All Hail King Obama

Barack Obama has been frustrated over the economy that he has failed to fix. He is flummoxed because he has pushed a Socialist agenda and ended up getting slapped down in the midterm elections. He is looking for a reelection that probably will not happen and he is frustrated. He is particularly upset that he has to deal with a Republican controlled Congress.

He is so upset that he has accused Republicans of failing to act on things that he could not get done when his party controlled both chambers and when he did not need one single GOP vote to get things passed. He needs a bad guy in order to get America back on his side (or so he thinks).

So after spending nearly a trillion dollars that did not stimulate and did not create jobs, Obama wants to spend 400 BILLION more to do what the first stimulus could not. He and his apologists have said that the Stimulus was not intended to grow jobs right away (in contrast to their claims before it was passed) and that job growth would occur later on (which happens to be about this time period). So if it was supposed to help by now, why do we need another Stimulus package?

Well, Obama introduced his second stimulus because he does not want it to pass. He wants Republicans to block it so he can blame them for all the problems that he caused. There is an election to win so Obama is playing the game. The problem he has is that a lot of Democrats oppose the second stimulus. There are quite a few Democrats in the Senate who are up for reelection next year and they are worried they will be voted out of office. Given that they took a beating in 2010 they already know another is possible so they opposed Obama’s second stimulus.

This has not stopped Obama and the Democrats from blaming Republicans. Harry Reid blames Republicans as his Democrats block it in the Senate. Obama blames Republicans as his party votes against it. Obama needs to keep blaming Republicans because that is the narrative. That is the plan, that is how he plans to fight to keep his job. He can’t let people know that his own party opposes his bill and that the Senate, which is controlled by his party, can’t get it passed because his Democrats do not support it.

He is now pushing on to plan B. Obama will continue to blame Republicans but he has directed his people to scour a report and identify those items which he can act on administratively in order to avoid Congressional involvement. Obama wants to do whatever he can to bypass the Congress and get his second stimulus in place. Obama wants to know how he can do things in a fashion that would conflict with our Constitution and our way of life.

He will blame Republicans and he will say he needed to do this because they were obstructing him. He will claim it was necessary and that he was looking out for you.

And you can bet that when it fails he will blame it on the very people he bypassed.

We went from a Republic to a Monarchy with King Barack ignoring a coequal branch of government in order to push an agenda.

We need to get rid of him and his enablers in 2012 or the American experiment will be marked a failure as we progress to a Socialist country.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Stimulus That Didn’t Stimulate

A new report from Barack Obama’s own Council of Economic Advisors shows that the stimulus failed to stimulate, that each job created or “saved” cost taxpayers $278,000, and that we would have been better off without the stimulus.

What a surprise? The Stimulus was a failure, just as I had said it would be. To spend 278 thousand dollars per job created or allegedly saved is absolutely criminal. To top it off, the trend of adding jobs appears to be going in the wrong direction. The Stimulus failed to stimulate and now it is having a harmful effect on the economy. Interpretation of the report indicates that we would have done better without the Stimulus.

Perhaps this is because the Stimulus was not meant to actually stimulate. The report they wrote says it was and Obama and his toadies said it was but the reality of the situation is that a lot of taxpayer money, money we do not have, was appropriated for the sole purpose of paying off Democrat constituencies. The labor unions, the Obama supporters, the Democrat controlled cities that can’t make it on their own, all took our money as part of a huge payoff and redistribution scheme.

All sides agree on these incriminating numbers — and now they also appear to agree on this important point: The economy would now be generating job growth at a faster rate if the Democrats hadn’t passed the “stimulus.” Weekly Standard

Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the Democrats own the economy and she is absolutely correct. The Democrats took a bad situation (caused mostly by their failed policies) and made it much worse. We have hit rock bottom and are now starting to dig.

This is what happens when we elect a man with NO experience whatsoever. Never had a productive job, never had to make payroll and lived his life off the taxpayer. He got taxpayer money for his education, for his community rabble rousing and for his jobs in politics. Oh sure, he received money through graft and corruption as well as the books he wrote about his life (as if he actually had anything to write about) but he never ran anything meaningful.

He was and remains out of his league and he continues to drive us further toward government control of everything.

He is well on his way with the failed Stimulus and the 5 TRILLION dollars of debt he has accumulated.

It is more meaningful when his own people point it out.

Maybe they want to avoid the pitchforks and torches…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Social Engineering And A Waste Of Taxpayer Money

This video from 2009 involves members of Congress and the regime discussing the economic recovery plan (the stimulus) and how it should be spent. The video has comments inserted which are appropriate and worthy of discussion.

Notice how these folks are discussing how to spend our money and that the concern is that skilled white construction workers will get the jobs building bridges. The discussion is how to ensure people who might not have any skills get some of the recovery money. A video comment asks why don’t we hire the best people to build the bridge regardless of what color they are?

And excellent point except the stimulus money was not designed to stimulate the economy, it was designed to pay off political friends and to engage in social welfare. These people don’t care if bridges actually get built (have any been built) and they don’t care that bridges which might get built are built by people who are less skilled or unskilled so long as the money goes to minorities and other “disadvantaged” people.

