Why The Rush To Vote On Spending Bill?

Barack Obama said it was dire and we would have a catastrophe if it was not completed. The Democrats said it had to be done. They were so hasty, looking out for you of course, that they broke their promises to post it on the web (5 days from Obama and 48 hours from Congress) for review. It had to be done right fricking now. So the bill was delivered near midnight on Thursday and voted on Friday.

Not one member of Congress read it. No one had the time to read it even if they wanted to.

The votes were cast by people who have no idea of what the complete bill contains. The Democrats said it had to be done quickly and so they broke their promises and voted. The reason it had to be done quickly is so that Nancy Pelosi could board a jet and travel to Europe. She will get a little business done while sightseeing at taxpayer expense. It also had to be done quickly to keep the public from seeing too much of what was in it.

Obama expressed his satisfaction and gratitude at the hard work done to get the bill passed. We have catastrophes to avert you know. Surely he was waiting at the White House for the bill to be delivered so that he could sign it into law. Time is of the essence as he told us so he must have been eager to get his BO tacked to the signature line.

Nope. The bill that had to be completed at warp speed will not be signed until Tuesday and the Sainted One will sign it in Denver, the site of his imperial acceptance speech.

So can anyone tell me why there was such an urgency for the bill to be voted upon on Friday? I understand that the members of Congress wanted to get their week long holiday in but we pay them to work in DC for as long as they are needed there. Why is it that they could not have scheduled the vote for Monday and taken the weekend to read the damned thing? I know Pelosi needed to catch a plane but the House had enough votes without her so she could have left. I know the true leaders would stay but no one in Congress is a true leader or they would not have been worrying more about getting home than getting this right.

Imagine how much better informed they would have been if they could have had Friday and the weekend to read 400 or so pages a day and digest all that is involved. It would have given them time to see what waste is in the bill and the opportunity to inform their constituents. It could have been posted on the web so citizens could read it as well.

But therein lies the problem. The Democrats do not want people to closely scrutinize what is in the bill. That might cause even greater uproar and discontent. It might lead to some actually having to defend the position taken when it comes time for reelection. No, can’t have the people or their elected officials actually knowing what is in there.

Most of these people are lawyers. How many of them would tell a client to sign a document without reading it? This is exactly what they did when they voted for the bill. They put their signatures to legislation that they did not read. That is irresponsible and it is definitely not leadership.

Now reasonable people can debate whether some of the items in the bill are important. The issue is, did they belong in THIS bill? The bill is supposed to be a stimulus bill so there are many items that should have been left out and introduced through the normal legislative process.

If Nancy Pelosi thinks it is important to have rodent habitats or prevention of STD programs then those items should have been introduced as part of the normal process and debated on their individual merits. The members of Congress used the economic emergency to push through things that are not stimulative in order to get what they wanted without having to follow normal procedures.

They used the crisis to get what they wanted just like Rahm Emanuel said they would.

Anyone who feels comfortable with this bill or thinks that all the items in it are necessary should not be allowed in public without a head guard and a chaperone.

The Democrats and their president abused the legislative process in order to push an agenda and they did it with little or no regard for the American taxpayer. They saddled out descendants with debt in order to get what they wanted without having to do it the right way.

Shame on them and shame on any moron who thinks this is appropriate.

Big Dog

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You Have 90 Days To Fix The Economy Obama

Barack Obama you have 90 days to have the economy turned around and things fixed. If you do not have it fixed in 90 days you will be a failed president and have served the shortest amount of time before having a failed presidency.

I know that some of your mindless drones will say that my demand is unreasonable but you gave me the expectation and sense of urgency and now you have to live up to it. It was you and the idiots in your party who claimed that we must act NOW. There will be a catastrophe if we fail to act NOW. Time is of the essence and the longer we wait more people will lose their jobs. You and your minions impressed upon the public the absolute urgency of the situation and now you are required to demonstrate quick action in fixing the economy.

I understand that the bill will do little in the first year and a little more in the second and I have read where some of your people are trying to downplay expectations.


You set high goals and our expectations are very high because you used the politics of fear to insist that the country was in such terrible shape that we needed to act now. You people acted so quickly that you broke a number of promises to push this bill through. You broke your promise on transparency, you broke your promise to publish bills for 5 days before a vote, you lied about there being no earmarks (or pork) and the Congress broke its promise to have it up for 48 hours before it was voted on. You broke you promise with regard to lobbyists when K street had the bill before staffers.

Obama, none of you could have possibly read the bill. It was so urgent that it get passed that you all did not read it. Democrats just gave it to the lobbyists for approval and then voted yes for a pile of papers that contained God knows what. This was all in the name of urgency because people continue to lose jobs while the bill is debated so let’s not debate, just vote yes.

Well, I expect there to be NO job losses for March and from here on out. You must be adding jobs by the end of March because you made it clear that not passing the bill would mean more lost jobs so passing the bill means no more lost jobs. You made it clear that the economy needed a jump start and that the longer we waited the deeper we went into the chasm. It has passed now so I expect the economy to begin rebounding in 90 days. If it has not then you lied. If the economy is not better in 90 days then the urgency was all contrived so that you could quickly push through your liberal pork package while everyone was caught up in the fear you instilled.

90 days Barack. That is all you have to get the economy in shape and have it starting on the mend. I know your folks are saying it will take a while but you do not have a while. It was urgent for this to be passed to avert catastrophe (your words) so now you have 90 days.

If you do not have things under control then you will be a failure.

I want to make it clear. You needed this bill so badly that there could be no prolonged debate and you worked drug deals in back rooms. It had to be done immediately. You inferred that anyone who did not vote for it was unpatriotic and you made it clear that it had to happen now. You had no patience for debate. It had to be done now.

Well Barry, we are impatient as well. We want jobs NOW. We want credit NOW. We want the stimulus to begin working NOW. We will not allow you to steamroll the bill through and then stonewall on the results. You wanted immediate action AND SO DO WE. You do not have a year, or two, or three. You have 90 days.

That is about 4 times longer than you gave Congress to pass the bill. A year or two or three is unsatisfactory. Immediately means right fricking now and not way off in the future.

You have 90 days or you are a failure.

Big Dog

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