Blind Allegiance Means Taken For Granted

I do not agree with the Congressional Black Caucus on most issues and I actually see no need for a black caucus but one exists and it appears that its sole function is to address the unique needs of the black community.

What unique needs? When one removes the descriptive terms from in front we are left with the word American. We are all Americans and have similar needs. We have a need for limited government that provides a safe environment where we can pursue our dreams and employ our talents. We want our children to receive a good education that prepares them for their futures. We want the ability to work and earn our own money and the freedom to spend it as we see fit.

Unfortunately, the black community has a unique set of needs because it has allowed itself to become slaves to the Democrat Party. The black community allowed racists like LBJ to put policies into place that made generations of blacks dependent on government so that as years have passed the black vote is a guarantee for Democrats. This was Johnson’s plan all along. He basically said that if he could get blacks (he used a racial term) on government programs then Democrats would have voters for years to come.

This has happened as generations of blacks have been bought off with government programs designed to keep them in poverty and keep them voting Democrat. About 95% of blacks vote Democrat so the voting block is considered a lock. Democrats do not have to spend time wooing blacks. When elections draw near the Democrats remind black voters of all the stuff they have been given, how Democrats take care of them, how Republicans are racists, and if they want to keep their programs they need to keep voting for the Democrats.

This has worked for a long time as evidenced by the huge percentage of blacks who vote for Democrats. Democrats are so sure of the black vote they care little if their actions offend black voters.

Back to the CBC. The CBC was upset with Obama in his first term because the Caucus felt he did not address things like the high unemployment rate among blacks and that he did nothing to address the unique needs of the black community. BUT, they endorsed and voted for him. Partly because he is black but mostly because he has a D after his name. The fact that he was ineffective did not keep them from voting for the plantation master.

It is obvious that blacks are enslaved by the Democrat Party. Any person of color who decides not to follow the Democrats is subject to a figurative public lynching by the Democrats. They become Uncle Toms and house Negroes (not my words, the words of Democrats of all colors). Look at how Alan West and Condi Rice have been treated.

If the CBC had the same list of grievances against a Republican president as they do against Obama they would not endorse that president (they would never endorse a Republican anyway) and would do everything they could to defeat that person in the next election.

The CBC doubled down on Obama because he is a Democrat.

The CBC is upset with the new cabinet selections Obama has made because they are all white folks. They had the same concerns in his first term and were very upset at his selection of a Hispanic instead of a black for a position. Why would Obama do this?

Perhaps he is paying off political debt. Perhaps he is selecting the people he thinks are the best for the job. Perhaps he is trying to do to Hispanics what LBJ did to the blacks. Perhaps he is a racist. Who knows?

The reality is that George Bush selected two black folks as Secretary of State and achieved two firsts. First black and then first black woman.

Obama has no such record and his lack of diversity is not sitting well with the CBC and its constituents.

This is what happens when a group votes in lockstep and holds a huge allegiance to one party. The vote is taken for granted because Democrats know that no matter what they do they will still get well north of 90% of the black vote. Democrats have made racist remarks, have shunned blacks and have ignored them and they still vote Democrat.

History is on Obama’s side because history is on the Democrat’s side. That history is a blind allegiance of blacks.

Blind allegiance leads to being ignored. If the CBC and the black community wants respect and wants its voices heard then it needs to start being informed when it votes. It needs to vote against those who have been in power for decades and who have ignored them for decades. If the black community voted out these people in mass and showed that it is capable of independent thinking and will hold politicians accountable then they would be paid more attention.

Until that time they will always be second class citizens to the Democrats, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and racism.

Come on over to the Republicans side. Come share your conservative values among our party and see what it is like to be welcomed with open arms. Come to where you will be treated like individuals and not a reliable voting block. Come to where you can grow and prosper.

Or stay in the plantation and wait for scraps from the master’s table.

No matter what Democrats tell you, the choice is yours.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



All The News Fit To Invent

It is no secret that the Democrat controlled media are biased. They carry the water for the Democrats and their messiah Barack Obama and will do anything to make him look good and to keep him in power. It is in their nature because they have long since abandoned journalism and have become cheerleaders of the left.

When Barack Obama was immaculated Rush Limbaugh declared that he hoped Obama failed and by that he meant that he knew what Obama wanted to do to (not for) America and he hoped Obama failed at it. Rush was right about what Obama wanted to do though whether he was a failure or not (at doing what he wanted TO America) is up for debate.

There is no doubt Obama is a failed leader and will be the worst president in our history. I declared Obama was a failure early on and took a lot of heat from the left. My assessment was based on his efforts to stimulate the economy and the lack of results obtained. He failed, plain and simple.

A reporter from CBS named Danielle Nottingham was at the Republican convention. She began reporting on the failures in Romney’s speech as soon as the speech started. In other words, this alleged journalist was reporting on what the speech failed to convey before she heard what was in it.

