The New Obama Crisis

Rahm Emanuel said that they should never let a crisis go to waste. Since that time the Obama regime has been manufacturing one crisis after another in order to scare Americans into following the agenda put forward by the Dear Leader Obama. In other words, the fear mongering that Obama accused George Bush of is exactly what Obama and his regime are doing in order to get what they want. I don’t know why they bother because even when the majority of Americans do not buy their song and dance they still push forward and pass what they want.

The financial crisis was one that had to be addressed immediately or the world would end. We must act or now and pass the stimulus. While the administration claims that the stimulus did what it was expected to do (the goal is a moving target) the evidence is that we spent nearly a trillion dollars and got little. Unemployment remains above the number promised if we passed the stimulus and the economy, while slowing showing signs of improvement, is set to experience a second recession and inflation. The stock market is up based on the activity of a few stocks and projections for a year and a half away. Right now, we are still in trouble.

The health care takeover bill that was recently signed into law was one that had to be passed or we faced crisis. The major portions of the law do not take effect until well after the 2012 election but the taxes and other revenue generating gimmicks take place right now. If we had to act NOW then why do major portions not take effect for years to come? This crisis was manufactured to get Obama’s signature legislation passed and allow the government to sink its teeth even deeper into our necks.

Now we have a new crisis being manufactured. The regime has blamed the financial collapse on Wall Street and while that entity deserves some of the blame, it is not the only reason that we have this problem. The housing market, pumped up by government regulation requiring banks to lend to people who could not afford homes, is another key player in the mess. George Bush gets a lot of the blame from the Obama regime but it was he who said that we needed to reign in Fannie and Freddie. People like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd said there were no problems and that these entities were sound. They were only sound for the friends of Democrats who received millions in compensation for running them into the ground.

Obama told us recently, using the words he always uses in a crisis (if we don’t act now), that we must pass the financial reform bill. The financial system, like the health care system, needs some reform but it does not need massive government intervention and takeover. But this is what the government wants. It has control of two of the three major auto makers, the banks, student loans, and now the health care system. It wants to control every aspect of our lives.

But ask yourselves, do you trust the people who ran up a 12 TRILLION dollar deficit to run anything else? Do you trust that government can run the auto industry? GM is still taking big losses. Do you trust the people who run the Post Office to run your health care? Government spends OUR money. It has no concept of what a budget is or how to live within the constraints of one. Government has no business being in business even if it were actually capable of balancing a budget and living within its means.

This regime has usurped the Constitution and is moving us steadily along into a world of Socialism where playing fields are leveled, where income is redistributed and where government runs everything.

This November we have a chance to elect conservatives (notice I did not say Republicans). We have a chance to elect people who will follow the Constitution and who will make Obama a lame duck for his first (and God willing, only) term.

Get energized. There are 435 job openings in the House and about 33 job openings in the Senate.

Let’s fill them with people who have actually worked in the real world and who will follow the Constitution as it was written and as it was intended.

The only real crisis in this country is the crisis that exists as our elected government. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste.

Make Rahm Emanuel and the Obama regime eat those words this November.

My Way News
Was this a deliberate stunt to garner support for the reform bill? This is how dictatorships run…
The financial bill would reward Goldman Sachs and others by providing perpetual bail-outs. Once again Dodd’s name appears.
More on Dodd (or is it moron Dodd?)

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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