Tis the Season

So, has anyone else noticed the season? No, not the season formerly known as Christmas, but the season for raising money and giving. There are all the usual food drives, canned food drives, donations for this group and things for the hungry. But I have to ask, “Why?”

It’s not that I’m opposed to giving. Believe me, I give a great deal to charities that I believe in. But when there are numerous specifically non-religious food drives and the like “for the poor,” I have to wonder why in the world they need my money and food. After all, isn’t government taking care of them? We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on just unemployment. Who is getting that money? What about the aggressive Welfare departments and food stamps? We’re giving out record numbers of dollars there. But still that’s not enough? My food prices are way up. My taxes are continuing to rise. And still people want me to give MORE?

See, this is what happens when government gets involved where it should not be. Right now, I only have three paychecks left before my taxes will likely go up by at least $100 a paycheck (if the tax cuts are not extended, as is being reported in some places). I’m working 50-hour weeks and looking for another job because I can barely afford food now, much less with $200 or more LESS a month. And I know my tax dollars are being wasted on these programs for the poor — yet people want me to give even MORE to them?

Sorry, it’s not going to happen. All you people who are having non-religious food drives and support, you can just go pray to your god, government, and see what it delivers for you. Sadly, I’m sure it will — taking more from me by force to give you more for nothing. See, all I want is to be left alone so I can be free to help people. But government will not allow me that freedom.


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