Michelle Obama Has Nice Sugary Honey Buns

Michelle Obama is on some kick to save children from obesity. While reducing childhood obesity is an honorable goal it is important to note that it is not up to the government or the First Lady or anyone else to decide what YOUR children eat.

Obama’s crusade to reduce the “bad” food kids eat has resulted in items being replaced in school vending machines (no items over 200 calories) or those machines being emptied so kids can’t buy unhealthy snacks (how many vending machine snacks have fewer than 200 calories and still have a reasonable serving size).

Funny thing though. The vending machine at the White House sells honey buns that have 590 calories, 17 grams of fat and 30 grams of sugar.

It seems to me that she could have a lot of influence in the White House and that she could have things changed so they can lead by example.

But that is not the point now is it?

She and those who work in the White House under her hubby are part of the elite. They are the ones making the rules for you serfs and they are the ones who decide how YOU have to live.

They do not follow the same rules so if they want to eat honey buns with nearly three times the number of calories allowed in any school vending machine then they are damn well entitled to that.

Do not question your overlords just do what you are told to do and you won’t be placed on some watch list.

Michelle Obama, like all progressives, wants control over you and your children.

Control is for the people not for the elitists who run them.

While I would not eat that honey bun (it has nearly half my caloric intake for the day) I do not have the right to tell anyone whether they can eat it or not. And neither does Michelle.

I have to admit though; Michelle sure has some nice looking sugary honey buns in that vending machine.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Lawsuit Would Get A Response

A 5th grade boy wrote on his desk and the teacher caught him. Now most adults would recognize that the child did something wrong and then provide an appropriate punishment. The child could have been made to wash his desk and all other desks in the classroom during recess or after school. The child could have been made to wash his desk and then be given detention for a certain period of time.

There are plenty of methods of punishing a child for doing something wrong that will provide the child a lesson and prompt him not to do the bad thing again. The teacher’s punishment was not appropriate. She forced the child to lick the desk clean.

The parents of the child were very upset and wanted something done to the teacher for the inappropriate punishment. They have gone through the proper channels to get their concerns addressed but have been stonewalled. They even said that the issue could be resolved if the teacher were forced to get in front of the class and apologize but the principal says he can’t do that because it would be a directive which he cannot give (what sense does it make to be in charge then) and that it would not be sincere.

They have been advised that the teacher was dealt with but the situation is confidential.

I have an idea that will get them a response. The parents should get an attorney and sue the school and the teacher for a ton of money.

I bet that all kinds of directives can be issued by the principal if they will avoid a huge lawsuit and I bet the teacher would publicly apologize and be sincere if it will keep her from paying out money.

Of course I think it is too late for that and the parents should go for all they can get. The people in these positions need to be made examples of in order to keep them in line.

I do not condone what the child did and certainly he deserved an appropriate punishment. If that had happened there would be no issue.

But this teacher went over the line and the principal is not working to resolve it to the satisfaction of the parents so now it is time to make them pay.

If they can’t get satisfaction then lick them in court…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


More Indoctrination Of Our Children

A teacher in Virginia gave students an interesting assignment. They were to research political candidates and find things that opponents could use against them during a campaign. The students were assigned to do what is known as opposition research. The teacher did not tell them what to look for or where to find any information, just to find items that could be used against political opponents.

So far this sounds like an interesting assignment. It would be a great exercise for the students and they could develop their research skills at the same time. They would learn what opposition research is and how the information could be used and they would also learn how campaigns conduct such research.

If that had been the assignment then things might have been great. The problem is the teacher only assigned them the task of finding information on the Republican candidates seeking the nomination to run against Barack Obama. That’s right, the teacher divided the classroom into four groups and each group was assigned a Republican candidate to research.

While this is problematic it might still be manageable. The teacher could claim that since the four Republicans were running against each other the students could be conducting opposition research for one of the Republicans to use against the others. It would be an issue because it would expose the students to negative items about the Republicans but not to the current occupant of the White House but it could still get a pass depending on how it was presented.

The problem arises in the fact that the teacher not only failed to assign a group to do opposition research on Barack Obama but also instructed the students to write up the opposition research and to send it to the Obama campaign.

Some parents complained about the activity and the school quickly came to the teacher’s defense claiming that the instructions never included mailing the information out. The claim is that the students were to produce an address where they would actually mail it (you know, if they were really going to, wink, wink).

This does not square with what students told parents. It also presents a problem in and of itself. What is to stop the teacher from taking the student’s work and mailing it to the Obama campaign?

While I think the original idea could have had merit the teacher’s actions demonstrate that the information cannot be entrusted to his care. He could claim the students will not send it off and then do so himself.

This needs to be shut down OR they need to select four historical candidates and research them instead.

The schools are indoctrination machines for the federal government and the progressives in it.

We must remain vigilant if we do not want our children brainwashed by the collective on the left.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


These Kids Will Know It For Real, Soon Enough

A group of kids in Florida had an exercise where they pretended to live in a communist country in commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It sounds like a great exercise to get the kids involved and to teach them:

“I’m normally a nice person, but I have to be really firm with these people,” Stephany said. “They must come in, sit down and write this line on paper, front and back.”

The line: “I will serve the glorious East German state better.”

The students copied it repeatedly after watching a propaganda film depicting the evils of Western culture.


“This was a project of the history club, and their idea was that students should really have an idea of what it was like to live in a communist state,” said social studies teacher Patricia Johnston, who helped organize the project and served as the lead “comrade.” Herald Tribune

This kind of instruction is very innovative and allows students to experience rather than absorb through reading and verbal instruction.

Unfortunately, the way this country is going these kids might very well find out what life in a communist country is really like.

At least they will be prepared.

Big Dog


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What Happens When The Money Goes Away?

School systems are in for a rude awakening as stimulus funds, money they used to meet budget shortfalls, dry up. School systems that were not fiscally responsible and who relied on stimulus funds will be in bad shape once those funds are no longer available.

If those funds came with strings requiring states to keep that level of funding then the budget issue will be that much worse. Strings were attached to many items as a condition for getting stimulus money so there is no reason to believe that this is not the case.

School districts have already suffered big budget cuts since the recession began two years ago, but experts say the cash crunch will get a lot worse as states run out of stimulus dollars. My Way News

School systems are not the only ones. Any program that took the money and used it to fill a budget gap will be hit hard when the funds are gone. Sadly, this is not what stimulus money was intended for as we were told it would be used to create jobs. None of this creates jobs and might lead to job losses once the funds are gone.

The government uses money like a drug pusher uses heroin. They give it to states and then once the states are hooked they will do anything to keep that money. Then, the feds can threaten to cut off funds in order to extort states into doing what they [the feds] desire. Want a lower speed limit or lower blood alcohol level for DWI then threaten to withhold highway funds. It is a drug that keeps the states in line, following the orders from Washington.

It is time for states to go into rehab and break the addiction to federal government. It is also time we kept our money in our states and had limited taxes (preferably NOT on income) to run a limited government.

Big Dog


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