Operation “Vote For The Troops” Needs You

Many members of our military are being disenfranchised as jurisdictions across this country have failed to send out military ballots on time. Those affected military members will not have a say in the government that sent them off to war. These members are being silenced because somewhere between 80 and 90% of them vote Republican.

The jurisdictions that can’t get ballots out to the military have been successful in getting ballots out to felons. They have visited the jails and handed out ballots but they can’t see fit to get ballots to the military. The same people who bend over backwards to make it easier for illegals to vote work hard to keep the military from voting.

There is something you can do to help our military members. If you are having trouble deciding on whether to vote for the Republican or the Democrat in your particular race please vote for the Republican in place of a disenfranchised soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

If you were not planning to vote please reconsider and go vote Republican for a member of the military who has been disenfranchised by corrupt politicians.

The men and women serving in our military are the guardians of our freedoms and their hard work ensures our right to vote is protected. Even so, they are denied one of the rights they fight to preserve. It is up to us fight for them here at home and vote in their stead.

If you are torn between two candidates pick the Republican in honor of a disenfranchised military member and if you were not going to vote please make the effort and vote Republican in honor of a military man or woman who has been screwed by corrupt political operatives.

The brave men and women of our military have our backs overseas, it is up to us to have their backs here at home.

Be a a patriot and stand up for a soldier.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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America Hit With Terror Attack

A Muslim convert who was angry with the US military waged jihad in Little Rock Arkansas. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad shot and killed Pvt. William Long and seriously wounded Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula. This was an act of terror by a Muslim in the US. As a commenter at Flopping Aces wrote:

Mark this down as the FIRST terrorist attack on American soil during the Obama years. Sadly, I doubt it will be the last, nor the one with greatest death toll.

When abortion doctor Tiller was murdered on Sunday Obama spoke out on it and AG Holder alerted US Marshals and told them to offer protection. I don’t recall hearing Obama speak about the murder of this young soldier by a Muslim convert. I don’t recall seeing where Holder has told Marshals to offer protection to recruiting stations. It appears as if Obama only speaks out against murder when it involves an abortionist. Soldiers are killed in an act of terror and he is silent.

Maybe he does not want to upset the Muslims he is visiting. Now that he discovered his Muslim roots he might not want to upset the apple cart.

My prayers are with the surviving soldier and each of their families.

Big Dog

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Pelosi Credits Iran for Surge Success

Not long ago Nancy Pelosi admitted that the surge in Iraq was working. This goes against the words of the Obamessiah who said that the surge was not working and neither was anything else and that we have lost the war. Pelosi had to do something so as to keep the message clear so what did she do? She creditied Iran, of all entities, for the success of the surge.

Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal.

And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians. [emphasis mine]

This would be the same Iran whose goodwill has led to IEDs in Iraq that are maiming and killing our soldiers and the same Iran whose goodwill has provided weapons to the terrorists we are fighting. To Nancy Pelosi though, those Iranians are of such goodwill that they are responsible for the success of the surge. Anyone want to tell me why it is that neither Pelosi nor any of these other scumbag Democrats can give the credit for the success of the surge to our soldiers? That is, assuming we can get them to admit that the surge has been a success. Pelosi went out of her way to give credit for the work of our troops to the ENEMY.

Why did she do that? First of all liberals cannot give credit to our troops because they loathe the military and they feel that uneducated rubes join the military because they have no other options. Another reason that Pelosi gave praise to Iran was to undermine the Bush Administration. Iran is building nuclear weapons and there is chatter that military action will take place (I don’t think it will, at least not large scale and maybe not by us) against them to stop it.

Pelosi’s praise weakens the argument that Iran is a threat to the stability of the region and to the US. Most importantly to the Democrats, Pelosi’s mention of Iran and negotiations is a deliberate attempt to gloss over the inexperience of Obama which he demonstrates with his naive “negotiations without preconditions” position. Pelosi has now made it appear as if all we needed to do was talk to Iran and they would work with us. They negotiated and are, at least partly, responsible for the success of the surge. She did nothing more than try to give credibility to B. Hussein Obama and his position of weakness with regard to negotiations.

It is a crying shame that the Speaker of the House would give any credit to our enemy but then again we are talking about someone from the left.

Let me clear this up for Nancy Pelosi and all the other liberal twits who are unable to understand what is going on. Not only was the surge a success but it was a success because of the hard work of our military and only because of their hard work.

Iran has been nothing but a thorn in our side and they have caused the death of many of our troops. Nice to see Pelosi give such people praise.

Ace of Spades
Stop the ACLU

They Do Work Most Americans Won’t

I feel it is necessary for me to say that I show sympathy for those who do the jobs most Americans will not do. Let us look at the facts, something I always try to do:

  • They travel miles in the heat.
  • They risk their lives crossing a border.
  • They don’t get paid enough wages.
  • They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to do.
  • They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.
  • They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day every day.

These are certainly tough considerations and to top it off there are many in this country who do not think these people are worth anything and that they are law breakers. I have heard them called murderers, rapists, criminals and all kinds of other names by members of our very own Congress. All these people want is freedom and they are willing to give their lives for it.

I am not talking about ILLEGALS who cross our borders because they are criminals. The people described above are the members of our military and they endure more hardship than anyone in this country and they certainly provide more for us than any ILLEGAL ever will.

This Christmas Season, take time to thank the members of our military and remember them in your prayers.

Big Dog Salute to my friend Raven.

Big Dog

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