I was quick to label Obama a failed president but that was at least based on my observations of something he had done. Nottingham gave her assessment before she even knew what she was reporting on.

This is in the liberal media playbook. They report what they want people to hear regardless of what was said and regardless of if they even heard what was said.

Limbaugh routinely plays different montages of soundbites from the liberal media where they all parrot the same words and those words are Democrat talking points. Whatever the buzz word of the day is they all mention it. Whatever the talking point, they say it. It matters not whether they are accurate because they have a messiah and his corrupt party to protect.

Nottingham is no different. She was there to harm Romney and the Republicans in any way possible.

The Maryland delegation caught her in the act and called her out. She and her crew thought they could intimidate the Maryland Republicans but she must not be aware that Republicans are a minority in Maryland and know how to handle abuse from left wing morons.

I think if Nottingham writes to the journalism school she attended she might be able to get a refund of her tuition.

Then again, they might give her an award for upholding liberal journalistic standards. Party first, truth be damned.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


A Voter’s Guide To Republicans – Bill Whittle

Bill Whittle has provided us with a timely and accurate voter’s guide to Republicans. He discusses greed, racism, and fascism as they pertain to the Republican party. This is something all voters need to watch to be informed:

Watch and learn.

Then send it to your friends so they can learn as well.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Dismantling Obamacare

Republicans were sent to Congress in record numbers last November and one big thing on the agenda was to repeal Obamacare which remains on the books even though it has been declared unconstitutional. It is a tall order because the Senate is still controlled by Democrats and Obama wields the might veto pen. However, all is not lost. Republicans are working on defunding the Democrat’s signature law and the FY 2012 budget does not provide one cent for the law. In addition, the 800 billion dollars in tax increases and other funding measures will be repealed with passage of the budget.

This is still a tall order because Democrats control the Senate and the White House but it is not insurmountable. The Democrats are already fighting a battle over a budget for this year and that fight is self inflicted. The same folks who are out screaming about how it is irresponsible not to have a budget or that Republicans are delaying one from being passed are the same ones who punted the ball on passing a budget when they were in charge. Democrats (and the country) only have one group to blame for the lack of a budget and the potential shut down of the government and that is the Democrats. They were in charge and decided not to pass a budget with an election on the horizon.

This left it up to Republicans to clean up the mess (once again) before they could get down to business.

Despite having to deal with the neglect of the Democrats the Republicans have pushed forward with a blueprint for the 2012 fiscal year. It is not pretty and will cause some pain but it is what we need to get our fiscal house in order. There will be trillions of dollars cut over the next decade and programs will be restructured to ensure solvency. Along with that Obamacare will not be funded.

A symbolic gesture was made today when part of Obamacare was repealed. The part that deals with filing 1099s passed both chambers of Congress and now Obama will be tested. There is a provision in the bill that he does not like so he will have to decide whether to veto the entire thing or swallow hard and bite the bullet.

It is not much in the over all scheme of things but it is an appetizer to the main meal of the FY 2012 budget.

Republicans are holding the feet of the Democrats to the fire and need to keep working on getting our fiscal house in order. They need to keep working to get rid of Obamacare.

And if Democrats continue to resist then they need to be replaced in the next election.

We need to get back to our heritage of paying our bills. We need to stop deficit spending and we need to do it now.

As an aside, ever notice how members of political parties are against deficit spending until they are in charge? Let us hope that the Republicans have learned their lesson and return us to fiscal sanity.

If not, they know that they too can be replaced.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Reid: Everything bad from 2012 – 2014 is Republican’s Fault

Already Dingy Harry is claiming that everything bad that happens between now and 2014 is the fault of Republicans. Did I call this, or what? Reid is campaigning, right now, November 3, 2012, for Democrat candidates in 2014. And, like any good Democrat, he just throws the lies around.

Reid has “warned” the GOP to stop obstructing, like they have been doing. Of course, that’s a complete lie. I’ve mentioned this one before, but the media never calls him on it. It is a complete and total lie to claim Republicans blocked ANY legislation in the Senate — it was literally impossible. If every single Republican voted against an issue and every Democrat voted for it, it passed. Therefore, the ONLY way there was “obstruction” was if a DEMOCRAT voted against Reid.

But hey, Harry says he wants to work with Republicans, but only if they’re going to agree with him. Well, he said something about “a combined yes,” which actually means, either agree 100% with Harry or he’s going to call you an obstructionist. As I predicted, the Democrat campaign theme for 2014 is already revealed: Republicans are the party of no and to blame for anything bad.

Reid shows his confusion when he claims in one sentence that he’s comfortable with his 53-seat majority, yet says that the ball is in the Republicans’ court. Well which is it, Harry? Are you in charge or Republicans? Oh, wait, I know the answer — when anything liberal is passed, Harry’s in charge. When anything liberal fails to pass, Republicans get all the credit.

Hey, it could be worse — anti-gun king Schumer could be running the place.


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