The Advocates of Socialism

The advocates of Socialism come in four general flavors:

1.  The Envious.  They want what achievers have, less the effort.  They see the lifestyles they want to live, but do not want to put the time, effort, or personal investment necessary to create those lifestyles.  They want assets (houses or apartments, cars, phones, computers, etc.) that others saved for—right now.   They see what their parents took decades to achieve, with step-by-step incremental improvement, today.  No waiting.  It’s their right.  Or something.

2.  The Underemployed.  This includes those with student loan debt that far exceeds what their career field pays to support.  If you got a degree at (borrowed) $50K/year to work a job that pays $25K/year, that is a tough economic reality for the next 10 years or so.   These folks want student loans forgiven (taxpayer paid), even though the taxpayer did not take out the loans, choose the major, choose the school, or benefit from the education.  This also includes those that were convinced they could be artists, poets, song writers, singers, dancers, whatever, but they found out there is little market for their brand of art. (If their art was in demand, they leave this group, because they can afford the student loan payments).  These are also the folks that want others to pay for their health care insurance, because it is  expensive.

3.  The Underachievers.  These are the folks that coast.  Hard work, dedication to a job or company over time, and self-improvement are for others, not them.  Unlike The Envious, who are materialistic but lazy, this group doesn’t need much, but still want others to provide it.  They are more than happy to subsist on whatever Welfare programs are available, so long as ‘work’ isn’t involved.  This group is also the most likely to bitch that their unearned income is just too low, man.

4.  The Power Brokers.  This group assumes that in the Socialistic world, they will be the upper crust, the policy-makers, not the downtrodden, overworked, drones necessary to keep their economy afloat.    They understand that for some to receive a service without paying, others need to pay and not receive that service.  They just see themselves on the receiving end.  Why they see themselves in this envious role is unclear, as they are generally underperformers in any economic arrangement, so why would they be promoted and rewarded under Socialism?

Are Republicans The Real Socialists?

A guy named Steven Strauss wrote an opinion piece in USA Today (the paper whose interns are hired out to Fakebook to “fact check” and flag stories that get their panties in a wad) saying Republicans were really the party of Socialism. He discusses things like farm subsidies and indicates that the reason those subsidies exist is because most farmers are white and vote Republican. He also points out the debunked story that red states take more and blue states give more with regard to federal dollars.

Strauss is a professor someplace and all I can say is I am glad he was never my professor. I encourage you to ensure your children do not have him as a teacher.

This fine fellow discusses farm subsidies. These subsidies have existed in some form since before the turn of the last century and we really in full swing during the Great Depression. This was put in place to keep farms producing and feeding the country during those dire times. Farm subsidies, theoretically, are there to protect farms from drought, disease and many other things that can reduce their production and affect the food supply in the country.

There are, however, many things that should be changed. Farmers in Texas get subsidies for their cotton which is shipped to China and made into cheap clothing by low cost labor and then sold in the US. There are subsidies on corn to either have more or less grown to keep steady price. It is worthy to note that the worry about the food supply is strange when a lot of corn is used to make ethanol for gasoline.

There should be a revision of subsidies to farmers. If they are cut completely that would be fine. I am one for eliminating ALL subsidies in all industries. However, if we eliminate these subsidies the consumer will be at the mercy of the market and economics. In other words, you might pay a huge sum for corn or other farm products if there is a drought or if farmers decide to grow less so that they can reap higher prices. And if we do eliminate the subsidies the government cannot, under any circumstances, tell farmers what they must grow or confiscate their “excess” food for the good of the nation as was done during the Great Depression. I wonder if Strauss is willing to pay more for his food (FWIW I am).

While the farm subsidy program has morphed into something it was not intended to be I think it is ridiculous to call it socialism. But whatever one calls it there is no doubt that the reason it is a mess is because members of Congress fiddle with it. But Strauss must know this is true for every state but with different items. I am sure the federal money that goes to colleges or the student loan program are OK with him. Then again, 95% of those receiving the federal money at colleges are not whites who vote Republican, Strauss’ big argument as to why farmers get subsidies.

