The Art Of The Khan

Before I begin I want to say that CPT Khan was a hero and he died fighting for America. There has never been any question about that regardless of how the media portray what has been said. No one has dishonored the service and sacrifice of CPT Khan. The important takeaway is HIS sacrifice.

Khizr Khan, CPT Khan’s father, sacrificed nothing. Let me be clear, he sacrificed nothing. The sacrifice was solely CPT Khan’s. The Khan’s suffered a loss and we grieve with them and empathize with them for their loss but it is a loss, not a sacrifice. Saying that the family of a dead service member sacrificed is like saying the family of a Medal of Honor recipient earned that medal. We service members and veterans take our own decisions and the sacrifices made (as well as the awards earned) belong to us and us alone.

Mr. Khan’s attack on Donald Trump at the Democrat convention was based on Trump’s assertion that we needed to stop Muslims from countries that support terrorism from coming to America until we could figure out what was going on. In other words, put a halt to this until we can determine what kind of people are coming in. We need to make sure the kind of people that killed CPT Khan are not allowed into this country.

The attack had nothing to do with CPT Khan and HIS sacrifice. Khizr made a slim connection by saying his son, a Muslim, served honorably and Trump would keep people like him out but this is part of the false narrative. CPT Khan is the kind of person who would have been allowed in (if, you know, he were not ALREADY and American citizen). Trump wants to keep out the kind of people who killed him so the argument from Khizr is false.

There has been a firestorm over Trump’s reaction to Mr. Khan. I personally think there were many better ways Trump could have responded that would have made a point in his favor without directly attacking Mr. Khan. Make no mistake, Khizr Khan went on national TV and berated a candidate for the presidency so at that point he became fair game. The fact that he lost a son in the war does not give him blanket protection. He is responsible for what he said and his hero son’s death is not a shield to keep him from being held responsible.

But Trump could have handled it better. This, of course, is why the Khan’s were paraded out in the first place. The Democrats used them to score political points because they knew full well Trump would respond and their supporters (as well as a large portion of the electorate) would be too stupid to see all of this. All they needed was a compliant media to start a lie that Trump attacked a Gold Star family and dishonored their hero son and the bait was set. Liberals and many establishment Republicans took it hook line and sinker and the firestorm over Trump began.

It was a con game from the beginning. Hell, one only needs to look at Khizr Khan’s background and what he does to know he is a liberal who works to bring Muslims into this nation and he thinks Sharia Law trumps (see what I did there) the very Constitution he waved around on stage. He aligns himself with the party that does not give a rodent’s derriere about his son or any other service member and then plays the victim when he is taken to task for his politically motivated speech. You know it is a con game when the families of the Benghazi victims are treated horribly by Hillary Clinton and not a word is said but Khizr is taken to task by Trump and boom, suddenly she and the liberals care about those who sacrificed their lives for America.

If Khan’s motivations were not political then he would embrace Trump’s plan because it is designed to deny the kind of people who killed his son from coming here.

But that would be bad for Khizr’s immigration business….

As for Donald Trump, he would probably benefit from an old idea called thinking before you speak, or tweet, as the case may be.

There are plenty of ways to tell people to go have sex with themselves and have them leave wanting to actually do it.

Trump knows the art of the deal, perhaps he should learn the art of tact. Remember Donald, being tactful is not political correctness.

Imagine if Trump had responded by saying; “I understand their grief and I am sorry for their loss. I would think they would support a plan such as mine that ensures the kind of people who killed their son are prevented from entering our great nation. God bless.”

We would probably be talking about something else and Mr. Khan would not be all over the TV continuing the con.

In short Mr. Trump, if you get beat you get beat but don’t get beat because you gave your enemy the weapon that caused your demise.

Ann Coulter; The Wrath of Khan
Breitbart; Khan and Sharia Law…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Memorial Day 2015

Today is the day our nation has set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We honor the men and women who died to keep this nation safe and free.

As you go about your day remember what it is really all about and say a prayer for the families of those who left us way too soon so that we might be free to enjoy not just this day but every day.

Our Flag does not move in the breeze. It moves with the last breath of every man and woman who died defending it. Keep that in mind as you see morons walking on and burning our Flag. They disrespect themselves, their country and the men and women who died to keep them safe and free.


Keep those who still serve in your prayers until they are all safely home. Pray we do not have to honor them on a future Memorial Day.

