Stevie Wonder Could See It Coming

Brett Kavanaugh has been going through a beating on his way to confirmation to the Supreme Court. Democrats, who think people nominated by presidents of their party should be treated with the most respect, savaged Kavanaugh so much so that Kameltoe Harris and Corey Booger made absolute fools of themselves.

All that did not work so the Democrats pulled out a golden oldie from their playbook. They found a woman to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual impropriety. The alleged misconduct took place nearly four decades ago in a place and at a time she could not remember. She also cannot remember how she got to the party. They only thing she remembers is that a 17 year old high school student named Brett Kavanaugh attacked her and tried to rape her.

This is BS. She might have been attacked but it was not by Kavanaugh. The woman claims she wanted to remain anonymous but retained a lawyer and took a polygraph in August. That does not seem like the actions of someone looking for anonymity.

Kavanaugh and two other boys named or identified by the woman have all stated that it did not take place or that they were not at a party like the one described. This matters not to Democrats who have trotted this woman out to stall the process. Let us not forget that this party trots out women ALL THE TIME. Every time there is a Republican candidate or nominee they do not like they find some woman to make claims of sexual impropriety. This is a no brainer and still Democrats, you know the folks with no brains, are acting as if this shady allegation is rock solid with audio and video to back it up.

Bill Clinton left a blue dress and a number of women gave credible accounts (with witnesses to the aftermath) of Bill’s attacks on them. Hillary, who says Kavanaough’s accuser deserves the benefit of the doubt, organized a war room to deal with Bill’s “bimbo eruptions” and ruined any woman who dared to lay claim to an assault by him. Keith Ellison, a Democrat, assaulted several girlfriends. One of them released medical and psychological records to prove she reported it and there are 911 audio recordings not to mention it being witnessed by her son. Democrats have remained silent on Ellison.

Democrats do not care about women. This is all about politics. Dianne Feinstein has had the letter written by the accuser since July. She could have addressed it with Kavanaugh and the committee then. She could have turned it over. She could have done a number of things. She claims the writer wanted to remain anonymous so of course DiFi started leaking info about her after the hearings for Kavanaugh’s confirmation closed. It was not long before she was identified and politicians and the drones of the left were up in arms. They had to address this.

So there is supposed to be another hearing on Monday but the accuser says she will not be there. She is demanding an FBI investigation before she appears. The FBI has no jurisdiction and has refused to investigate. The reality is she has received her instructions from the Dems. She must do whatever she can to get things delayed. It is possible she does not want to be under oath because she might get tripped up.

Kavanaugh will be confirmed unless some spineless Republican(s) decide not to vote for him. If that happens we should unload on them the next time they are up for reelection. Kavanaugh is a fine man and is not guilty of what he has been accused.

Let’s move on and get him confirmed. If the Democrats delay again have the vote without them. If this woman is found out to be lying put her in jail and put anyone who conspired with her in jail as well.

As for DiFi, she should be drummed out of the Senate. She is a worthless brain dead moron who should be in a nursing home babbling in a corner.

How long before they piss off the wrong part of the country enough to get a response? They won’t like it when that happens.

BTW, it is time to harass the hell out of every Democrat you know or who serves in office. And when they get one for President we owe that person as much hell as we can unleash.

Time to end the BS.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats Show They Hate America

There is no doubt that the Democrat Party hates America and all that she stands for. They are working to give the nation away, enslave everyone to government and force the productive to pay for everyone else. They continue to refer to us as a Democracy when we are a Republic, an important distinction.

Today Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate Confirmation process for appointment to the Supreme Court began. Democrats started the process by interrupting the Chair and continuing to talk while ruled out of order. They had a coordinated plan to delay and derail the process. The chief complaint is that they have not had enough time to review all the documents that were released just yesterday and that some documents were made restricted. Some of these folks are grandstanding because they want to run for president (Harris and Booker) and others are just part of the process designed to stall this. They know Brett Kavanaugh will be confirmed so they are ginning up their base to get them out for the midterm elections.

These people are engaging in character assassination. They are working against America in favor of party and the demise of the US. These enemies of the Republic are a cancer to our nation who should be excised as quickly as possible. They hate the country. One only needs to listen to them now and read their words from the past to see this. They are idiots.

