Did Obama Get Thirty Pieces Of Silver?

Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16). I wonder if Obama was paid that sum as well after he betrayed our allies in Israel by disclosing their nuclear weapons secrets.

There is a report on the Israeli program (the program includes assessments of other nations as well) that was produced in 1987. The document WAS classified until just recently.

It is no secret that Obama does not like Israel and he absolutely hates Prime Minister Netanyahu so much so he sent people and used taxpayer dollars to try and unseat him in the Israeli election.

That did not work so now Obama is getting vicious. The document was declassified last month and the regime had it published thus violating a long standing agreement not to disclose the information.

There is no doubt the release was aimed at harming Israel because the information regarding all the other countries and their nuclear programs has been redacted.

The actions of Obama are petulant and are not what one expects from a leader. He has disgraced this nation by stabbing an ally in the back.

There is nothing good that can come from releasing this information and Obama knows that. He knows it will embolden Israel’s enemies and will open the nation up to further harassment from its neighbors.

There are many things in this world that people can forgive but betrayal is not usually one of them. When someone betrays your trust it is hard to ever trust them again.

Obama might have intended to only harm the Israelis but he harmed this nation as well. How many other allies will look at this and wonder if Obama will betray them as well? How many nations (particularly Israel) who might have secret information about us will feel free to release that information and harm us? There are plenty of unintended consequences that will come from this and none of them will be good.

I have never understood how American Jews could support Democrats yet they continue to do so. I hope this is the final straw that will lead many of them out of the bondage that is the Democrat party.

Obama is a tyrant and I can only hope that when Netanyahu acts he does not hurt America. I do not think he is a petty leader like Obama so I doubt he would do anything to our nation like Obama did to his. But if he did who could really blame him?

I have an idea that might help Bibi respond and help America (and the world) while giving Obama what he deserves.

If any of your intelligence assets have copies of the documents Obama has locked up now would be a good time to release them. Birth certificate, college transcripts, college applications, passports and anything else you might have (or could get) would help the cause if they could see the light of day.

It is important to note that after Judas’ betrayal he returned the silver and hanged himself.

Did Obama hang (metaphorically) himself (and G-d forbid this nation) with this betrayal?

*Reference citation

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


With Friends Like Obama…

If there was ever any doubt that the Obama Regime is anti Israel one need look no further than the recent disclosure of secret Israeli information that the Obama folks allowed to happen. Obama pretends to be a friend of Israel but he is a Muzzie sympathizer and would love to see the Israelis get smacked around by the enemies surrounding the tiny country.

The Israelis have plans for a top secret military installation that the Obama Regime promised to build. The facility would house a ballistic missile defense system, the Arrow 3. In what many might consider an act of sheer stupidity (I think it was deliberate) the regime published an open request for bids on the 25 million dollar project.

This allowed the secret details of the project (which included more than 1000 pages of details) to be seen by anyone and that includes Israel’s enemies.

As one might expect, the Israeli military (and by extension the government) is not happy about this:

If an enemy if Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility.


This is more than worrying, it is shocking. [unnamed official] McClatchy

It should come as no surprise that this happened because the Regime is anti Israel and because these morons can’t keep anything secret. Why on Earth the Israelis would want the Obama Regime involved is beyond me. Israel should have worked directly with contractors and kept the leaky regime out of things.

Well, another leak of secret information has occurred. Do you suppose Eric Holder will use this to illegally obtain more information from the press?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


PVT Manning Is No Hero

The long awaited trial of Private Bradley Manning began today at Fort Meade Maryland. It has been a few years since Manning was arrested for releasing hundreds of thousands of documents that he contends the public had a right to see and the disclosure of which would spark a debate on our role of our military and our foreign policy.

Perhaps he is correct about all of those assertions. It is quite possible that the contents of the documents should be available to the public and perhaps they would spark debate. Let us assume all of that is true.

Another truth is that Manning was not in a position to make that call and it was not his right or his duty to release the information.

Bradley Manning was charged with analyzing intelligence and guarding that information. He was supposed to guard the information in accordance with the rules established for it. Someone classified the information and decided that it was not to be publicly available.

Manning disregarded the classifications and the instructions to keep the information from being released. He decided and took it upon himself to gather it and release it to someone who would make it public. This is where he went wrong. He broke the law and he is no hero for doing so.

