We Need Government Provided Cough Drops

We need this to prevent sore throats and suppress coughs. There are a lot more of folks in need of this than government provided birth control. And, as you all know (wink, wink) it costs $3000 a year for cough drops.

Looks like the guy wises up at the end and decides to buy his own.

There is a message in there somewhere…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Tale Of Two Slut Victims

Sandra Fluke, the 30 year old activist masquerading as a student, was labeled a slut by Rush Limbaugh. She claimed (even said “as you know”) that birth control costs $3000 for three years and that women in school could not afford it. I have already done the math and she would have to have sex 28 times a day to use that much money worth of condoms and she could buy pills for 28 years with that much money, so she lied. I would say she was misinformed but she is an activist. If she told people what it really cost then they would laugh her out of the place. She needed to make it a great number to excuse the violation of the First Amendment.

Limbaugh simply pointed out that we have names for women who want to be paid for sex or who would have sex as many times as required to use $3000 in birth control (in three years).

The left has come unhinged and is calling for Limbaugh’s sponsors to pull their ads. Some of them have and the left is pushing for the rest of them to do so. The reason has nothing to do with the so called war on women. The left couldn’t care less about Fluke. The real issue is the desire to get Limbaugh off the air. The left has been working to drive him off the air for years and now it is all ginned up over a phony issue.

Phony? How dare you Big Dog? Well, it is phony. The left has plenty of figures who call women all kinds of names. They are called c*nts, bitches, sluts, bimbos, and who knows what else? Bill Maher, David Letterman, and Ed Schultz have all used such language toward women and have suffered no ill effects. At least one of Limbaugh’s sponsors (Carbonite) still runs ads on Schultz’s show. Of course, the guy running it is a supporter of the left. He donates to liberals and to organizations run by George Soros, the same Soros who wants Limbaugh off the air.

Have you heard about any boycotts? Have you heard anyone call for companies to remove ads from these shows? Have you heard the left get its collective pink panties in a bunch about any of this?

No and you won’t because the women who were attacked are conservatives. Like I said, they don’t care about women, just ideology.

Laura Ingram even tells us that while the gaggle at The View is apoplectic over the words Limbaugh used Barbara Walters laughed off the same word used against Ingram. Ha, ha. It would seem Schultz’s apology, which was accepted by Ingram, was good enough for the hens at The View but Limbaugh (who apologized) is not sincere and needs to go.

This is a war on conservative talk. Limbaugh is the big target and the left is employing Saul Alinsky’s tactics from Rules for Radicals in order to get him.

Perhaps it will work, perhaps not. But so far Limbaugh seems to be doing OK.

And Carbonite’s stock is down 8% as of this writing.

Further more, we should be focused on Obama’s record and the needs of the country.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Left’s Plan To Silence Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh told the truth last week and there has been an uproar. He apologized for his words saying that he used the tactics of the left when addressing the lies of Sandra Fluke who was trotted out by liberals in an attempt to justify their violation of the First Amendment with regard to religious institutions.

Limbaugh was correct in what he said. A woman who asks others to pay for her sex has a name in this country. And Fluke lied to boot. She said it costs $3000 for three years for birth control. One can buy a thousand condoms for $110 and that would last nearly three years if one had sex every day. To use $3000 worth of condoms one would have to have sex nearly 28 times a day. There is a name for women who do that as well. Rush used both of those names and he was correct in his assessment. He probably should not have said it but he was not wrong. As an aside, I saw Sandra Fluke’s picture. She does not need birth control, she IS birth control.

By the way, birth control pills are already available from a government sponsored entitity called Planned Parenthood and they cost $15-$50 a month. A Target near the campus sells them for $9 a month. At that price $3000 would buy nearly 28 years worth of birth control.

So Fluke lied. of course she did. She is a feminist activist who enrolled at her school specifically to challenge its ban on providing birth control. Period.

Now Limbaugh has a few advertisers who have pulled ads from his program. He says it will not hurt the show as he turns down millions in advertising each year. But, a deeper look into the companies that pulled ads shows that they are run by left wing morons who support the liberal agenda and who donate to George Soros entities. They are in place and looking to derail conservative talk.

So it is time for us to step up and take action, or inaction. The seven companies who pulled their ads are Sleep Train, Sleep Number, Legal Zoom, Citrix, Quicken Loans, Carbonite, and Pro Flowers. What say we stop doing business with them and let them pander to the 20% of the population that identifies as liberal?

These companies have every right to stop advertising but we have every right NOT to buy from them.

Support Rush Limbaugh and free speech and put an end to liberal manpulation.

Read the entire sordid details at the American Spectator.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