Strauss takes exception to the National Flood Insurance Program. That program is run by FEMA and it has insurance companies underwrite policies for people who have homes in flood prone areas. The people who own the property pay the premiums but federal money is used in the program. Up until about 2004 the premiums covered all the costs but several hurricanes placed the program in debt, debt that was partially forgiven by the federal government. Strauss would have these things cancelled because he says progressives THINK that climate change is responsible and people should do things to reverse that and oh, don’t live where it might flood. Most of the debt was the result of STORMS that caused the flooding. Though I am sure Strauss and the rest of his ilk would say hurricanes are caused by climate change there is no evidence of this and denying people insurance because you don’t like where they live is probably a violation of the Constitution. In any event, would he have insurance cancelled or not pay for tornado damage or ice and snowstorm damage? How about earthquake coverage in California (You know, don’t live where earthquakes can happen)? We pay insurance premiums to cover these things. If the NFIP is losing money then do what all insurance companies do, raise the premiums.

Strauss goes on to tell us the fable of red states consuming more federal money than blue states (and the blue ones paying in more). States that are either color have people from the other party in them. Any red state with a huge federal dollar intake for welfare, for example, has that money going to the part of the state where most of the Democrats live. It is like crime, it is concentrated in the parts of states inhabited (and run) by Democrats.

These two (here and here) articles debunk this tired claim and should put an end to the nonsense.

Strauss wants a bigger IRS investigative force to audit wealthy people (he claims Republicans reduced the size of the IRS and it has hurt the enforcement side at the same time scoffing at defund the police efforts) to squeeze more tax dollars out of them. The wealthy pay the most federal income tax in the nation. However, I believe we should eliminate the IRS and while taxes are theft, if we have to pay them we should all pay a flat tax of 10%. It is more complicated than that but a flat tax is a fair tax. That means each and every earner no mater what level of income pays 10%. Joe Biden calls it having skin in the game. And we should not forget that when the wealthy pay less it is because of a law they are following. True tax cheats end up in jail (one of the things they are lookin at for Hunter Biden is if he declared his China income and paid taxes).

Strauss did not scream to end Obamacare (or any other government run health system). They are absolutely Socialist and enslave people to government. How about Social Security? That was a big lefty plan and it has SOCIAL right in the name. The government has used the money it confiscated from us for a slush fund and now wants to tax us more to make up for the malfeasance. Our government would be skewering any private business CEO who did this.

I have long believed that the left and the right were different wings of the same bird. No matter who has power they continue to work with each other and against the citizen. This is why they had such a massive cheating operation. They had to get rid of Trump because he pulled back the curtain. He was showing you all the swamp creatures no matter what party they dwelled in.

The article was written by a person desperate for the Democrats to win the two runoff elections in Georgia. He wrote the piece to counter the claims of Socialism by the Republicans. Those claims are, unlike Strauss’ piece, accurate. The left is driving us toward Socialism and has been pushing us in that direction for more than 100 years.

I think that it is a nice bit of projection but nothing more.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bernie Supporters Get A Taste

Socialism has never worked. There is no denying this because everywhere it has been tried it has failed. One needs look no further than Venezuela to see a modern day collapse of a socialist system, the kind of system that Bernie Sanders wants in our country.

Bernie’s supporters don’t understand this. They believe that socialism has failed because no one has ever done it right and they believe Bernie is the guy who can do it the right way.

The reality is these people have no clue. They hear the words free stuff and they are all in (gimmiedats) and they really do not care that the “free” stuff they get has to be paid for by people who work and earn. The money they earn is confiscated by the government and redistributed. These people do not care until one day they are the earners being pilfered.

It is really strange they don’t understand this because they are seeing it and complaining about it every day. They are even getting aggressive over it.

What is it they see?

Bernie has run a pretty good campaign and has a string of wins in state primary elections. Hillary recently broke the string with a win in Kentucky but Bernie ran off an impressive string. Even though he did he earned very few delegates and Hillary, in some cases, got more than he did.

The Democrats have a system where they employ super delegates. These are party faithful and special folks who are not bound to vote for anyone. This system is in place to keep the people from actually selecting the Democrat candidate. The people get to vote and think they are making a difference but the super delegates get to make sure the pick is the person the establishment wants.

