Let Them Eat Birthday Cake

Michelle My Belle Obama is on a four day vacation with her youngest daughter while hubby Barry spends time away from family but with his friends, in Chicago. Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) spent his birthday in Chicago while the rest of his family did something else. While Barry told the country to visit the Gulf for vacation his wife, Michelle, evidently did not get the memo. She is spending time in Spain at a posh $2500 a night hotel.

Yes, while millions of people are unemployed, while her husband destroys the economy, while the near future is bleak, Michelle Obama is spending time at a hotel in which her room will cost $10,000 for the four days. That is more money than some people make a year. You’ve gotta love royalty…

And it gets worse because MO took up 60 rooms for 40 of her friends. I assume the other 20 rooms were for Secret Service Agents. Don’t be fooled by anything you read in the MSM. Michelle Obama is on a political trip paying off political friends and looking for more support. Hubby is sinking in the polls and most Democrats are avoiding him like the plague so MO is the one to garner support.

The big question is, who is paying for this? We know that part of the bill is being paid for by taxpayers. The plane ride over was on the taxpayer and the 20 or so Secret Service Agents are being paid for by the taxpayer. I don’t know who paid for the rest but if it is her vacation she shouild be paying for the entire trip out of her pocket (with the exception of reasonable items afforded her position as First Lady).

Somehow I feel like the bill will go to the taxpayer.

I do not begrudge anyone a vacation. I don’t really care how people spend their money (if she is indeed spending her money on this) but I can’t stand hypocrites and elitist pigs who tell us one thing and do another. The Clintons bash rich people all the time and discuss how terrible they are and how they should be giving more and why do they need so much and then they spend $5 million dollars on their daughter’s wedding. Think of how many of the poor folks and children that kind of money would have helped.

MO is the same way. She and her husband are liberal elitists who think that the government can decide how much a person can make. They believe that government should provide cradle to grave care for people. They think the evil rich make too much and spend it on lavish things. Then MO spends tens of thousands of dollars on a vacation. What do you expect from a woman whose husband eats $100 a pound steak?

To top all this off, MO did not spend the tens of thousands of dollars here in the United States. She could have gone to California where they could certainly use the money. She could show that she believes what her husband says and vacationed in the Gulf. Think of how welcomed that kind of spending would have been in an area devestated by the oil spill and the ensuing ineptitude of the Obama regime. The people down there are hurting and could have used an influx of money. The presence of MO could have sparked the rest of the country to vacation in the Gulf and help out our fellow Americans.

No, MO went to Spain where the State Department had determined that racist cops were arresting people for being black. Fortunately for Michelle, the State Department lifted the look out black folks memo in time for her to walk around Spain without worry (as if a platoon of Secret Service would ever let anything happen).

With more people claiming unemployment benefits (unexpectedly, of course), and more people using food stamps it would have been nice to see the First Lady spend money at home.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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