Preview Of Government Run Health Care

It has been stated that if you like the Department of Motor Vehicles or the Post Office then you will love Obamacare. The government cannot run anything efficiently and there will be lines and denied claims (Medicare is the biggest denier of claims) so the question is why do some want the government involved in health care?

In Detroit word got out that government was giving away $3000 to people in order to help them make ends meet. This is part of the stimulus (if the stimulus worked these people would not need the money). Chaos ensued, fights broke out and people were mobbing the place.

Imagine what it will be like when they can get free health care.

This is a picture from the Detroit handout. Just think, if Obama gets his way this could be your doctor’s office.

This is the one page “Small Bill” proposed by Republicans. It is much better.

Big Dog

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