People in certain positions within the government are charged with doing jobs that require secrecy. Manning was in such a position and he failed to do what he was trained to do. He failed to do what he was ethically and legally bound to do.

The fact of the matter is it does not make any difference if the information is damning, if it should be available to the public or if it would spark debate because Manning was not allowed to take that decision and he was not allowed to release the information.

There are those who support him and call him a hero. He is a traitor and he should spend a very long time in jail.

Suppose something he felt should be made public resulted in a terror attack in America. Suppose what he released was used by the enemy to attack and kill members of our military. I know that many on the left might still view him as a hero but most folks would be quite upset if what Manning released was used to harm them or their families or our nation.

Manning is a confused young man with many mental health issues. He got in a snit and did something very stupid and now he will have to pay.

No matter what, he is no hero.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


New York Times Keeps Mum For Its Own

David Rohde, a reporter for the New York Times, was captured in Afghanistan seven months ago and a few days ago he escaped and is on his way to safety. I am happy he escaped and hope he is none the worse for wear.

The story of his capture was not made public by the NYT. Bill Keller decided that it would put him in danger if the story was published so the took the “agonizing” decision to keep it under wraps.

Deciding not to report initially on reporter David Rohde’s capture by the Taliban for seven months was “an agonizing position that we revisited over and over again,” New York Times executive editor Bill Keller said Sunday.

“All along, we were told by people that probably the wisest course for David’s safety was to keep it quiet,” Keller said in an interview on CNN. My Way News

This is the same New York Times that disclosed one secret government plan after another even after being asked not to so that our troops would not be placed in further danger. The NYT only held one story and did not do that for very long. The paper decided that it was in the public’s interest to know about the secret programs.

When it came to one of their own, the paper decided to keep the story quiet so as not to endanger the employee.

Where was the public’s interest?

This is further proof that the NYT is an anti American paper. They took great pride in hurting America when George Bush was trying to protect us even though they were told it could place our troops in further danger.

This should demonstrate the bias of the NYT as well as their hatred of our troops.

Big Dog

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Joe Biden Will Hide At A Disclosed Location

After 9/11 a special, secure place was built for the Vice President to go to in the event of an emergency so that if something happened to the President he would be safe and ready to take over. The MSM frequently stated that VP Cheney was at an undisclosed location. That was a big joke with the liberals.

Jow Biden is now the VP and if there is ever an emergency and he is whisked off he will not be taken to an undisclosed location, he will be taken to a disclosed one. This is not because anyone wants him to be exposed to harm, it is because Biden is a moron who cannot keep his mouth shut.

When Biden attended the Gridiron Club dinner in DC he told people about the secret place.

According to Clift’s report on the Newsweek blog, Biden “said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.”

Clift continued: “The officer explained that when Cheney was in lock down, this was where his most trusted aides were stationed, an image that Biden conveyed in a way that suggested we shouldn’t be surprised that the policies that emerged were off the wall.” Fox News

Biden’s office is denying the story and saying that Big Mouth Joe was talking about an upstairs room that is believed to have been used by Cheney as an office. How many upstairs offices have huge steel doors? Biden’s description does not sound like any upstairs room I have ever seen.

Neighbors complained sometime after 9/11 about construction (at the VP residence) that included digging deep into the ground which would be more in line with what Biden said than the spin coming out of his office. Why would a second story room have a huge steel door with an elaborate lock, a connecting narrow hallway and shelves of communications equipment?

Biden is so full of himself and thinks he is so wonderful that he feels the need to go around and describe his importance. He makes claims that come from a deeply troubled mind. He is a scatter brain and he cannot keep his yap shut.

Disclosing secrets seems to be a common theme in this administration. Obama releases classified memos and Biden discloses his secret shelter’s location. If something bad happens the enemy will know where to find this moron. Fortunately for Biden if the enemy ever captures him they will pay us to take him back. A half an hour with his yap running would make the most hardened terrorist cry.

Here is a little hint that can help Obama and his peeps keep secrets.

Pretend they are all his birth certificate.

That is one document he has successfully kept under wraps.

What kind of country is this where classified information is freely released and a birth certificate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox?

Big Dog

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