Obama Says Wanting To Keep YOUR Money Is Selfish

First we had Joe Biden telling us that it was patriotic to pay more in taxes. He said that the rich should pay more because it is the patriotic thing to do. I am pretty sure he did not mean that those who pay no taxes are unpatriotic but that is what the statement implies.

Then came Barack Obama preaching to us from the Communist Manifesto by telling Joe the Plumber that he [Obama] wanted to “spread the wealth”. This spread the wealth theme was similar to what Obama discussed in a 2001 radio interview where he expressed disappointment that the Supreme Court did not inject itself to bring about a spreading of the wealth.

Now we have Barack Obama saying that people who object to the rich paying more in taxes are expressing a selfish attitude. While discussing his plan and saying that it will help everyone move up and be better off (it won’t) he stated:

“John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this [spreading the wealth] socialistic,” Obama continued. “You know I don’t know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness.” ABC Political Punch

So, the Obama/Biden plan is that they will take more money from people making somewhere between $150 and $250 thousand dollars (In Obama’s infomercial, he said families making $200,000 a year) and give, or redistribute, it to those who pay little or no income tax. The Obama plan will increase the top tax rate from 35% to 40% and then that money will be used to send checks to people who pay NO income taxes.

Biden says doing so is patriotic and Obama says those who oppose are selfish.

Perhaps we should look at the charitable donations of the people that Obama and Biden believe are selfish and see how they compare to the candidates. Biden gave about $350 a year (would that be selfish of him). Obama gave more and a lot of it went to the church where anti American Pastor Jeremiah Wright spewed hateful and racist remarks (would this be an example of Obama’s patriotism). It is also worth mentioning that Obama has an uncle who was evicted, and aunt living in a slum and a half brother living in a hut in Kenya on his $12 a year salary. So excuse me if I doubt the sincerity of a man who says he wants to help everyone when he has not helped his own family. As president, Obama will not have to worry about taking care of his family. He can use your tax dollars to do it.

Having our money forcefully confiscated and given to someone else is not sharing and resenting the idea of doing so is not selfish. Taking money from one group who earns it and giving it to another that does not is definitely Socialism. Mr. Obama, when someone voluntarily gives money it is sharing, when money is forcefully taken and then shared, it is Socialism. There is nothing patriotic about that at all.

No matter how Obama tries to spin it and no matter how irked Joe Biden gets from the Marxist questions, the fact remains that Obama’s playbook could have been written by Marx.

No doubt though, that it was inspired by him.

Big Dog

Is New Yorker Cover a Ploy to Help Obama?

The New Yorker published an unflattering cover of Barack Obama and his (now) proud wife and it displayed every negative thing that has been said about him during the race for the White House. The New Yorker insists that this cover is a response to all the false things stated about Obama [by the Republicans]. Obama received most of his criticism during the Democratic Primary where DEMOCRATS spread rumors about him or where the words of his clueless wife were used against them. It was operatives from Hillary Clinton’s camp that spread the Muslim rumors and pictures of the Messiah in Muslim garb. It was Michelle’s radical words and lack of pride that came under fire. It was members of the Democratic Party who played the race card and it was Obama’s camp that attributed racism to every criticism. Still, the attacks from the left did not prevent Obama from saying that the right would be on the attack:

“They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?” Yahoo News

Since Obama made that claim about a month ago there have been no attacks like what he described, at least not from the right. McCain denounces any utterance that might look like an attack on Obambi and the 527s that Obama warned about have been from the left (mostly Soros) attacking John McCain. Where are all these attack ads? Where is this plan where we are going to make people afraid of him?

The fact is, it is not there. In steps the New Yorker with the cover that has drawn scorn from the contenders in both parties. Did this magazine make this cover to give Obama the attack he predicted? Did they do this so that he could say I told you so? Certainly the magazine is supportive of Obambi so why else would they do this?

I think they wanted it to appear as if the Prophet Obambi (PBUH) was right. Most people outside of a small group of elitists do not read the New Yorker and quite a few don’t know what kind of magazine it is so the general public will be left with the impression that this is a right wing attack on the Messiah. The magazine also gives the impression that the cover depicts what most people on the right think about Obama.

I believe that the cover was intended to help Obambi and he knows this. His indignation is probably feigned and he is relishing the idea that the cover will give his predictions of attacking Republicans some legs.

FWIW, I do not oppose Obama because he is black or for what his religion is. I believe him when he says he is Christian. Whether he is a good one is another question. I feel sorry for his wife because she has not felt pride in the many accomplishments of this country and I don’t care if he wears a Flag pin ( I just wish he had the testicular fortitude to stick with his original position and not pander). I oppose him because I know he is a socialist and that he will tax us to no end. I know he is inexperienced and that he is dangerous for this country. I also feel that he is not a true patriot and that he believes in a one world concept rather than having a national identity.

I also believe that the New Yorker and many other publications will do whatever they can to help him win. That cover had a purpose and hurting Obambi was not it.

Big Dog