Obama Says Wanting To Keep YOUR Money Is Selfish

First we had Joe Biden telling us that it was patriotic to pay more in taxes. He said that the rich should pay more because it is the patriotic thing to do. I am pretty sure he did not mean that those who pay no taxes are unpatriotic but that is what the statement implies.

Then came Barack Obama preaching to us from the Communist Manifesto by telling Joe the Plumber that he [Obama] wanted to “spread the wealth”. This spread the wealth theme was similar to what Obama discussed in a 2001 radio interview where he expressed disappointment that the Supreme Court did not inject itself to bring about a spreading of the wealth.

Now we have Barack Obama saying that people who object to the rich paying more in taxes are expressing a selfish attitude. While discussing his plan and saying that it will help everyone move up and be better off (it won’t) he stated:

“John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this [spreading the wealth] socialistic,” Obama continued. “You know I don’t know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness.” ABC Political Punch

So, the Obama/Biden plan is that they will take more money from people making somewhere between $150 and $250 thousand dollars (In Obama’s infomercial, he said families making $200,000 a year) and give, or redistribute, it to those who pay little or no income tax. The Obama plan will increase the top tax rate from 35% to 40% and then that money will be used to send checks to people who pay NO income taxes.

Biden says doing so is patriotic and Obama says those who oppose are selfish.

Perhaps we should look at the charitable donations of the people that Obama and Biden believe are selfish and see how they compare to the candidates. Biden gave about $350 a year (would that be selfish of him). Obama gave more and a lot of it went to the church where anti American Pastor Jeremiah Wright spewed hateful and racist remarks (would this be an example of Obama’s patriotism). It is also worth mentioning that Obama has an uncle who was evicted, and aunt living in a slum and a half brother living in a hut in Kenya on his $12 a year salary. So excuse me if I doubt the sincerity of a man who says he wants to help everyone when he has not helped his own family. As president, Obama will not have to worry about taking care of his family. He can use your tax dollars to do it.

Having our money forcefully confiscated and given to someone else is not sharing and resenting the idea of doing so is not selfish. Taking money from one group who earns it and giving it to another that does not is definitely Socialism. Mr. Obama, when someone voluntarily gives money it is sharing, when money is forcefully taken and then shared, it is Socialism. There is nothing patriotic about that at all.

No matter how Obama tries to spin it and no matter how irked Joe Biden gets from the Marxist questions, the fact remains that Obama’s playbook could have been written by Marx.

No doubt though, that it was inspired by him.

Big Dog