The Obama Media

The main stream media is a wing of the Democrat party. The MSM carries the water for Democrats and will do anything to push that point of view. The journalists have gone from reporting the news to being fixers who promote good stories and kill bad ones when a Democrat is involved but make sure any bad act (real, perceived, or invented) by a Republican is pushed and played on a continuous loop.

Rush Limbaugh has stated many times that the members of the liberal state run media get their marching orders and talking points from one place. Rush often plays a montage of audio clips from the various news shows and in the clips the reporters all use the same buzz words. If a few reporters use the word gravitas it would be a coincidence but when 10 or 15 (or more) use it then it is coordinated. Limbaugh has played clips on a number of occasions and each time some new word, phrase, or theme is repeated by the journalists.

They are all getting their marching orders from the Democrats.

We have also long suspected that the media members got together to coordinate stories and to figure ways to help the Democrats. We now know that the private journalist list (Journolist) to which many liberal members of the media belong, is a place where they get together and figure ways to help Democrats.

This was particularly true for Barack Obama. When Jeremiah Wright first emerged the impact on the Obama campaign could have been a disaster. Wright is an anti American racist preacher who spouts off stupidity about white people and this country and his rantings could have made things difficult for Obama because the only way he wins is with the white vote.

In steps the MSM via the Journolist. They decided on ways to steer the story away from Wright and to make it another issue. They decided to pick a conservative who opposed Obama and call him a racist. They actually coordinated using the race card to help Obama.

The people on the list also discussed ways to intimidate other news people who they felt were not following the script.

Rush was right. They do get their marching orders and they do sit around and think of ways to protect Obama.

In the good ole days we had investigative reporters. Now we have hacks who work for the Democrats posing as reporters.

And look what they have done to this country…

The Daily Caller
Red Maryland

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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