These people who claim not to have enough time to read papers just released (they were probably out drinking) had enough time to work all weekend to derail this nomination.

The icing on this cake is that ALL of the people in this room with a D after their names have already publicly stated they will vote NO on his nomination. These morons are screeching that they need time to do things correctly and transparently for the public. Didn’t they negate all of that when they decided they would note NO long before the hearings ever began?

They are not interested in doing things correctly and they are not interested in the good will of our nation. They are anti American and should be removed from office (I recommend putting them in Gitmo).

These people are a disgrace and I have to wonder how they made it this far in life with no more than two brain cells in their heads…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Judging From Their History Dems Should Be OK With A Delay

A lot has been going on since Justice Scalia died over the weekend. The liberal left celebrated his death and mocked his life and the job he did in the Supreme Court. They mocked him because he had the audacity to actually use the Constitution when he interpreted law instead of using his feelings or his partisan beliefs like say, Ginsberg, Kagan or Sotomayor.

Barack Obama and Democrats in the Senate, smelling blood in the water and not wanting to let an opportunity to give the court a liberal majority, made demands of Republicans who, thank goodness, hold the majority in the Senate. These Democrats demanded that the Republicans make sure Obama’s nominee gets a shot. They basically want a rubber stamp for whichever left wing socialist America hater Obama nominates.

Republicans, so far, are having none of it. They want to wait and let the next president make the nomination.

The Democrats have a point (besides the ones on top their heads) in that the president, under the Constitution, has a duty to nominate. We can ignore for a moment that Obama has never abided by his duty under the Constitution and focus on what they want. They want Obama to nominate and that nomination not to be blocked.

They seem to forget that the Constitution also says that the president nominates with the advice and consent of the Senate. So the Senate has to consent and they do this by voting yes or no. Obama can put forth all the nominations he wants but there is nothing wrong with voting no on each and every one of them.

Democrats would have you believe this is out of the ordinary and unprecedented but our history shows it has been done before and that one vacancy existed for over two years because the Senate and president did not see eye to eye.

Now that was a long time ago but blocking nominees has happened in the recent past. Hell, Chuck Schumer, a guy who looks like his neck threw up, vowed that any vacancy in the Court that happened during George W Bush’s lame duck term would be blocked. Schumer made this declaration 19 months before Bush’s term would end. No vacancy came up but it was already out there that if one did no nominee would be considered.

In 1960 Democrats passed a resolution that presidents could not nominate during an election year.

Many Democrats now screaming for the vacancy to be filled have records of voting against nominations and of holding up the process. So the reality is there is no reason for Republicans to give in and allow Obama to get another liberal on the SCOTUS.

If they do not like it well that’s just too bad.

But if he does nominate anyone I think it would be reasonable to expose their entire life, make a mockery of their judicial experience, chastise them for their views, pick apart their judicial opinions, and generally make their life and the lives of their family miserable until they decide to withdraw from consideration.

Oh how horrible!

Two words, Robert Bork.

Now liberals, please quit your whining and sit back and accept that which you were so willing to do when you were in the majority.

And Republicans, do not give in to these morons. Mitch McConnell, you have a history of caving to Obama. If you do then you can rest assured you will lose control of the Senate and Trump will likely be the nominee for the Republican Party. Screw us over and we will strike back.

Do not let Barack Obama get another young liberal partisan hack on the court so the rest of us will be forced to live with their anti-American decisions for decades to come.

It is time to sack up and fight.

The Hill
The DC

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Pelosi Should Be Put Out To Pasture

Nancy Pelosi is warning that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of those challenging the subsidies in Obamacare win it will cost Republicans because allegedly 8 million people have the coverage and rely on them. She predicts that it will harm all those folks and Republicans will pay a price.

She claims that this is all because a phrase in the law has been taken out of context.

Pelosi said she knew the law well and that opponents were relying on a phrase taken “out of context” in pressing their case before the court. AP News

The woman who said you had to pass it to find out what was in it now claims that she knows the law well? The same law that continues to have surprises pop up because no one knew they were there?


