Democrats Want To Flush Rush

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has an online petition where people can express their “outrage” at Limbaugh’s comments that he wanted Obama to fail. The petition features a clip that is taken out of context. It gives the impression that Limbaugh wants Obama to personally fail when in reality Limbaugh made it clear he wanted Obama to fail in policies that promote liberalism (or, dare I say, Socialism). Rush Limbaugh stated that he knows what Obama wants to do and that it goes against what conservatives such as Limbaugh (and this writer) believe in so he does not want Obama to be successful with his agenda.

Limbaugh specifically stated that he supported the president but not his policies.

One would be hard pressed to find that bit of information in the smear job being conducted by the Democrats. They are on a kick and they are after Limbaugh. It is their goal to make passing the misnamed “Fairness Doctrine” much easier as well as to discredit Limbaugh so fewer people will give weight to what he says.

[note]There is an old saying that you don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel. Seems logical you would not pick a fight with someone who spends 15 hours a week talking to 20 million or so people.[/note]

The DCCC is hell bent on smearing Limbaugh by using his words out of context. This is not an unusual tactic for the left. Obama used Limbaugh’s words out of context in a campaign ad and Harry Reid used them out of context to gin up a story that Limbaugh dishonored our troops. Limbaugh turned the letter Reid wrote, one that was signed by a bunch of Democrats, into gold when he auctioned it off on Ebay. It netted millions of dollars, all of which went to The Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation.

One would think the Democrats learned not to mess with Limbaugh after that episode but they are not fast learners. For some reason they keep sticking their tongues on the cold flagpole.

I don’t understand why the Democrats are so upset. I understand the real reason for this and it is to discredit Limbaugh and weaken the opposition. But the premise is weak. Limbaugh clearly stated that he supported the president but not his policies.

How is that any different than “We support the troops but not the war?”

Big Dog

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