Better Send Al Gore to Jupiter

The Earth is a planet with a fever Al Gore told us and he and the global warming conspiracy nuts want us to do something while they rake in untold billions of dollars in the process. There is no scientific evidence that mankind is causing the warming, a cyclic occurrence that goes back well before our time on this planet, but that has not stopped the Chicken Little’s from demanding action.

Those of us who deny that mankind is causing the problem point to the cyclic history and the thousands of scientists who are skeptical or outright deny GW and we even pointed to Mars as an example. The Red Planet has warmed up and there are no human beings living there so it is possible (and the evidence supports) that it is a natural phenomenon.

There is news out that climate change (the new buzz word for GW) is causing an outbreak of red spots on the planet Jupiter. The spots are storm activity and are near the equator where it is getting warmer. There are certainly no human being living on Jupiter so it is a foregone conclusion that humans did not cause the warming. Imagine that, another planet experiencing global warming. What do all the planets have in common? They rotate around the Sun, the source of heat in our solar system. Sunspot activity has been up during periods of warmth and down during periods of cooling but that has not deterred Gore and his minions on the GW bandwagon from concluding that GW is because of mankind. It is an easy mistake to make because the increase in fossil fuel use occurred at a time when sunspot activity was at an all time high (all time in the period measured).

We need to put Al Gore on a rocket ship and blast him to Jupiter immediately so he can give some Tylenol to the planet which also seems to have a fever. Fever is a sign of infection so perhaps we caught something from one of the others…

While we are at it, perhaps we could send DiCaprio and the rest of the GW sycophants on the little expedition. That would certainly be NASA money that was well spent…

Big Dog

Others with interesting posts:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, 123beta, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, Conservative Cat, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Nuke Gingrich, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, , Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.