Charlie Rangel starts discussing the flow of money and how the federal government is impeded by the pesky state legislatures. He says they need to come up with some method to bypass all that and force the states to take the money. This is how states get federal money with all kinds of strings attached. Robert Reich then says that it needs to be presented to governors and they can either sign or not but to hold them accountable.

In the end, Rangle assures everyone they will not have to worry about the middle class objecting because they will be too worried about putting food on the table and clothing their children.

In other words, don’t be concerned about the middle class. They will be too busy working to make ends meet to notice the social engineering taking place at the federal level with their hard earned money.

I guess Rangel was wrong. Looks like a lot of the middle class did pay attention and showed that in the 2010 election.

This is the goal of Democrats and particularly this regime. They want to redistribute wealth and they want to spend money on social programs under the guise of stimulating the economy.

Our families will have to drive over the bridges built by the least skilled workers.

Well, that sort of makes sense. This country (and by extension our families) is being led by the least skilled among us…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Trillion Dollar Teaching Moment

When Barack Obama and the Democrats were selling their snake oil, otherwise known as stimulus, they told us about all the “shovel ready” projects that would be funded with the money. There were all these jobs that were just waiting for the money to appear and they would have shovels banging the ground.

Obama, Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the gaggle used the words “shovel ready” early and often. We were led to believe that all these jobs were ready to go, or should I say, shovel ready to go?

In a recent New York Times interview Obama admits that there is no such thing as a shovel ready project. He tells us that it took him too long to realize that there is no such thing as shovel ready projects:

In the magazine article, Mr. Obama reflects on his presidency, admitting that he let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend Democrat,” realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” and perhaps should have “let the Republicans insist on the tax cuts” in the stimulus. The New York Times Caucus Blog

As an aside, earlier in the interview Obama claims that if the Republicans take control they will have to be more than the party of “no.” Then, in the quote above, he claims that he learned he should have let the Republicans insist on tax cuts in the stimulus. If they were actually the party of “no” then how does it square with the idea that he should have let them do what they were asking to do?

Anyway, Obama is now telling us what many thinking people already knew and that is, there are no shovel ready projects. This means that the government wasted a trillion dollars teaching Obama something that people with actual experience already knew. The only thing that was shovel ready was the stuff Obama was shoveling.

This was a trillion dollar teaching moment.

An economic beer summit would have been much more cost effective.

Mr. Obama, the teaching moment here is that you should listen to people who actually know what they are doing and who have actual work experience.

I wonder how much more money we are going to waste teaching this guy?

At least he can claim to have received the most expensive education in history…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Insanity Thy Name Is Stimulus

One definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different result. If this definition is accurate then Barack Obama is insane. He and his Democrats have spent nearly a trillion dollars on a so called stimulus package that was touted as the thing we needed to save the economy and create jobs. We are more than 18 months into it and the unemployment rate is rising while the economy continues to teeter on complete collapse.

Obama spent money we did not have with lots of promises that it would work. He and his sock puppets continue to tell us that we are going in the right direction and that things are working despite all evidence to the contrary. The so called Summer of Recovery and been a Summer of Stagnation and the fall looks to be even worse.

So what does Obama want to do? Why spend MORE money on stimulating the economy. Obama wants 50 BILLION more dollars to stimulate the economy even though the 787 BILLION dollars dedicated to this effort has failed.

Vowing to find new ways to stimulate the sputtering economy, President Barack Obama will call for long-term investments in the nation’s roads, railways and runways that would cost at least $50 billion.

The infrastructure investments are one part of a package of targeted proposals the White House is expected to announce in hopes of jump-starting the economy ahead of the November election. Obama will outline the infrastructure proposal Monday at a Labor Day event in Milwaukee.

The original Stimulus was supposed to provide for these things. The “shovel ready” projects were supposed to be in the infrastructure and provide all the Obama union supporters with jobs right out of the starting gate. Instead, the money has gone to pay off other special interests and has provided no stimulus just as many of us had predicted.

We do not need more stimulus. Throwing more money we do not have at a problem that the original money did not fix is insane.

Obama is trying to use money we do not have and that will have to be repaid by taxpayers to win the midterm election. He wants to throw this money at the problem in hopes that things will get better in time to turn the election around. This simply will not happen and it shows how naive and inexperienced he really is. He does not understand the economy and he has no idea of the actual mood of the electorate.

If this were a wonderful idea it might pass because Obama’s Democrats still control Congress. However, many of his Democrats are fighting for their political lives because they marched lock step with Obama on his agenda. These Democrats chose party over principle and over constituents who did not want the Stimulus (or Health Care and Financial Reform) and now those very Democrats are avoiding these items like the plague because they do not want to be associated with the Obama agenda. They know it will mean the end of their time in Congress.

With that in mind, it is not likely they will vote to spend more money in a fashion that is opposed by the electorate.

Of course if they are reelected they will do it. They might also try in a lame duck session of Congress but we should be able to stop that.

In any event, Obama is insane if he thinks more of the same will produce different results.

A prediction; It will not take long before a progressive comments touting how wonderful the Stimulus has been and that it has been successful. Anyone making that claim is as brain damaged as Joe Biden.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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