Dismantling Obama’s Speech To His Muslim Brothers

Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs did a great job of taking Obama’s speech apart. She goes through it and dispels the falsehoods he spewed and the erroneous claims that he made with regard to his brothers in his new found Islamic roots.

Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.

And it only got worse. It was terrible. My heart is heavy for my country and the free world.

The media can spin their subjugation and adulation a million different ways, but America did not vote for a “Muslim presidency,” which is what this is. Obama deceitfully hid his Muslim background and schooling and his agenda. Little did America know that Obama’s objective would be a conversion of this nation to “the largest Muslim country in the world”. From the moment he spoke as President, in the inaugural address, Islam was falsely given a preeminent place in the creation of America. In this speech, he quoted from the Koran three times. Why doesn’t anybody comment on this? Why doesn’t anyone ever comment on what he projected vs. what he is? Why won’t all those talking heads state the obvious?

The Asia Times said Obama made a mistake by speaking in Cairo. “Why should the president of the United States address the ‘Muslim world?,” it asked. “What would happen if the leader of a big country addressed the ‘Christian world’? Half the world would giggle and the other half would sulk.”

“To speak to the ‘Muslim world’ is to speak not to a fact, but rather to an aspiration,” the paper stated, “and that is the aspiration that Islam shall be a global state religion as its founders intended. To address this aspiration is to breathe life into it. For an American president to validate such an aspiration is madness.”

He quoted extensively from the Koran.

In his typically anti-semitic fashion, Obama came down very hard on the Jews in his speech today to the Muslim world.

MK Aryeh Eldad in Israel said, “Obama makes a shocking parallel between the destruction of European Jewry and the suffering that the Arabs of Israel brought upon themselves when they declared war on Israel.”

“If Obama does not understand the difference between them, perhaps he will understand it better when he visits the concentration camp in the comings days. And if he doesn’t understand it even there, then Islam will once again teach it to him, just as it taught his predecessor on 9/11.”

Be sure to head over to her site and read the rest. It is long as she dissects his claims. WARNING; some of the pictures linked to depict graphic violence at the hands of the people who have “demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

Big Dog

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Obama Got Snubbed

Ms. Underestimated has a video up of Obama being snubbed. She recorded it at a slow speed to show the extent of the snub. Obama is in the receiving line with the other Saudi dignitaries and he keeps extending his hand to shake and people ignore him and shake the King’s hand instead. The last person does shake Obama’s hand.

I thought he was the guy to bring the world together. I thought he would have this open dialog and the Muslim world would just love him to pieces.

Considering the newest tape reported to be from Osama bin Laden it would appear as if Obama is not such a big hit after all. The speaker on the tape (analysts are trying to determine authenticity) says that Obama is just like George Bush:

In his latest audio message, bin Laden warns Americans to prepare for war as the policies of Obama are no different from those of former President George W. Bush in the eyes of al Qaeda. ABC

That certainly is not very friendly of OBL. How dare he pick on such a transformational figure as Obama. Especially after Obama has finally openly embraced his Muslim roots, the ones he kept denying during the campaign. He did everything he could to squash any hint that he had Muslim roots. He said his father was agnostic but now he was a Muslim. Helps with the Muslims if your Muslim creds are in order.

Then again, if that were the case they should have taken the time to shake his hand.

Prediction for tomorrow’s speech. Obama will tell the Israelis that they need to accept a Palestinian state and that Jerusalem should be part of Palestine. He will say that the Israelis should give up Jerusalem. Just my prediction so we will see.

Big Dog

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