So what has happened is that Bernie is winning and he and Hillary are splitting delegates but the super delegates came out long ago in favor of Hillary so she is well ahead of Bernie and close to clinching despite all of Bernie’s hard work and despite Bernie winning a lot of states.

You see, Bernie and his supporters are victims of the socialist philosophy. He and his supporters work hard and earn delegates only to have the super delegates and thus victory go to Hillary.

He works for it and she gets it, just as it is in a socialist society.

His people will complain about the process but they are only victims of the very thing they want to impose on the rest of us.

Yeah baby, feel the burn…..

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Pope Francis; Tear Down Those Walls

Pope Francis, a man whose actions call his devotion into question, has entered the US political fray by attacking Donald Trump. The Pope was in Mexico and was asked about Trump’s positions regarding immigration and particularly his stance on building a wall. The Pope commented that we should be building bridges, not walls, and that anyone who would build such a wall is not a true Christian.

I am sure the Pope is aware that Christians read the Old Testament and follow its doctrine even though it was the Jews involved as Christians were not yet around. In the Old Testament there is some mention, I am sure the Pope can have a Bishop look it up, of at least one walled city.

In fact, if the Pope looks out his bedroom window he can see the very same thing.

You see Vatican City, which is its own small sovereign state, is surrounded by very high walls making it nearly impossible to get in. The Vatican has millions of people who enter it as tourists to visit the place but only about 800 people there are CITIZENS and the rules to gain citizenship are very strict.

Not just any Tom, Dick, or Harry can enter the Vatican and request citizenship. No one can scale the wall (thus entering illegally) and expect to stay and reap the benefits that those who come to America illegally get.

Pope Francis, you need to tear down those walls lest people take you at your word and claim you are not a Christian because you have walls surrounding you.

Why are there walls surrounding Vatican City in the first place? What’s that you say? For safety. Oh, I get it. You want to be able to control who enters YOUR sovereign little slice of the planet.

Well we want the same thing and we don’t need a socialist Pope prancing around telling us we should be doing otherwise.

So either tear down the walls and build a few bridges or sit down and shut up.

As an aside, if you tear down the walls ship the bricks over here. We could use them to lower the cost of our wall.

Washington Times (A lot of pop ups and auto running video)
The American Mirror (great pictures of the WALLED CITY)
The New York Times

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Little Taxes; Death By A Thousand Cuts

Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to be president and his rhetoric of promising everyone everything (to the tune of 18 TRILLION dollars) is hitting home with the “me” generation and the Gimmiedats.

They all like Bernie’s idea of taxing the rich more to pay for the millennial’s needs. Why yes, tax those greedy rich suckers and give us more stuff.

There is no way to tax the rich and pay for what Bernie wants to give away (notice he is very generous with OTHER people’s money). If Bernie could confiscate 100% of the money the wealthy have (even up to about the top 40% of those considered wealthy, not just the 1%) it would not be enough money to run the government for more than a few months. After that the well would be dry and there would need to be new sources of cash to feed the left’s insatiable appetite.

But Bernie wants to give stuff away. He wants a paid family leave program where people could have time off and get paid. His example is for a woman who gives birth. Bernie thinks she should get paid time off and of course everyone else pays for that.

You see, he wants to add just a little to the payroll tax to finance his paid time off plan. It is just a little bit he says but he also says it will affect all workers. To the socialist all must pay in to help the others.

So now the young “me” generation will have to foot the bill for people to have time off.

Many of them might think that is Ok but what happens when the little bit taken is not enough to pay for the program? Then the little bit more in taxes becomes a whole lot more in taxes. We already know that no government program ever dies so getting rid of it will be out of the question. No, we just need a little bit more on top of the little bit we take already.

Pretty soon all the little bits add up to a whole lot. It ends up being death by a thousand cuts.

And more people end up barely making ends meet while their hard earned cash goes to care for people who took life decisions that did not involve them.

Most millennials are not very bright and they will complain about the taxes and then vote for the next liberal/progressive/socialist who promises more free stuff.

These youngsters just can figure out that nothing is free. Someone, somewhere has to pay for it.

And it will end up being them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
