Where Was Sandy Berger When This Was Stolen?

In October 2003 Sandy Berger, former Clinton National Security Adviser, stole classified documents from the National Archive. There is no doubt he stole them because he stuffed them down his pants. He stole the documents to cover up any missteps taken by him and Clinton with regard to our security. Berger did not want the documents discovered during all the 9/11 investigations.

He was charged with, and pleaded guilty to, a misdameaner because it was determined he only took copies and that the documents were backed up on a hard drive.

Today it was announced that a hard drive containing a terabyte of information from the Clinton years is missing from the National Archives. The drive contains sensitive information as well as personally identifying information such as Social Security Numbers.

The Inspector General states the drive was stolen sometime between October 2008 and March 2009 after it was left unsecured in an area that is accessed by any number of people including visitors.

Did Sandy Berger visit the Archives during that time frame? Perhaps he was not satisfied with stealing copies and wanted the electronic version as well.

Can you imagine him meeting up with Bill Clinton after stuffing the hard drive down his pants?

CLINTON: Hey Sandy. Is that a hard drive in your pants or are you just happy to see me?

Big Dog

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