who have been caught doing something wrong.

Let us keep in mind that Rangel is not the victim of guerrilla warfare. He is the victim of his own criminal acts. He probably assumed that after decades of using public office to get rich he would be immune from scrutiny but it seems that this is not so. If Republicans were responsible for exposing this criminal, good. It is about time they decided to play hardball with the other side’s corruption regardless of how long the left desires to ignore it.

As for Rangel. He was recently very crass when referring to Sarah Palin when he said she was “disabled.” One thing is certain, Rangel might think Palin is disabled but he is just plain stupid.

Yahoo News

Big Dog