As for out of context, the Democrats made it clear that only states that set up exchanges would get subsidies when they were pushing the bill on us. They made it clear this was a carrot and stick approach where states would be provided incentives to set up exchanges and one of the incentives was subsidies.

Now that someone has challenged that part of the law the Democrats have rewritten history and are claiming this is what they meant all along.

They are liars as is Pelosi.

I do not think Republicans will pay a price for this if the ruling in their favor. The law says what it says and that is how it should be followed.

Of course liberals have trouble with following the wording of the Second Amendment (hell all of the Constitution) so I expect them to be clueless in this regard as well.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Apply Same Sex Marriage Argument To Second Amendment

It works better there…

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments today regarding same sex marriage. Two items are at issue here. The first is whether the Court will require all states to allow same sex marriage and the second is whether states that do not have SSM will be required to honor SSM from states that do allow it. If the first one passes the second is basically moot. If the second one passes then it invalidates the first because people can travel to get married and then return to the state that does not allow it.

It appears to be an all or nothing issue.

I read some of the arguments and do not agree with a lot of the pro argument side. There is no Constitutional right to marry. This applies to any kind of marriage. No one has the right to marry period. People have to apply for a license and the state can deny that license for any number of reasons.

The reality is that marriage is something that has been defined as the union between a man and a woman for a very long time. The US even made polygamy illegal thus strengthening the issue of one man and one woman.

The other reality is that marriage has always been an issue that was decided by the individual states. Different states have different rules for who can and cannot get married. You see, there is no right because you need permission.

It is also true that marriage has been seen as a religious institution for a long time. The government got involved for a number of reasons but the basic concept has its foundation in religion.

A state has the right to define marriage so some states have SSM and others do not. It is important to note that the large number of states that have it is no indication that most favor it as many were forced to recognize it even though their citizens voted against it. Activist courts forced them to accept it.

I have read many posts about the issue. People are claiming that this is a basic right and government should not be allowed to restrict it. They claim that people should not be allowed to vote on these rights and they are being discriminated against. They further claim that most of society agrees with it so it should be made the law of the land.

I have already shown that it is not a constitutionally protected item and that states have the right to regulate it (not the federal government). But let us ignore that for a moment and assume these people are correct.

Why not use this same logic for firearms ownership and carry where it would more appropriately apply? The Second Amendment is absolutely in the Constitution and it protects the preexisting right to keep and bear arms. It further states that right shall not be infringed.

But liberals, the very same group that is saying SSM is a right and that it should apply to all states equally especially since most states already allow it (a fact that is skewed by court action) will say that people should not own or carry firearms and that states can decide what they want to do. These are the very same people who will work hard to have this protected right banned.

[note]During arguments one of the justices asked about clergy being forced to perform these marriages if they are made legal. He was assured this would not happen as there is a First Amendment right to protect them. They have ignored the Second so what makes anyone think they will obey the First? Once it is legal Obama and his DOJ will force clergy to perform them under threat of jail. Look at how florists, bakers and photographers who have religious objections are treated.[/note]

Most states allow either open or concealed carry (or both) and they do so without the court forcing them to. People in some states are discriminated against because they can’t do the same thing with regard to firearms as those in a majority of the states. A majority of the population is in favor of firearms ownership and shall issue carry permits. As an aside, I prefer must issue with no permit required. If you pass the check to get the gun you can carry it any way you want.

If the Supreme Court decides that marriage is a right and that the federal government can define it and thus allows SSM to be the law of the land in all states then it only follows that the same should hold true with regard to firearms.

The Court should immediately invalidate all state gun laws and issue an order that all states will be must issue.

The Second Amendment, unlike any kind of marriage, is a right protected by the Constitution.

Funny how liberals always call things they want rights and then say everyone has to give in and honor them while they continue to ignore the G-d given right to keep and bear arms.

I think the SCOTUS will allow SSM. They clearly have no sense of Constitutional rule as evidenced by their decision on Obamacare. Our society is on the decline and will not be around much longer. SSM is one more thing needed to ensure the demise of society.

I do wonder though why states would even obey the ruling. Just tell the feds you won’t do it. What will they do? Tell the SCOTUS you don’t agree and do your own thing.

Obama has been doing that so it is not like he could object.

He certainly has not suffered any consequences of his refusal to obey…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