Thanks to Mr. Heller who gave me permission to use his cartoon back in 2009.

Keep in mind the Flag will be at Half Staff until noon and then raised to the top. If your Flag can be displayed at half staff you should follow this protocol.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


We Honor Their Sacrifice

Today is the day our nation has set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We honor the men and women who died to keep this nation safe and free.

As you go about your day remember what it is really all about and say a prayer for the families of those who left us way too soon so that we might be free to enjoy not just this day but every day.


Keep those who still serve in your prayers until they are all safely home. Pray we do not have to honor them on a future Memorial Day.

Thanks to Mr. Heller who gave me permission to use his cartoon back in 2009.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Give Me Liberty…

…Or give me death.

Immortal words from a speech given by Patrick Henry (published after his death).

Interestingly, there are many people today who choose something other than liberty and they make no bones about it. Jules Witcover, writing in the Baltimore Sun, has produced a piece in which he describes the enhanced security procedures of the TSA as a sacrifice for the security of our nation. Witcover equates this sacrifice to the sacrifices made by the people who fought or supported WW II and to a lesser extent Vietnam.

Witcover describes sacrifices made by people during those tumultuous periods of our history and then goes on to say that those who are squeamish about making sacrifices now can stay home on Thanksgiving and watch football (not a bad idea regardless).

But what Witcover fails to see is the distinction between personal sacrifice as in doing without or collecting for the war effort and the sacrifice of liberty.

During WW II Americans did without quite a bit in order to support the war effort. Food was rationed and people collected rubber and scrap metal to help the war effort. Americans bought savings bonds to support the effort. These are all admirable things and none of them involved sacrificing LIBERTY.

The enhanced screening done by the TSA is an invasion of privacy and an affront to our rights. We have a right to travel by air (as codified in the United States Code) and we have a right not to be searched without probable cause. The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution protects us against such invasions.

Witcover thinks that we should ignore our rights and acquiesce to the government because, to him, it is no big deal to have this disregard of our rights in the name of security. It is, as he points out, a sacrifice that we should make.

Americans are not dismissing the need for security at our airports though one could argue that the procedures in place are hit and miss and that anyone with ill intent could easily breach security. The issue with the enhanced procedures, as I see it, is not about security but about control (the process is a great example of the Overton Window). There are other non intrusive methods available that have proven more effective. The Israelis use a method of profiling that screens passengers and weeds them out to those who pose no threat and those who might. Those who might are given a more thorough look while those who are not are sent on their way.

The Israelis have not had problems with terrorists getting on their planes.

My message to Mr. Witcover and others who think like him is that we should never, ever give up our liberty in the name of security. We are not the enemy and we are not the threat. Those who are can be better identified and dealt with without subjecting the rest of us to intrusive searches.

We are Americans and we have rights and we should never abandon those rights in the name of security.

As Ben Franklin stated; “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Those, like Witcover, who would give up their liberty in order to have the temporary security on an airplane deserve neither liberty or security.

What do you say we actually work on targeting those who would do us harm and leave the non invasive screening for those who value their liberty?

Mr. Witcover, it is admirable to sacrifice during times of trouble and past generations have shown what sacrifice is but they did so without sacrificing their liberty. While one could argue that this generation is sacrificing little in the way of supporting the war effort, that should not be an excuse to demand that people sacrifice their liberty.

America is the land of the free because it is the home of the brave and that includes the brave people who stand up to tyranny from their own government. It includes those who refuse to allow their rights to be violated in the name of security.

I wonder where Mr. Witcover would stand if the government decided, in the name of security, that all articles from journalists had to got through the government to be censored. Jules, would you be willing to sacrifice in that instance or do you only value some rights?

The entire text attributed to Patrick Henry is as follows:

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

Substitute the word security for peace in the quote and you will have my answer to Mr. Witcover’s request for sacrifice.

I don’t plan on dying anytime soon and I certainly don’t plan on giving up my liberty.

Remember, the only way you can lose your rights is to give them away.

And if that is the kind of sacrifice you want then you can count me out…

You can contact Mr. Witcover at

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Dear Mr. Obama, Very Moving

This is a video that should be viewed by as many people as possible. This soldier lays it on the line for Barack Obama and then lets us know that John McCain knows what it is like to suffer and sacrifice for his country. This soldier knows it as well.

Well done young man.

Big Dog